rassemblement national medias
[220] Interviewed by the Israeli daily newspaper Haaretz about the fact that some of her European senior colleagues had formed alliances with, and visited, some Israeli settlers and groups, Marine Le Pen said: "The shared concern about radical Islam explains the relationship ... but it is possible that behind it is also the need of the visitors from Europe to change their image in their countries ... As far as their partners in Israel are concerned, I myself don't understand the idea of continuing to develop the settlements. [125] Many had also been particularly influential in intellectualising the FN's policies on immigration, identity and "national preference", and, following the split, Le Pen denounced them as "extremist" and "racist". ", "French National Front: Far right or hard left? Das Ergebnis reichte allerdings nicht zur Bildung einer eigenen Fraktion im Parlament. Rassemblement National. [62][63] Following the death of Duprat in a bomb attack in 1978, the revolutionary nationalists left the party, while Stirbois became Le Pen's deputy as his solidarists effectively ousted the neo-fascist tendency in the party leadership. [2][3] Mit den „Rechten“ sind in Frankreich die Liberalen und Konservativen gemeint, nicht die extreme Rechte. However, due to the French electoral system, the party only won 2 of the 2,026 seats up for election.[147]. [103], In the wake of FN electoral success, the immigration debate, growing concerns over Islamic fundamentalism, and the fatwa against Salman Rushdie by Ayatollah Khomeini, the 1989 affaire du foulard was the first major test of the relations between the values of the French Republic and Islam. [222][223] Senior FN officials from the party's political bureau informed Mediapart that this was the first instalment of a €40 million loan, although Marine Le Pen has disputed this. [75][79] The events in Dreux were a monumental factor for the rise of the FN. "Depuis 2011, le FN est devenu "protectionniste au sens large, "French far-right leader seeks to reintroduce death penalty after Charlie Hebdo attack", "Immigration | Stopper l'immigration, renforcer l'identité française", "Exclusion, Community, and a Populist Political Economy: The Radical Right as an Anti-Globalization Movement", "The French secular hypocrisy: the extreme right, the Republic and the battle for hegemony", "Victory for France's conservatives in local elections", "Le Pen Family Drama Splits France's Far Right National Front Party", "E.U. ", "Marine Le Pen National Front leader | Who is Marine Le Pen? Bei der Europawahl 2014 wurde die Front National mit 24,9 Prozent erstmals stärkste Partei Frankreichs und zog mit 16 Abgeordneten ins EU-Parlament ein. oder. [184], In November 2015, Front National stated as its goal to have a net legal immigration rate (immigrants minus emigrants) of 10,000 in France per year. Heute um 05:06. Während der Präsidentschaftswahlen 1995 forderte der damalige Parteivorsitzende Jean-Marie Le Pen die Rückführung von drei Millionen Nichteuropäern aus Frankreich — hier ist die Parteilinie inzwischen gemäßigter. In 2007, it was part of the short-lived Identity, Tradition, Sovereignty group. Ludovic Pajot became the youngest member of the current French parliament at 23. Wie für rechtspopulistische Parteien typisch, weise die Front National keine umfassende Ideologie, sondern eine eher flexible Weltanschauung auf. [64] A radical group split off in 1980 and founded the French Nationalist Party, dismissing the FN as becoming too Zionist and Le Pen as the "puppet" of the Jews. Daraufhin entgegnete ihr Vater am 4./5. In den 1990er-Jahren wurden mehrere Branchengewerkschaften gegründet, die mit der FN verbunden waren, insbesondere für Polizisten, Gefängnispersonal, Beschäftigte im öffentlichen Verkehr. Laurent Jacobelli, porte-parole du Rassemblement national, était l’invité de CNews. Passwort vergessen? Nach Le Pens Wechsel in die französische Nationalversammlung übernahm Nicolas Bay, damals noch Generalsekretär der FN. Rassemblement National, Nanterre. In den 1970er und 1980er Jahren konnte die Parteilinie in Abgrenzung zum Etatismus der regierenden Linksparteien als neoliberal verstanden werden, Zielgruppe waren