This paper relies on the distribution among all citizens, both to reduce selection bias and to substantially increase our sample size, since few citizens attend houses of worship in some countries. The coordinates x and y are within the crack plane, a complex variable z is defined as x+iy, and the … In the Appendix, we present a figure depicting country-by-country analysis incorporating other demographic variables, including age, income, and gender. (While secularization refers to the declining public role of religion, secularism means a legal, constitutional framework in which the state is independent of and neutral toward religious institutions.) 1). Levels of reported religious politicking, by educational level. The 760-bp product was amplified from the endogenous CYP17 genes after reaction of genomic DNA with bisulfite. However, the other two dependent variables are significantly related to human development, liberal democracy, secularism, and religious pluralism. In addition, religious pluralism is an oft-overlooked consequence of modernization that we argue has downstream effects on religious politicking. Pooled transfectant clones were selected in medium containing 200 µg/ml G418 for 14 days. In the second step, some citizens are more likely to receive religious messages about elections than others. We would argue that religious attendance is a particularly important indicator of religiosity for studying elite-mass communication. (c) Bottom-strand PCR product; bisulfite-treated genomic DNA from cells transfected with methylated DNA as template. Trusted and independent source of local, national and world news. Still, in these multivariate models, the only statistically significant determinants of religious engagement in politics are human development and religious pluralism. In the first step, clergy and religious associations implicitly or explicitly assess the costs and benefits of this form of communication. 1. e.g., J Biol Chem or Nature. Meanwhile, triangles and squares represent the equivalent correlations between the independent variables and the mean levels of clergy candidate support and the religious politicking index, respectively. Politics, world news, photos, video, tech reviews, health, science and entertainment news. Sonnet 24 is an English or Shakespearean sonnet. We conceptualize religious politicking as a form of strategic communication: (a) a messenger (the clergy member or religious association) transmits a message about politics, and (b) a citizen receives it. By contrast, the impacts of education and religious attendance on exposure to political messages in clergy preaching appear to be independent. Decline curves are one of the most extensively used forms of data analysis employed in the evaluation of oil properties. Empirically, case studies hint that competition increases religious politicking (Iannaccone Reference Iannaccone1992; Finke and Iannaccone Reference Finke and Iannaccone1993; Gill Reference Gill2008; Akdede Reference Akdede2010; Trejo Reference Trejo2012; Smith Reference Smith2019). Levels of reported religious politicking, by country. However, revisionist theories argue that democracy instead increases religious engagement in politics, by lowering its costs. The data rely on citizens' self-reports of clergy and religious association behavior, rather than more direct measures of religious politicking. Meanwhile, in the remaining cases, few citizens reported that their religious organizations promoted campaign information. Digestion with FokI and the absence of digestion with AciI or MboI show that the originally fully methylated fragment has become demethylated in the cultured cells. On the benefit side of the tally, many sincere religious and political objectives—from promoting environmental stewardship to stopping abortion—motivate religious messengers. As a consequence, political leaders are more likely to deploy religious claims and mobilization strategies strategically (McCauley Reference McCauley2017). The primer pairs with positions a, a′ were used to amplify the transfected construct and the primer pairs with positions b, b′ were used to amplify the endogenous genes. Levels of reported religious politicking, by country. To examine religious repression and democracy, we use Varieties of Democracy measures for Liberal Democracy and Repression of Religious Organizations (Coppedge et al. SYNOPSIS: This article is Part I of a two-part series analyzing the economic and policy factors related to the potential adoption of IFRS by the United States. Ultimately, religious groups' electoral activism could have feedback effects on democracy itself (Akdede Reference Akdede2010). Individual-level controls for religious affiliation not shown. Yet the religiously dominant Argentine Catholic Church, which had long advocated on those two issues in the halls of Congress (Esquivel Reference Esquivel2016; Pecheny, Jones, and Ariza Reference Pecheny, Jones and Ariza2016), said little during the campaign: fewer than 1% of respondents reported clergy endorsing a candidate or party during services (CNEP Argentina 2007). Lesion diameter ranged from 0.6 cm to 7 cm with unilateral involvement being more popular … Here we demonstrate an adaptation of the bisulfite modification method in which changes in restriction enzyme sites resulting from the action of bisulfite on methylated and non-methylated CpG sites are predicted. 