hondo ohnaka rebels
[5], Hondo later informed Ezra that Vizago had a business on Lothal and could help them get through the blockade of the planet.[6]. [27], Following the skirmish at the Lothal cliff-dwelling, Hondo took part in the Rebels' attack on the Imperial Complex, a mobile Imperial Planetary Occupation Facility. Before Azmorigan could exact his revenge, he was foiled by Chopper, who attacked him and his men. Hondo kept his credits but gave the five power generators to the Rebels as a gift, which were used to alleviate an energy crisis on the planet Riin.[1]. [36] Hondo appears as an A-1000 animatronic in the pre-show, the second most-advanced figure Imagineering has built after the Shaman of Songs from Pandora: World of Avatar. After the scout failed to return, Ohnaka and his pirates assaulted the village. Hondo and his men then looted the wreckage, obtaining credits and weaponry.[15]. Hondo Ohnaka debuts in the fourth episode of Season two, "Brothers of the Broken Horn". https://starwarsrebels.fandom.com/wiki/Hondo_Ohnaka?oldid=95799. Doch anstatt sich direkt in Richtung des Kampfgeschehens zu begeben, steuerte er den Panzer auf ein Plateau oberhalb der Gebäude und beobachtete von dort den Kampf - bei dem die Piraten durch Dorfbewohner, die in der Zwischenzeit von den Jedi ausgebildet worden waren, und den Kopfgeldjägern zurückgeschlagen wurden. He also portrayed a warehouse supervisor in the season 5 premiere. Before leaving, Hondo contacted Ezra to thank him and his friends for rescuing him. On a later occasion, Hondo managed to outwit Vizago and his bodyguards and seize control of his ship, the Broken Horn. Though they were able to escape, Hondo's entire criminal empire was left in ruins. Hondo's betrayal angered Melch, who attacked him. [32], When the Kendoh Voss and her gang traveled to Batuu in an attempt to scam Dok-Ondar out of the Sword of Khashyun, Ohnaka agreed to work with Dok-Ondar. Which Hondo respected. After mourning Melch, discovered that he was only stunned as the Rebels were able to raise the shields before the Chimaera was able to restart their bombardment of the capital. Hondo then reiterated his demand for a ship equipped with a hyperdrive, detachable cargo bay, shield generator, and a crew. ""Then be a pirate Jedi!" However, because of the greediness of some of his men, his plan failed with Dooku escaping and the Jedi leaving in peace. However, Tano was sucked into the docking tube during the escape attempt and captured by Ohnaka, who regarded her as a valuable hostage and intended to turn her "into profit. However, Hondo was not so lucky and he was captured by the stormtroopers. Hondo and Ezra's team including Rex traveled to Yarma in the Phantom. This prompted Kallus to respond that they believed that they could. Hondo and Ezra met on false pretenses, Hondo claiming to have won Vizago's ship and droids in a bet, Ezra introducing himself as "Lando Calrissian". Hondo learns that Ezra is a Jedi but decides to invite Ezra to become a part of his crew instead. After capturing Vizago and ransacking his ship, Hondo ran into Ezra Bridger (under the alias of Lando Calrissian) and enlists Ezra into becoming a pirate. They then rediscovered the legendary Lasat homeworld of Lira San, which was already populated by millions of Lasat and became a refuge for the two Lasat refugees.[2]. However, Hondo and his new-found rebel partners managed to escape due to the quick actions of Ezra and Chopper, who managed to power up the engines and make a jump into hyperspace. Gender Da kurz darauf Jar Jar und die Einheit Klone auftauchten, ließen sie den Piratenanführer frei. [1], Verrat durch Darth Maul und Savage Opress, The Clone Wars – Lexikon der Helden, Schurken und Droiden, Zusatzbeitrag zur Synchronisation von Hondo Ohnaka, https://www.jedipedia.net/w/index.php?title=Hondo_Ohnaka&oldid=1181480, Hondo Ohnaka wird im englischen Original von, Hondo Ohnakas deutsche Stimme lieh ihm der Synchronsprecher. Following the battle, Hondo along with Melch and Ketsu met up with Ezra. Gender In 