‘Chinch , Imli’ ( Tamarind Tree ) :- The wood is extremely hard, heavy, tough and resistant to insect attacks. Gum exudes from the tree is largely used in medicines and also in tanning and dyeing. [xviii] There are hundreds of different lupines occurring across Oregon, with several different types growing in Willamette Valley Wetland Prairies. fresh or dried flowers are crushed and mixed with water. 30. The wood yields a dye Algarrobin which gives a light brown colour to textiles ; it is also used as a mordant for coal tar colouring. It is used as a tan and a black dye ; it can be used as a substitute for wattle bark in the tanning of skins. Characteristics features of fabaceae: 1. The Fabales are an order of flowering plants included in the rosid group of the eudicots in the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group II classification system. In Burma the tree is often cultivated for its sweet scented flowers and as an ornamental tree. Pollinator Partnership and the North American Pollinator Protection Campaign, San Francisco. Acacia catechu Willd. The wood ash is used for tanning and dehairing goat skins. Please donate so science experts can write Indigofera linnaei Ali Runkhadi. In Mysore, stakes from the trees are fixed in the ground and worship. Some of the plants eaten by Gonds and Santhals tribe of central India are not widely known to be edible. The leaves paste with Neem oil is applied locally , it relives itching and pain (Singh, 1988). It is given as - % ⚥ K (5) C 1+2+(2) A (9)+1 G 1. It is particularly used for counter tops in banks and the places where there is a great deal of wear from coins ; it can also be useful for aircraft propellers. Bark is used for tanning and dyeing and as a fish poison. Timber Press, Portland. Hardvickia Bianata Roxb. The dye turns brown with alkaline solution. ‘Irul’ (Mimosaceae) :- Seeds from unripe fruits are used as vegetables (Jain, 1997). ‘Kachnar’ (Caesalpiniaceae) :- The bark decoction is administered orally for 15 days twice a day in tubercular glands. extract of leaves in early morning to kill intestinal worms (Jain and Borthakur, 1980). no salaries or offices. Thee tree is symbol of love and is dedicated to Kama, the Indian God of love Sita, the wife of Lord Rama finds refuge in a groove of Asoka’s, when abducted by Ravana. However, Lupinus polyphyllus is noticeably identifiable by being quite a large plant. The bark yields a red dye and also an orange-yellow dye. 45. In the world, among largest families of flowering plant, leguminosae is 3rd largest group of plant having 19,400 species and are classified in about 730 genera. Bauhinia vahlli W. and A. Acacia farnesiana Willd. Oregon State University Press; Corvallis, OR. [ii] Simpson, M. Plant Systematics 2nd ed. This dye is used in calico printing and for staining wood, dyeing leather red and cloth salmon pink. Trigonella Foenum-graecum Linn. Sources: Somerville, Doug. ‘Padauk’ ( Andama Padauk ) :- The timber is moderately heavy, very durable and resistant to white ants. Bark is used for tanning and dyeing and as a detergen. 14. 44. As it is in full foliage during the hot weather it is largely planted for shade. The flower powder is used 3 times a day for 10 days in haemorrhage. Feeling no pain: plants were first to let it happen, Sitopaladi churna is an ayurvedic medicine for cough and cold, Ethnobotanical uses of some of the plants of family Fabaceae. Cassia multijuga Richard. group operating under Section 501(c)(3) The Portuguese have named them Folhas da Trindade. ‘Teri , vakerimul’ ( Teripods ) :- Pods are very valuable because of the large amount of tannin they contain ; the tannin consist of mostly of monodigallyol glucose. The leaves yield a fixed dye which colours woolens red ; it imparts a green colour to silk already dyed with indigo. Santhals of Santhal Pargana of Bihar use its roots for tuber-culosis (Goel e.al., 1984). ‘Champuli, Jallur , mahul’ (Camel’s foot climber) :- The climbing stem is used for making suspension bridges in the Himalayas. Crotalaria pallida dry Syn. [xv] Simpson, M. Plant Systematics 2nd ed. Take a look at the best of Science 2.0 pages and web applications from around the Internet! 25. 2001. It is rarely racemose or globose umbel. 2. The leaves are fodder for buffalos and elephant. 18. The leave is supposed to represent the Hindu’s Trimurti the middle leaflet is Vishnu, on his right is Brahma and on his left Shiva. The flowers are largely used by the Santhals as an article of food. Cassia fistula Linn. 17. Ougeinia oojeinensis Hochreut. 53. 57. Leaves It is also used for carving turnery etc. ‘Kachnar’ :- The plant is of value for decorative purposes. They are also used as spices and condiments, as an antidotes to snake, scorpion and dog bite, used as incense, perfumes, dyes and insecticides. The flowers used in haemorrhagic dysentery. Indigofera tinctoria Linn. 1.3–2.5 (–4) cm long. The bark and the pods are used for tanning and dyeing leather. In the legend of Buddha, when Maya is conscious of having conceived the Buddisattva, she retires to a wood of Asoka tree and sends for her husband. Most of the plants belonging to the family Euphorbiaceae, Asclepiadaceae, Anacardiaceae, Asteraceae, Caprofoliaceae and Lamiaceae are promising petroplants. Aeschynomene indica Linn. It is much employed in the Hindus ceremonies connected with the blessings of calves to ensure their providing good milkers. Its bark is also used as an astringent in case of internal haemorrhoids. 