3. We suspect that many of the effects attributed to democracy are instead due to these two other characteristics. Gaskins, Golder, and Siegel (Reference Gaskins, Golder and Siegel2013), for instance, claim that religious groups often become more publicly engaged even as religious adherence falls.Footnote 1 In line with secularization theory, they postulate a “substitutability of secular and religious goods,” leading to a negative correlation between development and religiosity (Gaskins, Golder, and Siegel Reference Gaskins, Golder and Siegel2013, 1126). The subsections that follow address three contextual forces that could encourage or discourage religious groups and leaders from taking sides in electoral contests: development, regime characteristics, and religious pluralism. "shouldUseShareProductTool": true, Election-level measures (on original scales). We wished to investigate the demethylation of the CYP17A2 gene in primary cultures of bovine adrenocortical cells (1). Kjetil Fallan Kjetil Fallan is an assistant professor of design history at the University of Southern Denmark. The use of one plasmid-specific primer and one gene-specific primer ensured that only the transfected construct and not the endogenous CYP17 genes was amplified. Nonetheless, this regularity conceals great diversity in the ways social ties affect elections: which ties matter and how they matter. Reference Coppedge, Gerring, Lindberg, Skanning, Teorell, Altman, Andersson, Bernhard, Steven Fish, Glynn, Hicken, Knutsen, McMann, Mechkova, Miri, Paxton, Pemstein, Sigman, Staton and ZimmermanN.d.). Huffington Center on Aging and Department of Cell Biology, Baylor College of Medicine, 1 Baylor Plaza M320, Houston, TX 77030, USA. The pattern of digestion of the PCR product with DraI indicates that only bisulfite-modified DNA was amplified. We contribute to the study of religious engagement in democratic elections, using data from 24 surveys in 18 democracies included in the Comparative National Elections Project (CNEP) between 1993 and 2012. Finally, our results support the argument within the religious competition literature that religious pluralism fosters engagement in politics. The resultant high molecular weight DNA was transfected by Lipofectin (Life Technologies) as previously described (4) using 20 µg DNA per 10 cm dish. Treating the state as the unit of analysis has obvious merit, in that the state naturally sets the parameters within which religious groups can interact with democracy, yet such analyses have tended to ignore citizens' own experiences of how their religious and political leaders interact. As shown in Figure 2b and c, restriction enzyme digestion of the PCR product indicates that the fully methylated DNA fragment undergoes demethylation after transfection into these cells. If “civilizational” approaches explain levels of religious engagement in politics, we hypothesize that: Hypothesis 2: Across country contexts, evangelicals and Muslims will be more likely to report exposure to religious politicking. In the subset of surveys where both dependent variables were included, levels of religious politicking are fairly consistent using the two measures. The modifications described by Feil et al. Nonetheless, we suspect that this debate has been muddied by conflating democracy with other covarying regime characteristics. "metricsAbstractViews": false, We test these hypotheses using cross-national survey data from the CNEP, as well as election- and country-level data from a variety of sources. Dominant religious groups may fight for market advantages, while minority and historically disadvantaged ones may struggle for a level playing field (Toft, Philpott, and Shah Reference Toft, Philpott and Shah2011; Karakoç and Başkan Reference Karakoç and Başkan2013; Smith Reference Smith2019). One important question relates to whether we have enough variation in levels of democracy among our cases to observe any potential effect of democracy. Tucker et al. N.d.). A meta-analysis of published randomised data, including those from the current study, suggested that B-vitamin supplements should reduce CIMT (-0.10 mm, 95% CI -0.20 to -0.01 mm) and increase FMD (1.4%, 95% CI 0.7 to 2.1%). Second, we take up modernization theorists' claim that, at the country level, development, democracy, and legal secularism diminish the role of religion in public life—and revisionist theories maintaining, in contrast, that these three forces actually lead to rising levels of religious politicking. We collapsed all Muslim denominations into “Muslim,” given a lack of diversity among Muslims within the countries studied. The analysis incorporating this measure is hampered by the lack of data from the United States on the measure of religious contact. Our results shed new light on religious groups' insertion into electoral politics. These primers did not amplify the genomic DNA sequence. The supplementary material for this article can be found at Phytophthora capsici Leonian causes destructive economical losses in pepper production, and a promising source of natural fungicides- Helianthus tuberosus leaves was reported. Competition, combined with grievances stemming from perceived state bias or favoritism, shapes the costs and benefits of religious politicking. CAS Article PubMed Google Scholar 39. The prominence of religious engagement is particularly striking, given that the campaign ostensibly had little to do with religion and religion is largely uncorrelated with partisanship in Mozambique (Pereira Reference Pereira2008). However, the reality of enormous cross-national variation in religious engagement in public life has led to a vast literature debating both the theory's accuracy, as well as the mechanisms that could explain a modernization-secularization link (e.g., Stark Reference Stark1999; Toft, Philpott, and Shah Reference Toft, Philpott and Shah2011; Gaskins, Golder, and Siegel Reference Gaskins, Golder and Siegel2013; Karakoç and Başkan Reference Karakoç and Başkan2013). Higher religiosity in developing countries would not automatically trigger religious politicking; one can certainly attend religious services without exposure to political content. Zaller's (Reference