vor allem kleine Selbständige und Mittelständler. [42] [136] The FN failed to hold on to Le Pen's support for the 2002 legislative elections, in which it got 11.3% of the vote. Marine Le Pen has publicly disclosed all the rejection letters that French banks have sent to her concerning her loan requests. [57] Other FN issues included calls for increased French birth rates, immigration reduction (although this was downplayed), establishment of a professional army, abrogation of the Évian Accords, and generally the creation of a "French and European renaissance. [102] In the 1989 European elections, the FN held on to its ten seats as it won 11.7% of the vote. [122] In the tenth FN national congress in 1997, Mégret stepped up his position in the party as its rising star and a potential leader following Le Pen. Marine Le Pen steht für eine Öffnung der Partei hin zu Demokratie und Laizismus und eine Abkehr von Rassismus und Antisemitismus. Dort existierte allerdings mit der Kleinpartei Alsace d’abord aufgrund ihres regionalen Profils ein direkter Konkurrent zur FN. [114], In the 1997 legislative elections the FN polled its best-ever result with 15.3% support in metropolitan France, confirming its position as the third most important political force in France. The country is obligated to provide solutions to the development of radical Islam in the problematic regions". Pressemitteilung der Front National vom 6. [99][100] Other quarrels soon also left the party without its remaining member of the National Assembly. 2002 (Jean-Marie Le Pen): 16,86 %, 2. Issues included lower taxes, reducing state intervention, reducing the size of the public sector, privatisation, and scaling back government bureaucracy. [90][91] Several of its legislative proposals were extremely controversial and had a socially reactionary and xenophobic character, among them attempts to restore the death penalty, expel foreigners who "proportionally committed more crimes than the French", restrict naturalisation, introduce a "national preference" for employment, impose taxes on the hiring of foreigners by French companies, and privatise Agence France-Presse. Italien Lega Nord | Das war mehr als bei den vorherigen Wahlen, bei denen die FN nur 2 Abgeordnetensitze erhalten hatte. [94] The management of the formal campaign, launched in April 1987, was entrusted to Bruno Mégret, one of the new notables. [53] Die geplante Gründung einer Fraktion nach der Wahl kam trotz Sitzzugewinnen der Bündnispartner nicht zustande, da sich nicht aus mindestens sieben Ländern Abgeordnete für die Fraktion fanden. Nach der Europawahl 1989 zog sich die MSI aus der Zusammenarbeit mit der FN zurück. [91][98] In the election the party retained its 9.8% support from the previous legislative election, but was reduced to a single seat in the National Assembly. Pourquoi le FN reste résolument un parti d'extrême droite. [154] The international media described the results as "historic",[155][156][157] and "impressive", although the International Business Times suggested that "hopes for real political power remain a fantasy" for the National Front. [57] The PFN was even worse off, and the election marked the effective end of competition from the party. [94] In the 1988 presidential election, Le Pen won an unprecedented 14.4% of the vote,[96] and double the votes from 1984. [59] In his first presidential election, Le Pen gained only 0.8% of the national vote. Or left? For other uses, see, Presidential and parliamentary election, rebranding (2017–present), View on Nazi history and relations with Jewish groups. [54][55] The move towards the mainstream cost it many leading members and much of its militant base. Aktueller Beitrag der Seite. Rassemblement National. [169][170][171], In January 2019, an ex-Sarkozy minister Thierry Mariani and former conservative lawmaker Jean-Paul Garraud, left the Les Republicains (LR), joining the National Rally. [59] The campaign further lost ground when the Revolutionary Communist League published a denunciation of Le Pen's alleged involvement in torture during his time in Algeria. Face à l’invasion migratoire, contrôlons nos frontières ! Neues Konto erstellen. Gemeinsame Fraktionsvorsitzende wurden Marcel