augustin dokolo sanu
During his entire life, the late Augustin Dokolo Sanu fought for the resurgence of a new middle class that was to become the driving force of the Congolese economy. You use a literal interpretation of Article 64 of the Congolese Constitution. To deprive ourselves of these talents is stupid and the debate on nationality in the DRC seems outdated to me, as the Congolese diaspora is strategic to meeting our country’s challenges. La Cie Théâtre de Marconte lance un appel à candidature pour un atelier de Marionnettes. In short, Angola's interest in DRC is limited to ensuring that the undermining of this great neighbour does not create instability in the sub-region. Cultured, meticulous, ambitious and unapologetic, he promoted his Congolese heritage and began investing in diamonds, gold mining and, most recently, cement manufacturing. This is important because it allows for the building of a united civil front around principles rather than individuals and beyond political divisions. You know Joseph Kabila well. Augustin Dokolo Sanu. It’s a declaration of war against the regime…. All combinations are possible and none offers an absolute guarantee of probity. The advantage is that the Angolan political culture was forged by its long struggle against Portuguese and South African colonialism. This is in itself a betrayal that will be judged by history in the absence of a court. The building of a new empire had begun. So, have you ever wondered how rich Sindika Dokolo is, as of late 2017? Dokolo, a very ambitious man, had a businessman father, Augustin Dokolo Sanu. Sa mère, Hanne Kruse, est d'origine danoise. Lire aussi RD Congo – Sindika Dokolo : « Je ne me positionne pas pour les élections » Une jeunesse dorée. An entrepreneur and talented businessman, art collector and patron of the arts, at the age of 45 he is entering the battle for political change in DR Congo. Parce qu’en effet, il est aussi un grand voyageur. It is therefore important to communicate widely on the fact that he is the main source of instability and that there are scenarios for maintaining social peace after his departure. Building of the BK headquarters. President Dos Santos could have run for president again. In fact, he was reported to have inherited a fortune following his father's death in 2001. Can you ignore Angolan interests with regards to DRC? Unfortunately, the country’s economy collapsed, so his business was nationalized by the government under President Mobutu Sese Seko. Luluabourg, Thysville, Boma, Tsheila, etc… dépendent de la grande que Kinshassa connait bien. BK sign. He created a spiral of political violence that will only end when he is gone. Copyright © 2020 Afropolitain Media Group, Isabel dos Santos and Sindika Dokolo at a gala in France in 2015. One of their most important achievements has been the creation of a center for contemporary art in Luanda, where would be represented not only contemporary African art, but also other pieces of international artists. Dokolo’s wife had recently fallen into the crosshairs of courts in Angola and Portugal, where the couple’s assets, estimated at several billions of dollars, are frozen. These are buildings that have belonged to my family since the 1970s. In the late 90s, a Mobutu on the decline turned against Augustin Dokolo who, according to a struggling power structure, had become too powerful himself. The economic crisis is, from this point of view, and beyond the cyclical difficulties it generates, a real opportunity for the Angolan economy. Augustin Dokolo Sanu in his youth. M. Dokolo. For this to work, the relationship has to be honest and balanced. What’s this all about? We still own many strategic assets across the entire Republic. IT room at BK headquarters . Given your fortune and your ambitions, aren’t you one of its first oligarchs? We could caricature his life by reducing it – and him – to a few clichés, such as “the husband of…”, “PEP” (politically exposed person), and efficient but flamboyant financial jet-setter dabbling in international affairs, strategic issues, politics and the arts. BK branch in Kisangani . Your marriage to Isabel dos Santos has made you a key figure in Angola: the president's son-in-law. Producing African captains of industry should be high on the list of priorities of every country on the continent, because we won’t develop by making others rich. The principle of not interfering in the internal affairs of its neighbours is thus a reality, hardly restricted by the needs of its own internal stability. Required fields are marked *. We share the certainty that the normalisation of DRC’s political life and social appeasement throughout the country can only come about after Mr. Kabila's departure. The oil sector, which is the backbone of the Angolan economy, is in crisis. With Joao