Zaller1992) “Receive-Accept-Sample (RAS)” model provides a helpful framework for thinking about the determinants of effectively receiving political communications from opinion leaders. In the Appendix, we discuss results including a measure of inequality. Following this line of reasoning, human development might boost religious politicking among the (shrinking) minority of citizens who attend religious services frequently—even as it depressed religiosity overall. But high religiosity in a society also changes norms, fostering greater tolerance for—or even expectations of—religious groups' engagement in the public sphere. We use cookies to distinguish you from other users and to provide you with a better experience on our websites. Our election-level variables are reported in Table 1. Total loading time: 0.332 Thus, the argument goes, doctrine and traditions of scriptural interpretation lead evangelical and Muslim leaders worldwide to engage more frequently in politicking than leaders of other groups. Beyond this subset of six cases with overlap, the 2004 election in the United States stands out as being among those with the highest levels of religious politicking; 10.4% of Americans thought their clergy had supported a candidate in sermons. The completion of the bisulfite reaction and the amplification only of bisulfite-modified DNA was assessed by cleavage with enzymes such as DraI that recognize sequences containing only adenine and thymine, which are created by the action of bisulfite in non-CpG sequences (Fig. A core claim of secularization theory has been that economic growth and human development lead to declining religiosity, and to a declining role for religion in public life. First, what drives cross-national variation in religious leaders' and organizations' engagement in political campaigns? 8. We expect that exposure to religious messages regarding politics will be distributed non-randomly within countries and religious communities. They argue that “existential insecurity” caused by poverty and instability intensifies religiosity: “the experiences of growing up in less secure societies will heighten the importance of religious values, while conversely experiences of more secure conditions will lessen it” (17). Abstract. In follow-up analysis (see the Appendix), we find that the impact of education on receiving political information from religious associations depends on religious attendance. Sometimes religious actors ally themselves with parties to recruit and retain members, helping to explain religious-political coalitions in cases such as the United States and Brazil (Audette and Weaver Reference Audette and Weaver2016; Djupe and Neiheisel Reference Djupe and Neiheisel2019; Smith Reference Smith2019). Sometimes, clergy directly endorse candidates, such as when the Reverend Jesse Jackson told reporters in 2007 that presidential candidate Barack Obama “has my vote” (Clark Reference Clark2007). In Figure 4 we present the bivariate correlations between our five election-level variables, on the one hand, and the two primary dependent variables as well as the summary index of religious politicking, on the other.Footnote 7 Data have been aggregated at the country-election level, so that values represent the mean within each case. A total of 24 patients with pathologically confirmed KD treated between March 2008 and March 2018 were reviewed retrospectively for clinical and histopathological analysis. In 2009, the candidate endorsed by both NU and Muhamadiyah ended up with only 11% of the vote (Fealy and Bush Reference Fealy and Bush2014, 548), while survey experiments in 2012 and 2013 found that “political religiosity” reduced candidate support (Sumaktoyo, Ottati, and Untoro Reference Sumaktoyo, Ottati and Untoro2016, 481). 2. Prediction of new sites was performed separately on the upper and lower DNA strands and the effect of methylation on each CpG site was assessed. Feature Flags: { protein sequences into families) to de novo pattern discovery of functional signatures.. The reversed sign on the coefficient for religious pluralism is likely a result of high multicollinearity among the variables in this small set of cases.Footnote 10 In the Appendix, we estimate two election-level models regressing the election-level means of religious politicking and religious association information on all five second-level independent variables. Religious politicking manifests in diverse ways in democracies. 10.1093/bioinformatics/btn247. One prominent approach that could partially answer both questions involves “civilizational” differences between religious cultures across countries, or between world religions within a country (e.g., Huntington Reference Huntington1993). }, THE VARYING ROLES OF RELIGIOUS ENGAGEMENT IN DEMOCRATIC ELECTIONS GLOBALLY, This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution licence (. Sacan A, Ferhatosmanoglu H, Coskun H: CellTrack: an open-source software for cell tracking and motility analysis. In Indonesia's presidential election that same year, clergy behaved differently from counterparts on the other side of the Indian Ocean. Plasmid pSV2neo was cleaved with ScaI. Even in the most frictionless environments, religious politicking entails opportunity costs, as the clergy member or religious association devotes limited sermon time to his or her message. Individuals who reported belonging to a “religious association” were asked, “Did you receive some information about the last electoral campaign from this organization?”Footnote 2 The indicator is coded “1” for individuals who said yes. Such interpretations may not be inherent in holy religious texts themselves, yet within religious traditions, interpretive communities diffuse common understandings of holy texts. In addition, religious pluralism becomes