Work-Life Balance Defined. to lose or dispose of, as by exercise or labor: We decided to work off the effects of a heavy supper by walking for an hour. métier implies a calling or pursuit for which one believes oneself to be especially fitted. Former Pence aide says she will vote for Biden because of Trump’s ‘flat out disregard for human life’ during pandemic, NBCUniversal tests new measurement program to prove it can push product sales for advertisers, Apple just announced a new iPad, iPad Air, and Apple Watch Series 6, Announcing Fortune Connect, our new membership community, Trolls and Martyrdom: Je Ne Suis Pas Charlie, The Golden State Preps for the ‘Red Wedding’ of Senate Races, ‘Archer’ Creator Adam Reed Spills Season 6 Secrets, From Surreal Plotlines to Life Post-ISIS, ‘Empire’ Review: Hip-Hop Musical Chairs with an Insane Soap Opera Twist, Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 60, No. Work is the product of the component of the force in the direction of the displacement and the magnitude of this displacement. materials, things, etc., on which one is working or is to work. employment, job, day job, post, position, situation, means of earning one's living, occupation, profession, career, business, trade, line. Revenue. Capture your statement of work on’s Gantt charts and set your project up for success.. What Is a Statement of Work? the business of managing a hotel. In a general sense, to move, or to move one way and the other; to perform; as in popular language it is said, a mill or machine works well. 372, October 1846. WOYK, an American AM radio station in Pennsylvania, known as WORK 1932–1973 Work activity performed on a part-time basis may also be SGA. If a … In symbols, (7.1.4) W = … calling applies to an occupation viewed as a vocation or profession. All the work required to create the seat - cutting leather, shaping foam, creating metal frame, etc. 'Nip it in the butt' or 'Nip it in the bud'. Send us feedback. Definition of work (Entry 2 of 3) 1 : activity in which one exerts strength or faculties to do or perform something: a : activity that a person engages in regularly to earn a livelihood people looking for work. her work as a hospital volunteer A work is something such as a painting, book, or piece of music produced by an artist, writer, or composer. Su files papers all day. What are the units of work? Work in Thermodynamics. to bring about by work, effort, or action. (Average reading time 120 seconds). Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2021, Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition Work, in economics and sociology, the activities and labor necessary to the survival of society. If anything the work the two cops and the maintenance guy were doing deserves more respect and probably helped a lot more people. to make or decorate by needlework or embroidery: to bring or put in; add, merge, or blend: The tailor worked in the patch skillfully. “I love my job and I love my city and I am committed to the work here,” he said in a statement. Work quality is a common consideration in managing the performance of programs, projects, vendors and individuals. I'll try to work it so that we can all travel together. to exercise influence on; persuade; affect: I'll work on her, and maybe she'll change her mind. Physical or mental effort or activity directed toward the production or accomplishment of something: Cleaning the basement was a lot of work. to beat unsparingly, especially in order to obtain something or out of revenge: They threatened to work him over until he talked. Copyright © 2011. I worked very loyally for him to do everything I could for him. They worked him into the new operation. ‘I was returning home from work on a packed subway’. Definition: Scope of work is a written document containing a detailed description of a job contract.This term usually refers to the section of a contract or agreement where all expected tasks and deliverables are explained with the purpose of aligning expectations between both parties. Thus, at any instant, the rate of the work done by a force (measured in joules/second, or watts) is the scalar product of the force (a vector), and the velocity vector of the point of application. When should you use, physical or mental effort directed towards doing or making something, paid employment at a job or a trade, occupation, or profession, something done, made, etc, as a result of effort or exertion, materials or tasks on which to expend effort or exertion, the place, office, etc, where a person is employed, any piece of material that is undergoing a manufacturing operation or process; workpiece, decoration or ornamentation, esp of a specified kind, an engineering structure such as a bridge, building, etc, the transfer of energy expressed as the product of a force and the distance through which its point of application moves in the direction of the force, a structure, wall, etc, built or used as part of a fortification system, to exert effort in order to do, make, or perform something, to carry on operations, activity, etc, in (a place or area), to operate or cause to operate, esp properly or effectively, to handle or manipulate or be handled or manipulated, to shape, form, or process or be shaped, formed, or processed, to reach or cause to reach a specific condition, esp gradually, to make or decorate by hand in embroidery, tapestry, etc, (of a mechanism) to move in a loose or otherwise imperfect fashion, to manipulate or exploit to one's own advantage. The transfer of energy from one object to another, especially in order to make the second object move in a certain direction. A lot depends on your workplace culture, but there are still some clear dos and don’ts. to spoil something, as through blundering or stupidity: The surprise party was all arranged, but