Lourenço, Angola’s former Minister of Defence and President Dos Santos’s successor, at the official opening of the Nova Cimangola II cement factory (Luanda). BK sign at Beni. Don’t forget that, while many opponents languished in prison after sham trials, Gédéon Kyungu, a warlord convicted of crimes against humanity of a rarely seen barbarism, was pardoned and, by his own admission, works for the regime. Can violence be avoided? BK headquarters. My family is linked to DRC’s economic history. You said in an interview that Central Africa would be the land of choice for future oligarchs. Apart from this, Sindika is also the owner of Amigotel, a company which provides services and equipment in the telecommunication sector, as well as being the editor of the Uanga review, both of which help to steadily increase his net worth. DRC has enough politicians and presidential candidates. BK branch Gbadolite. The way he uses his control over the Electoral Commission and the Constitutional Court and his refusal to accept a real political opponent are enough proof that democracy is not on the agenda. He died Thursday in Dubai according to a notice posted on Twitter by the family. Can there be a smooth transition? Why take the risk? BK of the Nation’s Palace. Speaking about his career, Sindika started to collect African art when he was only 15 years old,  under the influence of his father who was a collector of classical African art. My approach is, first and foremost, a civil commitment rooted in a two-fold conviction. Nous préservons la confidentialité de vos données et ne les partageons qu'avec des tiers qui rendent ce service possible. Plurinationality is a reality for all our countries. The businessman never recovered from the destruction of everything he had built. Another source is coming from his exhibitions. Les Éditions du Pangolin: Appel à textes ouvert à tous, auteurs confirmés ou non. Time is also needed to step back and assess and decide what needs reforming. He died Thursday in Dubai according to a notice posted on Twitter by the family. I believe that the main challenges facing my country are economic, and it is important for policy-makers to have a deep understanding of the principles that govern the market and allow a country to deploy a real development strategy. How do you relate to personalities like Moïse Katumbi and Felix Tshisekedi? A true parody of justice. I have no doubt that the collaboration between João Lourenço, as Head of State and the Executive, and President Dos Santos, as head of the party, will be a success. what’s happening in South Africa right now? You’ve been living in Luanda since 1999. Sindika Dokolo: My motivation is not to position myself on the Congolese political scene. Tribu Luba : Tshibawu, clé de la mythologie Kasaïenne. In 1969, Augustin Dokolo started to build what was to be his most ambitious achievement: the Bank of Kinshasa. I am, therefore, at this stage, more a member of civil society than of the political class. Augustin DOKOLO personnalise ainsi l’Africain de demain : largement ouvert sur le monde, mais profondément attaché son pays. According to this article, every Congolese person has the duty to block someone who is trying to stay in power in violation of the Constitution. ou l’expérience et les souvenirs qu’il a rapportés de ses voyages, tout intéresse l’auteur et lui a inspiré les réflexions qu’il nous fait partager dans ce livre. Similarly, the hydroelectric dam construction programme, which cost the state billions of dollars, will culminate by the end of the year with the commissioning of the first dam, at 1,500 MW, and will have a decisive impact on the competitiveness of domestic production. M. Dokolo created a real “American Ranch” on the Bateke plateau. Required fields are marked *. “The Dokolo family, his wife, children, mother, brother, and sisters have the deepest sorrow and immense sadness to announce the passing of Sindika Dokolo, which occurred on October 29, 2020, in Dubai,” the tweet said. It should be noted, however, that hundreds of schools and dozens of institutions of higher education and universities have been opened in fifteen years. He went to the Lycée Saint-Louis-de-Gonzague in Paris, France, after which he enrolled at the Pierre and Marie Curie University to study Foreign Languages, Economics and Commerce. He owns the biggest and most important collection of contemporary African art. Despite all his communicators’ efforts to convince the public that he is acting in good faith, nobody in DRC is duped. Since 22 February 2018, the commercial and strategic dispute between the Government of... Blockaded since June 2017 and at the centre of a diplomatic storm, Qatar has not given up... President Julius Maada Bio had hardly assumed office in Sierra Leone when he swung into... Engulfed by