statistically insignificant controlling for secularism.Footnote 9 However, given the relatively low number of second-level cases, the results in that column should be taken with some caution. with all of the words. Thus, the results confirm the value of unpacking secularization theory. Figure 3. Repression could potentially either increase or decrease religious politicking (Koesel Reference Koesel2014; Grzymala-Busse Reference Grzymala-Busse2015). Design Analysis of routinely collected NHS 24 data. Control digestions of other DNA with EcoRI and longer digestions of the PCR product with EcoRI showed that the result shown is not caused by a partial digestion by the enzyme. Levels of reported religious politicking, by religious affiliation. Once again, though, revisionist approaches argue that these forces do not necessarily evolve all together as modernization progresses. For studies that used multiple spot-based equations [11, 20, 22,23,24], the equation considered by the authors as the primary analysis was included; however, if this was not specified, the equation that produced the best estimate (i.e. Our study is restricted to democracies, where the state guarantees free and fair elections. The final column of Table 2 introduces all five second-level independent variables together. However, “civilizational” differences in levels of religious politicking are muted and inconsistent. Comparative sequence analysis has been a powerful tool in bioinformatics for addressing a variety of issues. Space Research Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Schmiedlstr. Contextual determinants of receiving political information from religious associations,,, Utilizing a cross-national survey incorporating individual- and country-level data, we have addressed prominent explanations of religious politicking. As in (a), the pattern of digestion of the 549 bp product with DraI indicates that only bisulfite-modified DNA was amplified. "newCitedByModal": true, Just 7% of Indonesians received campaign literature from a religious organization in 2005; by the 2009 election, this had dropped to 3% (CNEP Indonesia 2004 and 2009). Return articles published in. A large number of single-country case studies examines political cues from the clergy—yet there is surprisingly little prior research on which citizens are most likely to receive such messages. In analysis presented in the Appendix, we also assessed the impact of inequality on religious politicking, using the V-Dem measure of “High Income Inequality” (Reference Coppedge, Gerring, Lindberg, Skanning, Teorell, Altman, Andersson, Bernhard, Steven Fish, Glynn, Hicken, Knutsen, McMann, Mechkova, Miri, Paxton, Pemstein, Sigman, Staton and ZimmermanCoppedge et al. Religious politicking may also sometimes violate citizens' norms regarding the secular division of labor between religious and political elites. Below are two examples of the creation of new restriction enzyme sites, dependent respectively on the non-methylation (both top and bottom strands) or methylation (top strand only) of two CpG sites in the sequence. Given these competing predictions, we do not develop hypotheses related to religious repression. Religious politicking and country-level explanatory factors. There are three reasons I’m teaching writing modes to everyone—including western audiences—and explaining the whole system, instead of quickly showing you a simple trick. This is done irrespective of the fact that several … Question translations vary in minor ways from survey to survey. Answering these questions will further illuminate the greatly varying forms of religious socialization around the world. Several regime characteristics—including democracy, state secularism, and repression of religion—may impact religious engagement in politics. What Drives Religious Politicking? Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. Arguing that context shapes religious actors' micro-level incentives to discuss or avoid electoral politics, we seek to explain variation in religious politicking—religious leaders' and organizations' engagement in electoral campaigns. 25% of CpGs give rise to restriction enzyme sites that differ after reaction with bisulfite dependent on the methylation status of the site. De-scribing Design: Appropriating Script Analysis to Design History Kjetil Fallan. On the one hand, they indicate that exposure to religious politicking is, in at least one important way, similar to other forms of political mobilization. This premise has been sharply attacked for its Western-centric focus, as scholars have noted that not all developed countries become more secular, while some poor states are highly secular (Chaves Reference Chaves1994; Fox Reference Fox2006; Casanova Reference Casanova2011; Berger Reference Berger2012). 2001, 10 (2): 266-277. Given the strategic and costly nature of religious politicking, clergy and religious associations target citizens perceived as most likely to respond favorably to their messages. Religious repression, in turn, reflects de facto state practices toward religious groups. Bisulfite converts non-methylated cytosine in DNA to uracil leaving 5-methylcytosine unaltered. Religious groups were yet less engaged in Argentina's 2007 presidential campaign. Conveniently, the predictions from this approach dovetail with those from the prior paragraph: more frequent attenders and those with higher levels of education should be more aware of religious leaders' political stances. Engaging in religious politicking also imposes wide-ranging costs on the message sender. If so, we would find an interactive relationship between human development and religious attendance, such that the impact of human development turned positive among frequent attenders.

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