her little brother gummed up the works and told her. to undergo treatment by labor in a given way: to use or manage (an apparatus, contrivance, etc. employment implies work for which one has been engaged and is being paid by an employer. What do these people have in common? To make it work almost everything else about these shows has to seem factual which is why many look like a weird Celebrity Sims. 2021. This term means the "arrangement of words in regularly measured, patterned, or rhythmic lines or verses." When should you use work instead of drudgery, labor, or toil? What is it? View synonyms. Work, from a sociological perspective, is A right-to-work law gives workers the choice of whether or not to join a union. too tired to do any work Work is the transfer of energy by a force acting on an object as it is displaced. work, labor, travail, toil, drudgery, grind mean activity involving effort or exertion. Mathematically, work can be expressed by the following equation. 1904.5 (a) Basic requirement. What Does The Term “Nonbinary” Really Mean? 1.2. work may imply activity of body, of mind, of a machine, or of a natural force. a belief in work as a moral good : a set of values centered on the importance of doing work and reflected especially in a desire or determination… See the full definition Merriam-Webster Logo In my opinion, this is Rembrandt's greatest work. Work occurs if there is movement in the direction of the force. We promise it won't be a chore to read them. The American Heritage® Science Dictionary work in synonyms, work in pronunciation, work in translation, English dictionary definition of work in. Shall we compare this quiz to a summer's day? The Physics Classroomnotes a few: a horse pulling a plow through the field; a father pushing a grocery cart down the aisle of a grocery store; a student lifting a backpack full of books upon her shoulder; a weightlifter lifting a barbell above his head; and an Olympian launching the shot-put. 2. Fast Break To These Facts About WNBA Team Names. Our everyday work is different for each individual. grind implies labor exhausting to mind or body. to move improperly, as from defective fitting of parts or from wear. One man works better than another; one … years of travail were lost when the house burned toil implies prolonged and fatiguing labor. n. 1. a. Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. ): It is easy to work the camera in this mobile device. The sad end of the mission to King M'Bongo has been narrated in the body of this work. drudgery suggests dull and irksome labor. b : a specific task, duty, function, or assignment often being a part or phase of some larger activity. Just as velocities may be integrated over time to obtain a total distance, by the fundamental theorem of calculus, the total work along a path is similarly the time-integral of instantaneous power applied along the trajectory of the point of application. Work is “substantial” if it involves doing significant physical or mental activities or a combination of both. This can include the quality of task completion, interactions and deliverables. Work is equal to the amount of force multiplied by the distance over which it is applied. Edgar sweats in the sun most days as he does manual labor. a place or establishment for manufacturing (often used in combination): force times the distance through which it acts; specifically, the transference of energy equal to the product of the component of a force that acts in the direction of the motion of the point of application of the force and the distance through which the point of application moves. G., Gr. to bring about (any result) by or as by work or effort: to operate (a mine, farm, etc.) The SoW is the document that captures and defines all aspects of your project. work noun (ACTIVITY) A1 [ U ] an activity, such as a job, that a person uses physical or mental effort to do, usually for money: I have so much work to do. PMBOk has a simpler definition: “a work package is a deliverable at the lowest level of the WBS.” For example, if you’re building a bicycle, a “bike seat” might be one of your deliverables. to show off one’s body or clothing to best effect, often through movement or posing: The models were working it on the runway. So it might be me projecting my desires onto Archer to want to just get away from work for a few weeks. Why, some might be asking, am I being so harsh on their work so soon after they died? The unit for measuring work is the same as that for energy in any system of units, since work is simply a transfer of energy. Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible). It works with the full-sized Smart Keyboard and the new Logitech keyboards. plural in form but singular or plural in construction, farmers demanding fair compensation for their, her family considered medicine the only proper, The suit says the defendants lured low-caste men and members of other marginalized communities to, Gaddy, 62, attended the University of South Alabama in Mobile before arriving in Tuscaloosa to, At the May 6 school board meeting, District 35 administrators suggested to the board the hiring of an additional social worker to mostly, The first call came just before an opportunity to, The recent surge in the local housing market and higher home sales in many areas of the country came as the COVID-19 pandemic put thousands of Americans out of jobs and sent many others to, The first floor of the library was closed to patrons as part of, As the legal profession continues to discuss what the future of, Ships, rail lines, and pipelines do the bulk of the, These awards are given for a student’s cumulative body of, The deal allowed the NFL to access more computers at a cheaper cost because Amazon does most of the, That’s especially important this year, when