11. Fruits: Develops extremely hairy, two sided pods, that are 2.5 to 4 centimeters long, each holding 3 to 9 rounded, gray seeds. Inhabitants of Maharashtra use its roots extract for rheumatic pain (Sharma and Malhotra, 1984). 116. … Classifications based on molecular analyses now separate Caesalpinioideae into several lineages and recognize the tribe … ‘Katha , khadira , khair’ (Catechu tree) :- Kols tribe of Uttar Pradesh use its leaves for blood dysentery (Chakravarthy et al., 1983). Lone Pine Publishing, Edmonton, Alberta. Encyclopedia of Biodiversity. of the Internal Revenue Code that's [xvii], Notes: May be confused with Lupinus rivularis (Riverbank lupine), which has significantly smaller leaves and redder, or more burgundy colored flowers with white tips on towards the raceme’s top. Pterocarpus indicus Willd. It can be used as wood varnish. [xv] Opened seedpods remain stuck to the raceme and curl up like curled ram’s horns. The root of young tree 1 to 2 years old is baked and eaten by Mundari children. 6. 2004. Chemical Plant | Process Animation (Petrochemical) Watch later. Caesalpinia pulcherrima Linn. [ix], Stems: Erect, smooth, branching and can reach 7 to 60 inches in height.[x]. ‘Mahul’ (Caesalpiniaceae) :- Root decoction is taken 3 times a day for 4 days in fever. Albizzia odoratissima Benth. 189. ‘Shisham , Sissoo’ ( Sissoo , South Indian red wood ) :- Wood is hard, strong and durable. 16. ‘Bara-salpan , Bhalia’ :- The pod are highly priced for dyeing silks ; it is not suitable for dyeing linen or cotton. In Indo-China they are used to wrap minced meat. The leaves are used for thatching roofs and for making umbrells and baskets. It is one of the finest wood for furniture, cabinet work specially piano cases, internal decoration, internal paneling, ornaments, plywood for aircrafts, gun carriages, wheels, pulleys, combs brush backs, handles of knives and tools etc. Its flowers, probably on account of their beauty and delicacy of their perfume, are much used in temple decoration. The wood contains santalin, a valuable dye. 35. The wood is hard and used for making agricultural implements and for fuel. The bark is used for dyeing and tanning in India and Java. It makes a excellent charcoal. Among the inhabitant of Dharampuri forest division in Tamil Nadu, the paste of this plant mixed with milk latex of Jatropha curcas is administered to cure jaundice (Apparananthan and Chelladuria, 1986). Albizzia lebbek Benth. ‘Anjan’ :- The wood is extremely hard, very heavy, durable and resistant to rot and white ants ; it takes a good polish and is an excellent general utility timber ; it is in great demand for naves of cart wheels, clod crushers, house building, hand looms well construction, posts and beams, mine props, agricultural implements, lathe chucks, blocks for wood engraving, ornamental work etc. This group of plants are economically, agriculturally, culturally, and ecologically significant the world over. Paste of wood is applied locally (Bhatt and Sabnis, 1987). Pterocarpus marsupium Roxb. Most of them are xecophytes. One side of the seed pod faces the sun unevenly, therefore dries at a faster rate than the shaded half. ‘ Enne , Kolavu’ ( Piney ) :- The wood is strong ,hard , heavy, and fairly durable even in contacts with water. It is used in calico printing and dyeing, as a sizing material for silk and cotton, for fixing paints and white wash, in the manufacture of paper, matches and ink, and as a mucilage. Syn. Leaves are detergent and are used for washing the hairs. 48. My Son Graduates High School In Two Weeks: JWST Has Been Delayed Longer Than He's Been Alive. 2001. The wood is much used in Cambodia for its antithermic and antimalarial properties. Five united sepals and five petals form an upper “banner,” left and right horizontal “wings,” and a curving “keel” below. The wood is sacrificial and is frequently mentioned in the Vedas. 3. 4. Acacia pennata Willd. Caesalpinia sappan Linn. Cassia sophera Linn. They yield a yellow dye and the alkaloid trigonelline. In traditional medicine, several parts of plants of the family of Fabaceae are responsible and useful for … Tribals of East Rajasthan use the extract of its seeds in asthma (Singh and Pandey 1980). (2002). The bark fibre is strong and it is used for fishing ropes. [xx] Ley, E.L., S. Buchmann, K. McGuire, and R. Holmes. The flowers are used as a potherb in curries and they are made into pickles. ‘Asan , Bijsal’ (Gum-kino Tree ) :- The wood is very hard and durable and takes a fine polish ; it is as valuable as teak and blackwood. The fiber extracted from the bark is used for cordage. D.striata DC. The Kernel of the fruit is emetic. The trade in petrochemicals is international and involves large sums of money. It is used for houses and bridge posts, wheels, shafts of carts, carts, yokes, tom-toms, agricultural implements, rice pounders, turnery, bowls, tool handles, boat buildings, high class furniture etc. Siam. ‘Khair’ (Mimoeaceae) :- The bark decoction is taken in the morning and evening for 3 days in stomachache .