de Graaff und Marine Le Pen. Jetzt nicht. The National Front was a marginal party in 1973, the first election it participated in, but the party made its breakthrough in the 1984 European Parliament election, where it won 11% of the vote and ten MEPs. Juni 2015 konnte mit einer UKIP-Überläuferin der UKIP die Fraktion Europa der Nationen und der Freiheit (ENF) gegründet werden. ... History is on our side and will bring us victory." [35], Im April und Mai 2015 eskalierten die schon länger bestehenden Spannungen zwischen der Parteivorsitzenden Marine Le Pen und ihrem Vater, dem Parteigründer Jean-Marie Le Pen. [125] Support for the parties was almost equal in the 1999 European election, as the FN polled its lowest national score since 1984 with just 5.7%, and the MNR won 3.3%. [242] Apart from the party's membership in the Identity and Democracy parliamentary group and the Identity and Democracy Party, the RN also has contacts with Giorgia Meloni's Brothers of Italy,[243] Krasimir Karakachanov's IMRO – Bulgarian National Movement,[244] and Santiago Abascal's Vox in Spain. 92000 Nanterre - 01 41 20 20 00 | Tous droits réservés |. While the party struggled as a marginal force for its first ten years, since 1984 it has been the major force of French nationalism. [129][130] The shock was thus great when Le Pen unexpectedly beat Jospin (by 0.7%) in the first round. [203], Marine Le Pen described Russian President Vladimir Putin as a "defender of the Christian heritage of European civilisation. [204][223] The Independent said the loans "take Moscow's attempt to influence the internal politics of the EU to a new level. Rassemblement National - 76/78 rue des Suisses Wahlgang: 17,79 %, 2017 (Marine Le Pen): 21,30 %, 2. Gemäßigt rechte Listen (Les Républicains, Union des démocrates et indépendants und Mouvement démocrate) erhielten 26,65 und gemäßigt linke Listen (Parti socialiste, Parti radical de gauche) 23,12 Prozent der Wählerstimmen. Am 8. Mai 2014, Vorlage:Webachiv/IABot/www.frontnational.com. Auch ein Anfang Mai angekündigtes Wahlbündnis mit der nationalkonservativen Splitterpartei Debout la France brach schon wenige Tage später auseinander, noch vor der Parlamentswahl. The FN adopted a French version of the MSI tricolour flame as its logo. Marine Le Pen will den französischen Front National umbenennen. [112] The FN pursued interventionist policies with regards to the new cultural complexion of their towns by directly influencing artistic events, cinema schedules, and library holdings, as well as cutting or halting subsidies for multicultural associations. Das Rechts-links-Schema wird in Frankreich vor allem an der Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik festgemacht; die Vorgänger-Organisation Front National prägte daher das Motto Ni Droite ni Gauche – français! "[204] Reinhard Bütikofer stated, "It's remarkable that a political party from the motherland of freedom can be funded by Putin's sphere—the largest European enemy of freedom. [212] In 2019, the National Rally excluded the exit of France from the euro zone. The new name was put to a vote of party members. [231] From 1999 to 2001, the FN was a member of the Technical Group of Independents. [166][167] On 1 June, Le Pen announced that the name change was approved by party adherents with 80.81% in favour. [188], At the end of the 1970s, Le Pen refurbished his party's appeal by breaking away from the anti-capitalist heritage of Poujadism. [32][33] Im September 2014 erhielt die Front National einen Kredit von 9,4 Millionen Euro bei der russischen Bank „First Czech Russian Bank“. Since inception the party has been primarily an anti-immigration party, advocating significant cuts to legal immigration. [194] Women voters in France were traditionally more attracted to mainstream conservative parties than the radical right until the 2000s. Nach der Europawahl 2019 wurde die ENF von der Fraktion Identität und Demokratie abgelöst. [27] Zentrales Thema ist dabei die Islamkritik bzw. Mehr von Rassemblement National auf Facebook anzeigen. [33], The party's ideological roots can be traced to both Poujadism, a populist, small business tax protest movement founded in 1953 by Pierre Poujade and right-wing dismay over