2 BBY, Ezra and his fellow rebels staged a rescue and managed to evacuate Hondo. During the struggle, Hondo managed to disable Vizago's bodyguard droids by stealing his droid controller and imprisoning the Devaronian in a cell in the ship's brig. Hondo then informed the rebels about Reklam Station and the Y-wings being dismantled there. Hondo Ohnaka They appeared to hit it off due to both individuals' pasts engaging in illicit activities, but Ezra appeared not so trusting of Hondo whereas Hondo came to like Ezra (disregarding the fact he lied about his identity) and wished to recruit the boy when he identified him as a Jedi. Soon after Hondo told Aurra he wouldn't aid them, Plo Koon and Ahsoka Tano arrived. The business venture involved undertaking various important jobs for a means of profit. Restaurants: BB-8 Snack Cart • Oga's Cantina Hondo also realized that Ezra was a Jedi after the youth used The Force to stop the dolly from hurling him into space. Hondo then convinced the Ghost Crew particularly Ezra to rescue him in return for disclosing this valuable information. Hondo contacted the Republic via hologram and displayed the captive Count to Supreme Chancellor Palpatine while demanding a ransom of one million credits worth of spice. In addition, Hondo could speak Ugnaught which helped him to befriend several Ugnaught laborers including Terba. Appearance After assessing the situation, the rebels decided to board the cargo ship by leaping on its hull and then opening the cargo bay. Schon früh wurde er von seinen Eltern an Priester des Gottes Quay verkauft. These characteristics occasionally brought him into trouble with the Jedi, the Republic, the Separatists, and even his own men who attempted to emulate his behavior to advance their own interests. [33], Ohnaka meets Chewbacca at Batuu's Spaceport, After the Battle of Crait, a decisive confrontation of the First Order–Resistance war, Ohnaka was stationed at Bakkar Spire in Black Spire. Always one to make a profit and double-cross his friends to save himself, Hondo led the Imperial troopers to the rebels, who were making their way through the halls of Hub 218. The figure has 50 different functions and runs entirely on electronics for smoother animation. Ezra told them to get ready to leave but Hondo insisted on taking the treasure. He sold the rebels information about Y-Wing Starfighters at Reklam Station in return for gaining a ship and crew. [3] Allerdings ließ Hondo seine Leute ausschwärmen, sobald die Jedi Florrum verlassen hatten, um Aurra zu finden. [29], At some point after the Battle of Endor, a portrait of Ohnaka was hung inside Takodana Castle on Takodana. Hondo then tried to make off with the Argora, but Ezra released it. Three years later after Darth Maul returned, Hondo helped Obi-Wan fight Maul and his brother Savage Oppress. After Azmorigan disappeared and Zeb vanished while trying to find him, Ezra tried to ask Hondo for help but the Weequay pirate was more concerned about his share of the treasure. Together with these Jedi reinforcements, Hondo and his pirates resisted the Nightbrothers' onslaught. For a character that has only been in seventeen episodes across two series — The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels — Hondo has live a very full, complex narrative. At some point after the rise of the Galactic Empire and the fall of the Republic, the Imperials broke up the Ohnaka Gang, forcing Hondo to continue his life of piracy alone. [25], Hondo, Melch, Azmorigan, and the Spectres, Later, Hondo struck a business partnership with the Jablogian crime lord Azmorigan, who had acquired the flight plan for an Imperial cargo ship. However, Saxon was not fooled and continued interrogating his prisoner. In retaliation for his imprisonment during their first encounter, the Separatist leader had come to take over Florrum and to dismantle Ohnaka's arsenal. Hondo Ohnaka helped Ezra Bridger and the crew of the ghost during the Liberation of Lothal, where they fought against the tightening imperial grip on the planet by