Key to note is that a fee is charged for the transfer to take place. Custom RPC Setup for MetaMask Browser Extension: Open the networks window by clicking the network dropdown on the top, as demonstrated below. We will transfer BNB Coin from Binance exchange to Metamask Smart Chain. 7. Step one, open MetaMask, and follow the picture below. In the above case, transferring ETH from Ethereum network to BSC For this users should only achieve their wallet address that is located on their account. After connecting MEW with MetaMask, all you have to do is add your custom token contract address in MetaMask. To send tokens from Metamask is very easy and does not require anything but the address of the wallet of the recipient. You will notice that Metamask starts off as just an Ethereum wallet. Both the wallets supports Binance Smart Chain so you can recover them. There are many other exchanges and ERC20 wallets out there which you may prefer to use — please make sure you do your own due diligence and research. You can now select the assets you want to migrate, like ETH or USDT. How to transfer Ethereum from Binance to Metamask - YouTube Sending funds directly from an exchange wallet such as Coinbase will not work. Head over to the Bridge and connect your Metamask wallet using the button on the top right (in the future, WalletConnect Web3 extension will be supported too). 2) Login and click Accounts in the Coinbase navigation, 3) Log into your MetaMask Wallet (if you haven’t set one up read this article). Transfer Ethereum From Binance to Metamask: In brief, Binance is one of the most innovative cryptocurrency exchanges in the market. While you’re in the same account on your Binance extension wallet, switch over to the BSC, and click receive to copy your BSC address. All transactions from MetaMask require a small gas fee, which is standard for all transfers. In this article we’ll be explaining how to send Ethereum (ETH) from Coinbase to a MetaMask wallet. Next to the amount field, you can select the ERC20 token from the dropdown list. 7) In the Amount field enter either the amount in your local currency or cryptocurrency you wish to send. Answer: First of all, for the simplest experience with future withdrawals, you can select your Transfer Network on Binance to be the "Ethereum (ERC20)" option, which will allow your assets to be easily viewed on MetaMask. Security is always a major concern when it comes to cryptocurrencies. The process of receiving ETH on Metamask wallet is simply the same process of deposit ETH into Metamask account. 4) Click the three dots above Buy and Send. 5) Click ‘Copy Address to clipboard’ — this is the public address of your MetaMask wallet. First, go to (I like to clarify that using VPN could be necessary if your country restricts Binance websites) to install a Binance chain wallet. Connect your wallet. Verasity is the future of online video — Reach, Reward, Retain. 1) Verasity will never contact you on social media with a naked wallet address and ask you to send funds to it. How do you get ethereum on MetaMask wallet? Optional: You can adjust the gas price and gas limit to your preference. This tutorial will use MetaMask as example, but the process is similar for other wallet providers as well.. To switch from Ethereum mainnet to Binance Smart Chain: The process is relatively the same for ERC20 tokens, with a few differences. The Ethereum blockchain consists of nodes, a term used for the … The MetaMask wallet inherently interacts with the Ethereum public chain as seen from the top right corner of the screen which mentions the “Main Ethereum Network”. Navigate to the Binance Bridge page and connect your wallet. To start off, the only way to access the users’ assets is through a user password. Our attention-based model creates a thriving VRA token economy between viewers, publishers and advertisers. KISHU is fully decentralized and owned by its fun, vibrant community. I first copied my metamask BNB link, then i copied that link in the withdraw page of Binance and for transfer network I chose "BEP20" (which was probably a mistake). If you’re not sure about how much your ETH transaction from MetaMask will cost, you can use the ETH Gas station to calculate the price. 1. Click Connect Wallet on the top right corner. MetaMask performs great in this field since they offer several layers of protection. We welcome and embrace diverse perspectives to build KISHU into the best community in crypto. ERC20 – Ethereum chain; BEP 2 – Binance chain. The Process of Transferring Cryptocurrency. Binance support suggested I download and install MetaMask and by doing this I will be able to retrieve the Eth on the Bep20 Chain, that … So, let’s say that you have some ETH in your MetaMask wallet and you want to transfer them to a third-party website. Click save when finish. In this guide, we will use MetaMask. Open the MetaMask … Transactions on Binance Smart chain are fast and very less. Wallet is required to connect with