conflicts, violence, corruption, the country should go to the polls on... © 2016 S.A. AM INTERNATIONAL. Dokolo senior built a vast business empire in Zaire at the time of Mobutu with, as its flagship, the Bank of Kinshasa. Your email address will not be published. In doing so, he weakened our institutions and created chaos. A modern vision of Africa. Ses diverses activités prouvent son souci de la jeunesse et sa confiance dans le sport. In the face of state coercion, there has to be a peaceful but determined civil reaction. Sindika later said in interviews that he drew inspiration from his father’s collecting style. M. Dokolo. Dokolo senior built a vast business empire in Zaire at the time of Mobutu with, as its flagship, the Bank of Kinshasa. M. Dokolo in his office. Kin Exp’art: L’expo-photos dénommée « Kirecherche » au coeur de la ville de Kinshasa. Your email address will not be published. The aim is to intimidate or render ineligible, something of a regular occurrence in the DRC for those who denounce the regime’s abuses. When a country’s institutions are taken hostage by its leaders, it is up to each and every citizen to act according to his conscience. The idea itself goes against his entire political survival strategy. Sindika Dokolo was born on the 16th March 1972, in Kinshasa, Zaire, of Congolese and Danish descent, and is recognized for being not only a businessman, who is the heir to one of the largest economic empires of Zaire, but also an art collector, who owns one of the greatest contemporary African art collections. Like many Congolese people, I was sensitive to the fate of a very young president whose father had just been assassinated, in 2001. Endowed with a strong flair for business, M. Dokolo became very active in different strategic branches. The assets of the company were also vandalised during the UNITZA domination and during the 1991 and 1993 looting as well as during the 1996 and 1998 wars. Time, mainly. A court in Kinshasa has just sentenced you to a year in prison for a criminal property offence. Why do you want to get involved in politics and in the Congolese debate? Les comptoirs de Lome, Togo ne sont sans doute qu’une étape sur la grande route de ce succès national. He owned one of the most important contemporary African art collections, which includes more than 3,000 pieces. The risk of DRC’s dislocation being real, Mr. Kabila fuels the fire while presenting himself as the only bulwark against the humanitarian chaos that would erupt in a country at the mercy of rebellions. What we lack is the collective awareness that we have to defend our democratic gains from Mr. Kabila, who wants to remain in power. Do you have political ambitions in DR Congo? Augustin DOKOLO, né à Sinsulez -Thysville, le 16 mars 1935, est une personnalité bien connue de ce Congo nouveau qui s’édifie sous nos yeux. Sindika, a good-natured, easygoing child, grew up in Africa and Europe, where he attended the Jesuit High School of Saint-Louis-de-Gonzague in Paris. Now he has decided to put all his weight behind ending the reign of Joseph Kabila and beginning a real democratic transition in DR Congo. It started after the fall of the Mobutu regime and clearly aims to tear the country apart through terror inflicted on the civilian populations of the regions around the Great Lakes. Can one be a man of money and a politician? Twitter Nigeria drags Omotola Jalade Ekeinde over tweet on Lekki Toll Gate shooting, The unattractive face of black beauty cosmetics, How to keep your skin moisturized, bright, and hydrated in the winter, 4 Afro hairstyle Ideas to stay fly from work till dinner time. Media reports in the neighboring Democratic Republic of Congo, of which Dokolo was a citizen, said he had died in a diving accident. With Joseph Kabila heading up the country, I don’t believe that we can envisage such elections. More and more Congolese politicians, as well as ordinary citizens, have come to the same conclusion. Do you think that transparent elections are still possible within a reasonable period of time in DRC? Tribu et coutumes : A la découverte de Chokwe dans l’espace Grand Kasaï, une source historique irréversible. The second is that only the general population of DRC, determined to defend our democracy, can prevent the scuttling of our institutions. Que ce soient les problèmes soulevés par l’évolution rapide  de son pays et de ses concitoyens, les événements culturels qui concernent l’Afrique tout entière Your email address will not be published. This marked the beginning of his career and increase of his net worth. Sindika Dokolo spent his childhood in France and Belgium, where he was raised by his father, Augustin Dokolo Sanu, a well-known businessman and bank owner, and his mother, Hanne Kruse. The risks are commensurate with the stakes. Hereunder, you will