Grand Admiral Thrawn, before he was successfully and sent into the unknown regions by Ezra Bridger. There, he taunted the suspended Tano, and revealed that he intended to sell her to an underworld "businessman" who would pay "handsomely" for a beautiful female Jedi. Being mostly self-centered and avaricious he was no friend of the Galactic Republic or Alliance . Later in the war, Hondo tried to take Jedi Kyber Crystals from Ahsoka and a band of Padawans. Saponza and his other partner quickly established a base of operations at their Tatooine homestead, but they soon attracted the wrath of the mighty Jabba the Hutt because of their criminal activity. Sriluur[1] Hondo preparing to liberate Lothal with the other rebels. Personality Kallus then responded that the rebels would be destroyed by the gravitational pull of the star cluster. The two men quickly realized that they could not defeat Jabba on their own and were forced to leave the business agreement with Hondo, strongly disappointing him. Nach mehreren … Hair color Upon arriving above the Lothal cliff dwelling, Hondo and Melch helped the rebels to route Governor Arihnda Pryce's attack force by shooting down two Imperial patrol transports. [22], After boarding the station, Hondo and the rebels encountered several Ugnaught laborers including Melch. [8], Eines Tages wurde Hondo in seiner Basis von der Sklave I besucht, mit der Aurra Sing und der junge Boba Fett, in Begleitung der Kopfgeldjäger Castas und Bossk, bei ihm eintrafen. In Hondos Arbeits- und Lebensweise lebte er wenig nach Göttern, auf die er nichts gab, doch beachtete er gerne alte Lebensweisheiten seiner Mutter,[4][5] wobei er jedoch auch nach seinen eigenen Wünschen und Regeln lebte. Wenig später, während sich Hondo mit einigen seiner Leute im Hangar aufhielt, erreichten die beiden Jedi Plo Koon und Ahsoka Tano Florrum und nahmen, sobald sie gelandet waren, Kontakt mit Hondo auf. This caused a black-out at Hondo's pirate base which allowed his three captives to escape. Ahsoka was surprised to see him, and he quickly fled the planet along with his pirates when a droid patrol attacked the group. "[13], Following the raid, Ohnaka and his gang took Ahsoka Tano to their base on Florrum. [39] On August 28, Hondo led the dedication ceremony for the Disney World version of Galaxy's Edge.[40][41]. Nachdem der Separatistenführer eingewilligt hatte, wurde er von Hondo Ohnaka geradewegs zu einem Piratennest auf Florrum geführt, wo sie Dooku endgültig überwältigten. Hondo then boarded the Last Chance and left. Hondo held Obi-Wan, along with Anakin and Dooku hostage. Skywalker then engaged the Weequay pirate in a duel with his lightsaber, prompting Hondo to brandish his electrostaff in defense. Three years later after the Separatist invaded Onderon Anakin knew Hondo had the right weaponry to stop them. Sie erholte sich erstaunlich schnell und verließ seine Piratenbande schließlich, um ihre Arbeit als Kopfgeldjägerin wieder aufzunehmen.[11]. Aufgrund des Umstandes, dass Ohnakas treu ergebener kowakianischer Echsenaffe Pilf Mukmuk sein Lichtschwert ergriffen hatte und dutzende Piraten die Gewehre auf ihn richteten, musste sich der Sith-Lord schließlich geschlagen geben und wurde in eine Zelle gebracht, wo ihm Energiefesseln angelegt wurden. Following a skirmish with Imperial stormtroopers and dismantler droids, the rebels, Hondo and the Ugnaughts managed to steal five Y-wings. Following the events on Nixus Hub 218, Hondo was imprisoned by the Empire at the Imperial prison on Naraka. At the urging of Zeb, Hondo admitted that he had contracted the rebels after losing his Ugnaught crew. Hondo, Azmorigan, and the rebels managed to enter the cargo bay with the help of Chopper and Ezra. In Ezra's absence, the rebels adopted Sabine's plan to send two strike teams to recapture the power terminals that powered the Dome's deflector shield generator. Ezra and the crew of the Ghost traveled to Nixus where they discovered that these two refugees were Lasat who had survived the fall of Lasan. Impressed, Hondo offered