the decision by French President Charles de Gaulle to abandon his promise of holding on to the colony of French Algeria after the defeat of France in the Algerian War (many frontistes, including Le Pen, were part of an inner circle of returned servicemen known as Le cercle national des combattants). Nach den Kommunalwahlen 2014 stellte die Partei mindestens zehn Bürgermeister, etwa in Fréjus, Villers-Cotterêts und Cogolin. Jordan Bardella, vice-président du Rassemblement national, était l’invité de Laurence Ferrari sur CNews. Marine Le Pen était l'invitée d'Apolline de Malherbe sur RMC et BFMTV. NON à l’impôt européen ! Die Partei definiert sich selbst als „weder rechts noch links“[4] sowie als „patriotisch“, „populistisch“ und „souveränistisch“. During Jean-Marie Le Pen's presidency, the party has also been active in establishing extra-parliamentary confederations. („Weder rechts noch links – französisch!“). The National Rally has opposed the European Union and its predecessor organizations since the party's creation. Dabei gewann Dispard im zweiten Wahlgang mit 50,03 gegen 49,97 Prozent für den Kandidaten der PCF (eine Differenz von 5 Stimmen). Von rechtsextremen Parteien wie der BNP oder der NPD hält die Partei seither Abstand und versucht sich als Kraft der rechten Mitte zu positionieren. Die FN erzielte landesweit etwa 12,6 Prozent der Stimmen. [14], The party was founded in 1972 to unify a variety of French nationalist movements of the time. [165] The name had also been used by the FN previously, for its parliamentary group between 1986 and 1988. [40][41] The party was launched on 5 October 1972 under the name National Front for French Unity (Front national pour l'unité française), or Front National. [189] In 2002, Jean-Marie Le Pen campaigned on pulling France out of the EU and re-introducing the franc as the country's national currency. Am 15. [68] It fielded Jean-Louis Tixier-Vignancour as its primary candidate, while Le Pen called for voter abstention. Oktober 2014 erfolgte[54] und mittelfristig die EAF ablöst. [26] Sie spricht vor allem das traditionell katholische Milieu an. National populists combine the social values of the left and the political values of the right, and advocate a referendary republic that would bypass traditional political divisions and institutions. [125][126] Many of those who joined the new MNR had joined the FN in the mid-1980s, in part from the Nouvelle Droite, with a vision of building bridges to the parliamentary right. [25] Mégrets Partei, das Mouvement national républicain (MNR), konnte jedoch keine größeren Erfolge vorweisen. Marine Le Pen has successfully introduced a neo-populist shift in the defense of women, gays, and Jews against a "phallocratic, homophobic, and anti-Semitic Islam". August 2015 wurde Jean-Marie Le Pen wegen „schwerer Verfehlungen“ aus der Partei ausgeschlossen. "[198] It also proposed breaking all institutional ties back to the Treaty of Rome, while it returned to supporting a common European currency to rival the United States dollar. [34][35] During the 1965 presidential election, Le Pen unsuccessfully attempted to consolidate the right-wing vote around the right-wing presidential candidate Jean-Louis Tixier-Vignancour. The party managed to advance to the final round of the 2002 French presidential election, although it failed to attract much more support after the initial first round vote. Rassemblement National (RN, deutsch Nationale Sammlungsbewegung; bis Juni 2018: Front National, FN, deutsch Nationale Front) ist eine am rechten Rand des politischen Spektrums angesiedelte Partei in Frankreich; sie bedient sich einer rechtspopulistischen Stilistik und rechtsextremer Argumentationen. Abridged list of reliable sources that refer to National Rally as far-right: Eine der wichtigsten Forderungen der RN ist die Beschränkung der Einwanderung, insbesondere der aus nichteuropäischen Ländern. ", FNinfos, the official website of National Front activists, Nations Presse Info, an information Website near the National Front, Has Marine Le Pen made France's Front National respectable? This loan is meant to prepare future electoral campaigns and to be repaid progressively. Sie solle sich stattdessen lieber