most performers have been out of, On senior day, the senior battery of pitcher Dakota Pitts and catcher Maddie Buher were dominant in five innings of, In fact, farmers were told explicitly to keep non-, One franchise that gamers gravitated toward during post-, Our social culture revolves around the pub: birthday drinks, post-, Where the mothership had to very gradually immerse itself in the idea of doing more than alluding to non-, GitLab has evolved lots of techniques to keep its disparate workforce engaged with one another, such as creating always-on videoconferencing rooms, and setting up chat channels to discuss non-, The principal will honor the club for its good. Mathematically, the above statement is … Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Entrez donc, 'tis the work of one of your compatriots; and here, though a heretic, you may consider yourself on English ground. For work activity to be substantial, it does not need to be performed on a full-time basis. Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012. noun. The NBCU spokesperson said the company would work with each advertiser to decide how the data would be used and managed. Find out on Can you spell these 10 commonly misspelled words? It’s an extremely detailed document as it will lay the groundwork for the project plan. The following are common types of work quality. pursuit suggests a trade, profession, or avocation followed with zeal or steady interest. States without right-to-work laws require employees to pay union dues and fees as a term for employment. his occupation as a trained auto mechanic Outside work definition: work done off the premises of a business | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples This is the work expended by a force of one newton (N) over a displacement of one meter (m). a product of exertion, labor, or activity: an engineering structure, as a building or bridge. his lot would be years of back-breaking toil For my term paper I worked over 30 volumes of Roman history. Work is a form of energy, but it is energy in transit. Work quality is the value of work delivered by an individual, team or organization. There are many examples of work in everyday life. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free! Many people in the area were out of work. With him one is at high pressure all the time, and I have gained a good many more ideas from him than I can work up in a hurry. For moving objects, the quantity of work/time (power) is integrated along the trajectory of the point of application of the force. We made short work of the chocolate layer cake. Under his arm, there was a book which looked like the complete works of Shakespeare. occupation implies work in which one engages regularly especially as a result of training. Work the cream into the hands until it is completely absorbed. At Fortune, we’ve worked to make business better since our founding 90 years ago. Here’s a proven definition that will positively impact your everyday value and balance starting today. Octavius volunteers at the local animal shelter walking the dogs on the weekends. He worked his charm in landing a new job. Key Takeaways: Work Definition in Science. WORK, v.i. before the 12th century, in the meaning defined at transitive sense 2, before the 12th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1, 14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 2, Middle English werken, worken, from Old English wyrcan; akin to Old English weorc, Middle English werk, work, from Old English werc, weorc; akin to Old High German werc work, Greek ergon, Avestan varəzem activity. Sleek finds it far harder work than fortune-making; but he pursues his Will-o'-the-Wisp with untiring energy. They are all working. To labor; to be occupied in performing manual labor, whether severe or moderate. A musical version of the book is in the works. “Work.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, The Word Of The Year For 2020 Is …. Revenue related performance such as the ability to close salesor develop productsthat sell. to deal with successfully; come to terms with: He worked up his typing speed to 70 words a minute. the ministry seemed my true calling business suggests activity in commerce or the management of money and affairs. First recorded before 900; (noun) Middle English, Unabridged at work: to influence or persuade, especially insidiously: to exploit (someone or something) to one's advantage: See if you can work your uncle for a new car. to amount to (a total or specified figure); add up (to): to practice, exercise, or train, especially in order to become proficient in an athletic sport: The boxers are working out at the gym tonight. Did you know that the definition of Work in Physics is very different from our everyday "Work"? In fact, except for Ramona's help, it would have been a question whether even Alessandro could have made Baba work in harness. - would be part of the work … The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary In thermodynamics, work performed by a system is the energy transferred by the system to its surroundings. 