Chainswap. Start by clicking on the fox icon in the top right, or the “extensions” puzzle-piece icon in Brave. Now, let’s take a look at a step-by-step tutorial on how to transfer tokens using MetaMask. Choose “MetaMask / Mist“ It’s because you withdrew it to Binance chain and not Ethereum chain. So once you create a normal Ethereum account, go up to networks>custom RPC and enter the following information: Name: Binance Smart Chain Testnet For instance, apart from storing Ethereum blockchain-based assets, you can also transfer tokens to cryptocurrency exchanges such as Coinbase, Binance, and other third-party websites through MetaMask. When it comes to sending and receiving Ethereum and ERC20 tokens, MetaMask is a great choice. For now, MetaMask covers only ETH, ERC20, and several custom tokens. The step-by-step guide is provided below. Unlock the secrets of Cryptocurrency We do not support ENS (Ethereum Name Service) In the Amount field, enter the amount of the token you want to send. So we will click on the icon in the “ From ” box. To access Binance Smart Chain in Metamask, you need to set up a Custom RPC. Our player technology is already available to 280,000 publishers with 240 million users and 50 billion monthly views. If you’re using MyEtherWallet (MEW) with MetaMask, it will automatically calculate the transaction gas limit based on average market activity and network busyness. Today I tried to transfer ETH, to my metamask account. Because MetaMask deals with Ethereum-based transactions, all of them are publicly visible on Etherscan, as they are registered on the Ethereum blockchain. How to transfer BNB coin from to metamask wallet? This means that the user’s main concern is to keep the password and seed phrase safe, and not to worry about the security of their funds. Protocol and Product Layer Platform for Esports and Video Entertainment, Rewards Based Platform for Esports Tournaments, Gaming & Video Entertainment, Medium is an open platform where 170 million readers come to find insightful and dynamic thinking. First click the link to go to Binance’s registration page. Copy and paste main-net details as it is shown in the picture below. MetaMask is based on open-source code and has a dedicated developer community that constantly works on updating the platform so as to provide its users with the best quality of service. Learn more, Follow the writers, publications, and topics that matter to you, and you’ll see them on your homepage and in your inbox. The Binance Smart Chain is a great alternative to the Ethereum blockchain and with MetaMask giving you easy access to it, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t go for it. In this case we are bridging $MOD from Ethereum to the BSC Network. Write on Medium,, What NFTs and Digital Assets Mean For Startups and Entrepreneurs, Alien, Dismissible, Dangerous, Greedy, True, Cryptocurrency & The Cost of Doing Business, Decentralized Exchanges: Three Types That Will Be Essential For The Crypto Economy, WTF is an NFT? Network Name: Smart Chain New RPC URL: ... Tutorial of how to transfer your Ethereum from Metamask wallet to BNB wallet. The custom tokens will then appear in the dropdown menu ready for sending. Here, expert and undiscovered voices alike dive into the heart of any topic and bring new ideas to the surface. 1. Go to and install the metamask chrome extension. The Spend Limit permission is the total amount of tokens that are able to move when using MetaMask Swap. In our previous articles we explained How To Set Up Your Coinbase Account / Purchase Cryptocurrency and How To Set Up Your MetaMask ERC20 Wallet. To access the Binance Smart Chain you must first add it to MetaMask. Let’s begin! Its user-friendly interface and versatile features give it an edge over the competition. Similarly when depositing to your Binance account it doesn’t matter whether you transfer through Ethereum blockchain or BSC. At this stage, we would be unable to interact with the Binance Smart Chain dApps. MetaMask is an online cryptocurrency wallet. Fill the form with the below data to set up the BSC mainnet. Requirement. It comes in the form of a web browser extension available for Google Chrome, Brave, Vivaldi, Opera, and Firefox, and it’s also compatible with the Ledger and Trezor hardware wallets. 