find pictures that illustrate Augustin Dokolo Sanu’s life, his work within the Bank of Kinshasa as well as photos of his family. Vérifiez votre boite de réception ou votre répertoire d’indésirables pour confirmer votre abonnement. According to authoritative sources, it has been estimated that the total size of Sindika’s net worth is over $15 billion, accumulated through his successful involvement in the business industry. Dokolo grew up between Africa and Europe. Elegant and youthful-looking, Dokolo married Dos Santos in 2002. Sindika is one of four children born to Augustin Dokolo Sanu and Hanne Kruse, a Danish woman, who were married in 1968. His father, Augustin Dokolo Sanu, was a prominent collector of African art. M. Dokolo n’a pas choisi la démarche classique qui consiste a créer un Groupe de sociétés afin de donner par la suite naissance à une banque. Vous pouvez aussi souscrire sans commenter. Right after graduation in 1995, he returned to Zaire and began to work in the family business – having 17 companies which operate with banking, real estate investments, printing, car selling, etc. How do you explain President Kabila's “to the bitter-endism”? He now has to cling to power by force, at the risk of being held accountable for the daily abuses committed on his behalf. Even though the term “oligarch” has a negative connotation, I have always admired the difficult decision taken by the Russians after the collapse of the USSR to cede bankrupt strategic assets to those most capable, sometimes without compensation, rather than sell them to foreign companies. My father was the first Congolese person to set up a bank, the Bank of Kinshasa, and was, for a long time, the country’s leading businessman. Miss Fashion Academia 2020: poursuite des inscriptions jusqu’au 23 février avant l’entame du casting. Considerable progress has been made on both fronts, although major social inequalities persist and the fight against poverty still requires a great deal of effort. There has been a lot of praise over the ceremony French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe presided over to return an important artifact France seized... Joselyn Dumas, Ghanaian Actress and TV Host, while speaking with fashion stylist and style influencer Empress Jamila and custom menswear brand CEO, Brommon, on... Deontay Wilder has always been outspoken about his support of the oppressed and under served communities of color in America. Like all Congolese people, I will, at the appropriate time, choose the best candidate. Dokolo was also the son of the businessman Augustin Dokolo Sanu, from whom he inherited his fortune after his death in 2001. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It did not state the cause of death. He was the son of Augustin Dokolo Sanu, a highly-influential Congolese banker during the era of dictator Mobutu Sese Seko, and Hanne, a Dane who still lives in Kinshasa. Sindika Dokolo, the husband of Isabel dos Santos, billionaire daughter of Angola’s former president, has died, his family announced Friday. All the while writing his own story. In 2010, he organized the exposition “Luanda Suave e Frenética”, for Luanda’s 434th anniversary. Why, then, such a clear opposition? In my view, he bears the moral responsibility for the trouble spots that set DRC on fire. Dokolo, a business tycoon and art collector, became entangled along with his wife in an anti-corruption investigation launched after her father, Jose Eduardo dos Santos, left office in 2017. Thus, in 2006 he held exhibitions such as “SD Observatorio” at the Valencia Institute of Modern Art, “Check List Luanda Pop” at the 52nd Venice Biennale, among many others, all of which helped add considerable amount to his net worth. Sindika Dokolo spent his childhood in France and Belgium, where he was raised by his father, Augustin Dokolo Sanu, a well-known businessman and bank owner, and his mother, Hanne Kruse. Can one be a citizen of several countries in Africa today? Yet, obviously, nothing about his life is that simplistic. His father, it is recalled, built a business empire considered one of the largest in Zaire under the government of the late Mobutu Sese Seko. Alongside his wife, Hanne Kruse, a Danish national he married in 1968, the Mukongo patriarch built one of the largest economic empires – including his crown jewel, the Bank of Kinshasa – in Zaire under Mobutu Sese Seko’s rule. Sindika Dokolo (born 16 March 1972) is a Congolese art collector and businessman. Membre du Rotary, il a prononcé de nombreuses allocutions rapportant ses expériences. A comfortable majority in Parliament will help maintain the gains made and implement reforms instigated by the oil price crisis. It seems important to me, however, that the campaign allows citizens to choose between two visions, two projects, in order to overcome emotional and subjective factors and that the best person wins. As long as he enjoys this impunity, I fear that Joseph Kabila will continue his scorched earth politics. Even though Joseph Kabila may have had, for a time, the interests of the country at heart, he got a taste for power, to the point of trying to hold onto it by force after his second and last term. AGAR. Dokolo was 48. M. Dokolo in a meeting in BK. Best Black-Owned Beauty Brands To Shop Right Now! He died in 2001 and the family left Kinshasa. Intelligent and ambitious, he made a career and fortune alongside his wife Isabel in various sectors, including oil, diamonds (through De Grisogono), retail, cement, and telecommunications. 