Ezra the chance to assist him in selling five power generators at extortion rates. Before the Imperials could capture the rebels, Hondo secretly contacted Ezra and warned him of the approaching Imperials. These younglings had recently completed an initiation rite on Ilum. Senator Kharrus, the Clone trooper pilot called Mack, and his co-pilot were killed during the crash, but Representative Binks and several Clone troopers led by Commander Stone survived. Als Hondos Männer das Schiff enterten, lockten die Sith sie mit dem erbeuteten Geld auf ihre Seite und versuchten, auch Hondo von ihrem Plan zu überzeugen. . Maul and Hondo are not known to have interacted since. Allowing the rest of the Rebels to take the command center. Those that remained loyal to Hondo including one captain were executed by the two Nightbrothers. [37][38] Jim Cummings provided the voice for both animatronic, as well for live-action video material in the Smuggler's Run attraction, while the live-action Hondo was performed by actor Robert Nairne. Hondo Ohnaka [5], Hondo began demanding that the villagers deliver a portion of their nysillin by the following morning. 10 Hondo Ohnaka. When IG-88 raised his vibroblade at Hondo, Qi'ra successfully subdued the pair and collected the bounties on both of their heads. Ezra then asked Hondo to convince the Ugnaughts to shut down the conveyor belt. At some unknown point, Ohnaka antagonized the Rang Clan, causing the clan to place a bounty on his head. During the ensuing skirmish, Hondo and his rebel allies managed to turn the tables on Azmorigan and escape offworld with the generators and several stolen credits. Kenobi told Hondo to collapse the tunnel so that the Nightbrothers would be separated from the pirates; much to his anticipation, the two went after Kenobi while the pirates pursued Hondo and his men. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. In the end, the two partners agreed to split their profits and to give Ezra two of the power generators. Hondo held Anakin, along with Obi-Wan and Dooku hostage. He believed that both of them had died in the crash, while Kenobi believed otherwise. Millennium Falcon: Smuggler's Run Hondo was then chased by Ezra, who demanded Hondo to surrender the Argora. Despite the misgivings of Hera and Kallus about his plan, the other rebels placed their trust on Hondo and latched onto the cargo ship once it had exited hyperspace. While Hondo claimed to care for his "partners", he was known to put his pecuniary interests ahead of others; as exemplified by his exploitative attitude towards Azmorigan. Hondo retreated with the remainder of his loyalists, and when he asked Kenobi where Gallia was, he told him she was dead. While exploring Vizago's ship, Ezra frees Vizago to get the generators back from Hondo, though Hondo escapes on Ezra's ship with the generators and Vizago's credits. When Ezra and the others returned to the cargo bay with Sentry Droids behind them, Hondo and Melch were attempting to load a crate onto the cables. Hondo and Azmorigan raced each other on the cables back to the Ghost while clutching to their cargo. [4], Als diese angekommen waren, bot er den Jedi einen Drink an und erzählte ihnen eine Lügengeschichte über die Gefangennahme Dookus. He used his command of the Ugnaught language to convince the Ugnaught laborers at Reklam Station to help the rebels steal Y-Wing Starfighters and to accept him as their leader. But Hondo managed to survive by clinging onto the ledge. In dieser tödlichen Situation gab Hondo auf und bat den Jedi um Hilfe, welche dieser ihm auch gewährte. He gained notoriety during the Clone Wars when he captures Count Dooku, the leader of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, and attempts to sell Dooku to the Galactic Republic for a ransom, which led to the capture of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker. They routinely raided a nysillin spice village, prompting the Felucian villagers to hire a band of four bounty hunters for their protection. While under capture by Koon, Hondo