wieder verheiraten, damit sie nicht mehr seinen Familiennamen trage. Institut des sciences sociales économiques et politiques, Union de défense des commerçants et artisans, Coordination française nationale des travailleurs, Technischen Fraktion der Unabhängigen Abgeordneten, Allianz der Europäischen nationalen Bewegungen, Bewegung für ein Europa der Nationen und der Freiheit, Technische Fraktion der Europäischen Rechten, Technische Fraktion der Unabhängigen Abgeordneten. [49] Auch der Polizeigewerkschaft Front national de la Police (FNP) erkannte der Kassationshof 1998 den Gewerkschaftscharakter ab. The significant Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ) refused to join the efforts, as Jörg Haider sought to distance himself from Le Pen, and later attempted to build a separate group. [95] Le Pen's presidential campaign was highly successful; no candidates came close to rival his ability to excite audiences at rallies and boost ratings at television appearances. [230] As the MSI evolved into the National Alliance, it chose to distance itself from the FN. [113] The party won Vitrolles, its fourth town, in a 1997 by-election, where similar policies were pursued. Wahlgang: 33,90 %. Or something altogether different? These electoral defeats partly accounted for the party's financial problems. [106] By the early 1990s, some mainstream politicians began employing anti-immigration rhetoric. The Marinisation of France. Bruno Bilde. His presidential campaign in 1965 was managed by Jean-Marie Le Pen. Zugleich wurde eine Urabstimmung angekündigt zur Frage, ob das Amt des Ehrenvorsitzenden, das bisher Jean-Marie Le Pen innehatte, abgeschafft werden solle. [75] With the choice of defeat to the political left or dealing with the FN, the local RPR and UDF agreed to form an alliance with the FN, creating national sensation, and together won the second round with 55% of the vote. [132] Jospin had also been weakened due to the competition between an exceptional number of leftist parties. September 2015 auch gegen die FN selbst wegen des Verdachts der illegalen Parteienfinanzierung und des finanziellen Betrugs zu Lasten des Staates im Umfeld der Wahlen 2012. Pour neutraliser les racailles : signez la pétition ! In einer Erwiderung über die Presse ließ der 86-jährige Jean-Marie Le Pen verlauten, dass seine Tochter womöglich auf sein baldiges Ableben hoffe, aber diesbezüglich nicht auf seine Unterstützung rechnen könne. [46] Die von ihm geführte rechte Liste besetzt dort 42 der 57 Sitze im Gemeinderat. [182], The party's economic policy shifted from the 1980s to the 1990s from neoliberalism to protectionism. Ihrem Dachverband Coordination française nationale des travailleurs (CFNT) wurde nach den Arbeitsgerichtswahlen 1997 der Gewerkschaftsstatus gerichtlich aberkannt, weil er zu stark parteipolitisch ausgerichtet war. [53] The FNJ were banned from the party later that year. Treibende Kraft des Komitees war Jean-Marie Le Pen, der auch als Wahlkampfleiter für Tixier-Vignancour fungierte. [94][101] The FN only got 5% in the 1988 cantonal elections, while the RPR announced it would reject any alliance with the FN, now including at local level. [187] She has recast the party's support for Israel, after affirming Israel's right to secure itself from terrorism, and criticising the leadership of Iran. En renseignant vos données personnelles dans les formulaires du site, vous acceptez que nous les utilisions à des fins de communication. Daphne Halikiopoulou, Sofia Vasilopoulou: Tanja Wolf: Rechtsextreme und rechtspopulistische Parteien in Europa. Some scholars have even considered that the FN's 1978 program may be regarded as "Reaganite before Reagan". He instead made an unambiguous commitment to popular capitalism, and started espousing an extremely market liberal and anti-statist programme. und in der Wahl erhielt sie mit 33,9 % deutlich weniger Stimmen als erhofft. Osterreich Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs | [48][49], The National Front fared poorly in the 1973 legislative elections, receiving 0.5% of the national vote (although Le Pen won 5% in his Paris constituency). Nach der Parlamentswahl im Juni 2017 war die Sammlungsbewegung mit acht Sitzen in der