2. In this guide, I will show you how to send BNB Coin to Binance Smart Chain on Metamask. It’s that simple. Select the check box next to the wallet containing your $MOD tokens. DODO is currently available on Ethereum Mainnet and Binance Smart Chain.To switch between the two chains, you will have to configure your wallet accordingly. This brings engagement, audiences and revenues back to publisher sites. The last thing we need to do before we finish is to send the funds from our Binance chain extension wallet to MetaMask. Step 1: Go to the Binance registration page. BEP 20 – Binance smart chain; For example if you choose BEP 20 as network and withdraw your ERC 20 token then the tx will be visible on Bsc scan and not Etherscan. This begins with a login to the Coinbase and Binance platforms and setting up a transfer. That’s all, they only need to click “Send” to transfer money from their Metamask account. Click “ Next ”, then “ Connect ”. If you receive such a request please email and do not make the transaction, 2) Whenever you are not using MetaMask to check your balance or make a transaction log out of it, 3) Be aware of fake pop ups that prompt you to unlock your MetaMask or pop up shortly after you log in to your MetaMask wallet — these are likely to be phishing attacks, 4) Never enter your MetaMask password, private key, or seed phrase into a third-party website. Twitter:, Facebook:, LinkedIn:, Reddit: By following these steps, you don’t have to use the Binance extension wallet. If you want to store your ETH and use them for trading on cryptocurrency exchange websites such as Binance or Coinbase, you need to have an Ethereum wallet.After you have chosen one, like MetaMask for example, you are ready to start transferring assets.. However, the MetaMask wallet account data is always kept private. We know many of you out there are seasoned crypto-enthusiasts but we want to make sure that as many people as possible can participate in the Verasity ICO — even if they have limited knowledge of ICOs or blockchain technology. 4. We need this wallet because we could do cross-chain transfers on both Binance blockchains. 1) Visit — double and triple check the URL to ensure you are on the official Coinbase website and login. You selected the Binance Smart Chain on Metamask and now you need to add the custom token that corresponds to the pegged token on your Ethereum address. The rest of the procedure is identical to transferring ERC20 tokens. Affiliate Disclosure | Privacy Policy, How to Transfer Different Types of Tokens, MetaMask combined with a secure hardware wallet. Step 3: From the drop-down menu that appears, select “Custom RPC.”. Our patent pending Rewards-as-a-Service (RaaS) Player enables VRA rewards, monetization and loyalty schemes within the player wallet. Please note Coinbase and MetaMask is not endorsed by Verasity. If you want to join the conversation about Verasity then please follow our various accounts below! Still, using MetaMask combined with a secure hardware wallet is an even more secure option. The final step is to go from the BC to the BSC on your Binance Extension Wallet. How to Access Binance Smart Chain on Metamask. Learn how to connect your MetaMask wallet to Binance Smart Chain. I'm new in these stuff so I watched some youtube videos and I did the process. How to Transfer Different Types of Tokens Transferring Ethereum (ETH) All transactions from MetaMask require a small gas fee, which is standard for all transfers. The Verasity Token Sale is getting closer and closer! Participation in the Verasity Token Sale requires an ERC20 wallet. Also, we can receive and send funds on both Binance chains and Ethereum. Binance smart chain network is installed in MetaMask. Visit for Transfer Ethereum From Binance to Metamask. How to register? Open the MetaMask extension in your browser and make sure you’re logged into your account. If you didn’t setup Binace Smart Chain to Metamask, check this step-by-step guide. The Metamask blockchain wallet is very flexible, safe and allows users to switch between various networks including Ethereum, Matic (Now Polygon), and Binance Smart Chain. For now, MetaMask covers only ETH, ERC20, and several custom tokens. Some of the most popular assets today are Ethereum-based tokens such as Tether (USDT), Chainlink (LINK), and Binance coin (BNB). By approving the smart contracts, it now has permission to execute the peer to peer swapping behavior on your behalf. Next, click on the pull-down that starts with “Ethereum Mainnet”. The first step is to set up your MetaMask wallet in order to interact with layer-2 dapps. The next page will have a list of the various ways you can peek into the Ethereum Blockchain. To access Metamask preferences, pick Settings from the drop-down menu. After the transfer is complete, you will see the transfer hash and details at the bottom of the page. When you open MetaMask you’ll now notice that you have received your Ethereum and are ready to participate in the Verasity Token Sale (if you have passed KYC and are whitelisted). For crypto-beginners, one of the first challenges is to find a solution as to where to store their assets, since cryptocurrencies need a special digital wallet. By default, Metamask is configured for the Ethereum Blockchain, but it does support what is called a “custom RPC”. The process of transferring crypto from Binance to Coinbase and vice versa is quite easy. There are lots of reasons why MetaMask is ranked as the best for desktop use among numerous Ethereum wallets. Step 3: Select token to bridge. We will start with the ETH transfer process. After entering the amount, they can easily send their ETH to their Metamask account.