5 African superfoods You’ve Been Sleeping On, Exploring African Surf Culture in New Book, ‘AfroSurf’, What makes Nigerians in the diaspora so successful, the Emergence of digitization in agricultural startups, MY “SORRY NOT SORRY” UNAPOLOGETIC TOP TEN SNEAKERS OF ALL TIME, Sindika Dokolo, The husband of Billionaire Angola’s Isabel dos Santos dies, These House Plants Will Improve Your Health, Okonjo-Iweala, to emerge World Trade Organization’s Director General. With an initial capital of 300.000 zaires, the equivalent of 600.000 dollars, it was worth 10,474,875 zaires in 1983. L’Expo Zaïre 74 poursuit son bonhomme de chemin jusqu’au 15 mars au Musée National de la RD-Congo. Mais Augustin DOKOLO n’est pas de ces businessman noyés dans les chiffres, fermés aux problèmes qui dépassent le cadre d’un bordereau. Concours Mannequin et téléréalité Mwasi Y’ekolo: les inscriptions sont en cours jusqu’au 10 septembre prochain. He preferred to make way for a transition that, like the MPLA slogan, will improve on what has been achieved and correct mistakes. Why return to a country you left years ago? Il a très tôt compris qu’au Congo plus qu’ailleurs encore l’évolution doit s’accomplir sur tous les plans à la fois et que l’économie n’est qu’un profit de ce visage qu’il aime et qui s’appelle Congo. He did not choose the classical approach that consists in creating a group of companies in order to give birth to a bank. Dokolo was 48. @2020 - Designed and Developed by culturecongo. Exclusive interview. Dare we hope for a peaceful, democratic change of power? His viral clip of... Social media is buzzing with the theory that Africans are actually immune to the Corona Virus that originated in Wuhan China. I believe that a strategic partnership based on mutual respect would be a true source of stability and development for the whole of Central Africa. BK cashier desks. Il organise, dirige et finance divers clubs mouvements et associations. The trying of a case which has already been tried – and of which I was acquitted last February – to which I was summoned by a bailiff who doesn’t seem to work for any court in the city and who apparently served me a summons that I never received. It’s not right that so many international companies should make Africa their cash cow, their preserve, and that there are not more African champions to compete with them. Using this violence as an excuse to postpone the elections finally convinced me that he deliberately crossed the line. By choosing abuse of power and lawlessness, he consciously went beyond the point of no return. Homme d’affaires entreprenant, chef d’entreprise audacieux, les établissements commerciaux qu’il a montés grâce à une activité débordante alliée à une intelligence lucide se sont multipliés jusqu’à déborder les frontières : Can you still be “Congolese”? This unbearable barbarism has never been part of our moral values. Virtual Summit for African Business Leaders For Growth with the United States, Four Business Ideas As Africa Opens Back Up, Afropolitain Tips: Working well in an open space. The Catholic Church’s appeal to hinder his attempts will generate unprecedented popular pressure and make political change the priority of the 2017 political agenda. Il grandit en suivant ses parents en Belgique et en France. que sa curiosité des autres a conduit de Belgique en France, de Pologne qu Portugal d’Angleterre en Italie, de Hollande en Tchécoslovaquie, d’Irlande aux U.S.A. ou il a séjourné trois mois, et en Afrique, du Maroc en Angola en passant par le Nigeria, le Dehomey, le Sénégal où il a assisté au Premier Festival de l’Art Nègre et le Togo où l’appellent souvent ses activités professionnelles. July 2017. Augustin DOKOLO, né à Sinsulez -Thysville, le 16 mars 1935, est une personnalité bien connue de ce Congo nouveau qui s’édifie sous nos yeux. BK branch in Lubumbashi. Vernissage de l’exposition de clôture du 8ème et dernier module de Master class en photographie, L’ORCHESTRE DE SQUELETTES : Une installation vivante de Danniel Toya. Augustin Dokolo Sanu in 1945


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