französischen Nationalversammlung vertreten, inzwischen sind es sechs. [128], For the 2002 presidential election, opinion polls had predicted a run-off between incumbent President Chirac and PS candidate Lionel Jospin. [26], While her father was nicknamed the "Devil of the Republic" by mainstream media and sparked outrage for hate speech, including Holocaust denial and Islamophobia, Marine Le Pen pursued a policy of "de-demonisation" of the party by softening its image. [248], The party had five vice presidents between July 2012 and March 2018 (against three previously). [175][176] At the same time, its message has increasingly influenced mainstream political parties,[176][177] although the FN too has moved somewhat closer towards the centre-right. I consider it a political mistake and would like to make it clear in this context that we must have the right to criticise the policy of the State of Israel – just as we are allowed to criticise any sovereign country – without it being considered anti-Semitism. [221], In November 2014, Marine Le Pen confirmed that the party had received a €9 million loan from the First Czech Russian Bank (FCRB) in Moscow to the National Front. [97], The FN was hurt in the snap 1988 legislative elections by the return two-ballot majority voting, by the limited campaign period, and by the departure of many notables. [234] Pursuing her de-demonisation policy, in October 2011, Marine Le Pen, as new president of the National Front, joined the European Alliance for Freedom (EAF). RFI English, Marine Le Pen's Protectionist Economics and Social Conservatism, Movement for a Europe of Nations and Freedom, Fédération d'action nationale et européenne, Association for the Defence of the Memory of Marshal Pétain, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=National_Rally&oldid=985707998, Member parties of the Identity and Democracy Party, Articles with French-language sources (fr), CS1 maint: BOT: original-url status unknown, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Marine took over as the president of the party in 2011 and contested the, This page was last edited on 27 October 2020, at 13:57. Der hohe Grad der organisationalen Ausgestaltung mit stark zentralisierten, von der Spitze nach unten organisierten Strukturen mit starkem Unterbau entspreche hingegen dem einer rechtsextremen Partei.[16]. The delegation was not sanctioned by the European Parliament, and consisted mostly of right-wing populist politicians including MEPs from Vox, Alternative for Germany, the Northern League, Vlaams Belang, the British Brexit Party, and Poland's Law and Justice party. Sie gehört Roman Popow, dem ehemaligen Finanzchef von Stroytransgaz. [159] This was said to be "the first time the anti-immigrant, anti-EU party had won a nationwide election in its four-decade history. It was formerly known as the Europe of Nations and Freedom group, during which time it also included the Polish Congress of the New Right, a former member of the UK Independence Party and a former member of Romania's Conservative Party. Since 2010, the party's support seems to have increased towards its former heights. Bei den Regionalwahlen 2004 wurde Le Pen vom zuständigen Präfekten der Region Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur die Kandidatur in seinem Wahlkreis Nizza aus formalen Gründen verweigert. Wer als Ausländer straffällig wird, soll sofort, wer seine Arbeit verliert, nach einem Jahr das Aufenthaltsrecht in Frankreich verlieren. [52] Le Pen sought the "total fusion" of the currents in the party, and warned against crude activism. Zur allgemeinen Überraschung gelang es Jean-Marie Le Pen 2002, als Zweitplatzierter aus der ersten Runde der Präsidentschaftswahlen hervorzugehen und damit Lionel Jospin, den Kandidaten der Sozialistischen Partei Frankreichs (PS), auf den dritten Platz zu verweisen und in die zweite, entscheidende Runde der Präsidentschaftswahlen einzuziehen. [123] Le Pen however refused to designate Mégret as his successor-elect, and instead made his wife Jany the leader of the FN list for the upcoming European election. [30][31], At the party congress on 11 March 2018, Marine Le Pen proposed renaming the party to Rassemblement national (National