'All Intensive Purposes' or 'All Intents and Purposes'? everything; all related items or matters: to be employed, especially as a means of earning one's livelihood: The water should not be disconnected while the pump is working. All rights reserved. to move in agitation, as the features under strong emotion. You’ll note the activities, deliverables and the timetable for the project. refers to the exertion or effort directed to produce or accomplish something. travail is bookish for labor involving pain or suffering. where F is the force, d is the displacement, and the angle (theta) is defined as The noun work refers to the exertion or effort directed to produce or accomplish something. Both are recovering well after their surgeries and are already back to work. The dentist was very busy, but said she would be able to work me in late in the afternoon. In physical science, such as physics and chemistry, work is force multiplied by distance. Probably not, but it is a fun quest to see how informed you are on a wide range of poetry terms. The work done by moving a 1 … her family considered medicine the only proper pursuit work may apply to any purposeful activity whether remunerative or not. We can define work as an activity involving a movement and force in the direction of the force. Learn a new word every day. an editorial job with a good deal of drudgery exertion or effort directed to produce or accomplish something; employment, as in some form of industry, especially as a means of earning one's livelihood: something on which exertion or labor is expended; a task or undertaking: The students finished their work in class. These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'work.' As agricultural cultivation replaced hunting and gathering, the resulting increase in the food supply freed some individuals to pursue crafts and trades. A system contains no work, work is a process done by or on a system. English Language Learners Definition of work (Entry 2 of 3), English Language Learners Definition of work (Entry 3 of 3), See the full definition for work in the English Language Learners Dictionary, Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms for work, Nglish: Translation of work for Spanish Speakers, Britannica English: Translation of work for Arabic Speakers, Encyclopedia article about work. Work-life balance is an important aspect of a healthy work environment. to keep (a person, a horse, etc.) The work W that a force F does on an object is the product of the magnitude F of the force, times the magnitude d of the displacement, times the cosine of the angle θ between them. Maintaining work-life balance helps reduce stress and helps prevent … Work, in physics, measure of energy transfer that occurs when an object is moved over a distance by an external force at least part of which is applied in the direction of the displacement. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins He worked off his debt by doing odd jobs. acting was my one and only métier to pay (a debt) by working instead of paying money. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Accessed 20 May. Work definition, exertion or effort directed to produce or accomplish something; labor; toil. to give slightly at the joints, as a vessel under strain at sea. “Gainful” work activity may include: Work … See more. Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. In physics, the product of a force applied, and the distance through which that force acts. “Affect” vs. “Effect”: Use The Correct Word Every Time. Let's take a look! What Is An Em Dash And How Do You Use It? the grind of the assembly line, work, employment, occupation, calling, pursuit, métier, business mean a specific sustained activity engaged in especially in earning one's living. labor applies to physical or intellectual work involving great and often strenuous exertion. What made you want to look up work? In addition to the idioms beginning with work, The Most Surprisingly Serendipitous Words Of The Day. This scalar product of force and velocity is known as instantaneous power. You must consider an injury or illness to be work-related if an event or exposure in the work environment either caused or contributed to the resulting condition or significantly aggravated a pre-existing injury or illness. farmers demanding fair compensation for their labor Despite the worldwide quest for Work-Life Balance, very few have found an acceptable definition of the concept. Why Do “Left” And “Right” Mean Liberal And Conservative? Work is equal to the amount of force multiplied by the distance over which it is applied. The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition the result of exertion, labor, or activity; a deed or performance. But in physics, work is only one thing: the displacement of an object due to force. For example, a force of 30 newtons (N) pushing an object 3 meters in the same direction of the force will do 90 joules (J) of work. to attain a specified condition, as by repeated movement: to have an effect or influence, as on a person or on the mind or feelings of a person. In general, for work to occur, the transfer of energy by a force acting on an object as it is displaced. Define work in. If a force of 10 newtons, for example, is applied over a distance of 3 meters, the work is equal to 30 newtons per meter, or 30 joules. The place where one is employed. It deals with something, which you are involved in the intellectual, physical and emotional sphere. Delivered to your inbox! Writing a casual and professional work email is nebulous territory. Let’s first define what work … More example sentences. Summary. Get The Most Out Of Your Study Habits With These Tips, 600 New Words And Definitions: The Latest Updates To All rights reserved. for productive purposes: to carry on operations in (a district or region). Remember when you were little and everyone kept asking, “What do you wanna be when you grow up?” Well, we found some of the most unique career names to help you decide. Work could be defined as a task wherein you get paid monetarily. Let's shoot the works and order the crêpes suzette. Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. The SI unit of work is the joule (J). The church has several valuable works of art. your employment with this firm is hereby terminated Work is the product of the magnitudes of the force and the displacement, and direction is not taken into account. a building, wall, trench, or the like, constructed or made as a means of fortification. 1.