managed to convince the young Fett to reveal the location of the Republic hostages Admiral Shoan Kilian and a Clone officer, telling him that it is was what his father would want him to do. Following the skirmish at the Lothal cliff-dwelling, Hondo took part in the Rebels' attack on the Imperial Complex, where he and the others were disguised as prisoners. Height [31], While searching for the Millennium Falcon, mercenary Bazine Netal was informed by the leader of the White Worms on Corellia that Ohnaka was in possession of the ship. While Hondo and his pirates were distracted, the youngling Katooni managed to free Tano and recover her lightsabers. Hondo then convinced the Spectres particularly his former one-time partner Ezra Bridger to rescue him in return for disclosing this valuable information. Kaitis was eventually killed. Star Wars Resistance: Kazuda Xiono • Tam Ryvora • Jarek Yeager • Torra Doza • Freya Fenris • Griff Halloran • Elrik Vonreg • Imanuel Doza • Tierny • Neeku Vozo There Hondo met Jango's son, Boba Fett. Shortly later, Hondo's old Jedi adversaries Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and his Padawan Ahsoka Tano visited the same village to investigate the disappearance of a Republic medical station orbiting the planet. Dok-Ondar and Hondo travelled to the temple which was strong in the force, but inside, they were confronted by the guardians of the Whills, who fiercely defended their ancient force relics. – UEBS: Mods, Everything You Missed In The Mandalorian Season 2 Episode 1. Hondo and the Ugnaughts followed Ezra to the command center but stopped to guard an Imperial landing craft in the hangar. By the time of the series, he is in his early 60s. Hondo was unconcerned about Melch's disappearance and claimed that he had fallen to his death. Unknown to Hondo, the Phantom's autopilot had already been programmed to return to the Ghost. [3] Hondo stahl seine Stiefel von einem corellianischen Piraten und seine Jacke von einem Wroonianer. Ohnaka demanded that Dok-Ondar tell him how he acquired the hilt, and after hearing the story, departed. At first, Hondo refused to hand the Argora over to them and told them that they had other things to worry about than stormtroopers. Aided by Obi-Wan and Adi Gallia, Hondo, and the pirates who remained loyal to him defeated the two Sith brothers, driving them off of Florrum, and taking their riches from their crashed ship. Hearing Vizago's distress, Ezra and Chopper traveled on the Phantom and found the Broken Horn in orbit above Garel. Once inside, Hondo and Azmorigan squabbled over the treasure while the rebels began preparations to load the proton bombs aboard the Ghost. The two later meet up with Azmorigan to commence in trading the generators Hondo stole from the ship, but Azmorigan turns on the two and reveals Ezra's deception. Minions Video Games: Club Penguin Star Wars Takeover • Star Wars Battlefront • Star Wars: Tiny Death Star • Star Wars: Attack Squadrons • Star Wars: Assault Team • Angry Birds Star Wars • Angry Birds Star Wars II • Star Wars: Scene Maker • Star Wars: Commander • Disney Infinity: 3.0 Edition • Star Wars: Uprising • Star Wars Rebels: Recon Missions • Star Wars: Mobile App • LEGO Star Wars:The Force Awakens • Star Wars: Force Arena • Star Wars Battlefront II • Disney Magic Kingdoms • Roblox • Star Wars: Squadrons However, Ohnaka and his new-found rebel partners managed to escape due to the quick actions of Ezra and Chopper, who managed to power up the engines and make a jump into hyperspace. Background information Fate Because of this, Hondo turned to smuggling and betting to survive the years that followed the Clone Wars. It is here that Hondo reveals that he cares deeply for Ezra and would do anything for him. There, he tried to convince Hera to sell him the Ghost but was rebuffed by the rebel captain. [16] At some point, Ohnaka wrote the Book of Hondo. Hondo then guided Sabine to Reklam Station, which lay inside the gassy planet's atmosphere.


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