Rally), [32] and on 1 June 2018, the renaming of the party was confirmed, following a 80.81% approval ballot of party members. Pas d’amnistie pour la Macronie : signez la pétition ! Sebastian Chwala[15] beschrieb die Front National 2015 als „rechtspopulistische“ Partei. Der Entscheidung des Exekutivbüros war eine Abstimmung des Parteivorstandes vorangegangen, bei der sich 40 Mitglieder hinter Marine Le Pen gestellt hatten, bei einer Enthaltung und drei Gegenstimmen (Jean-Marie Le Pen, Bruno Gollnisch und Alain Jamet). The party's 4.3% support was the lowest score since the 1981 election and only one candidate, Marine Le Pen in Pas de Calais, reached the runoff (where she was defeated by the Socialist incumbent). [77] The next month, Le Pen was for the first time invited onto a prime-time television interview programme, which he himself later deemed "the hour that changed everything". [70] The PS attained its best ever result with an absolute majority in the 1981 legislative election. "[160] The party's success came as a shock in France and the EU. FN 1986.png 582 × 587; 58 KB. Jean-Marie Le Pen founded the party and was its leader until his resignation in 2011. [131] To Le Pen's advantage, the election campaign had increasingly focused on law and order issues, helped by media attention on a number of violent incidents. [38][39], While the ON had competed in some local elections since 1970, at its second congress in June 1972 it decided to establish a new political party to contest the 1973 legislative elections. Louis Aliot sagte 2015, die FN habe durch die zermürbenden Vorkommnisse zehn Jahre verloren. Besonders die Einwanderung aus muslimischen Ländern wird kritisch gesehen: Die Partei warnt vor einer „Islamisierung“ des Landes. Estland Eesti Konservatiivne Rahvaerakond | [36] Throughout the late 1960s and early 1970s, the French far-right consisted mainly of small extreme movements such as Occident, Groupe Union Défense (GUD), and the Ordre Nouveau (ON). Für die französische Präsidentschaftswahl 2012 nominierte die FN die Parteivorsitzende Marine Le Pen als Kandidatin. The National Rally (French: Rassemblement national, pronounced [ʁasɑ̃bləmɑ̃ nɑsjɔnal]; RN), until June 2018 known as the National Front (French: Front national, pronounced [fʁɔ̃ nɑsjɔnal]; FN), is a far-right political party in France. Mouvement d’envergure nationale, le Rassemblement National dispose d’une implantation sur tout le territoire. Im September 2006 eröffnete die FN in Valmy ihren Wahlkampf für die Präsidentschaftswahlen am 22. "[209] According to the French media, party leaders had frequent contact with Russian ambassador Alexander Orlov and Marine Le Pen made multiple trips to Moscow. However, 8 deputies were elected (6 FN and 2 affiliated), the best number for the FN in a parliamentary election using a majoritarian electoral system since its creation (proportional representation was used in the 1986 elections). Rassemblement National . [80], Le Pen protested the media boycott against his party by sending letters to President Mitterrand in mid-1982. and in 1987 referred to the Nazi gas chambers as "a point of detail of the history of the Second World War". Le Pen came fourth in the election with 11% of the vote, and the party won no seats in the legislative election of the same year. Mai in Paris auf und ließ sich von seinen Anhängern feiern. In der Folge initiierten die FN und ihre Vorsitzende Marine Le Pen die Gründung der Europapartei Bewegung für ein Europa der Nationen und der Freiheit (MENL), die am 3. [42][46][47] Le Pen was chosen to be the first president of the party, as he was untainted with the militant public image of the ON and was a relatively moderate figure on the far-right. Strache-Treffen mit Le Pen: Kritik und Aufregung. [236], During her visit to the United States, Marine Le Pen met two Republican members of the U.S. House of Representatives associated with the Tea Party movement, Joe Walsh, who is known for his strong stance against Islam, which Domenic Powell argues, rises to Islamophobia[237] and three-time presidential candidate Ron Paul, whom Le Pen complimented for his stance on the gold standard.


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