requête administrative
It should not be summed up with the orange entries. [135] The decisions taken in late 1931 transformed Requeté into a new organisation. There is an opinion that the organisation was to maintain an "eminently defensive character". 123-124, Aróstegui 2013, p. 77, Canal 2000, p. 300, in 1934 Junta Delegada ordered that presidents of local executives were to be nominated and not - as it used to be - elected, which was a further step towards turning Requeté from a citizen militia into a military structure, González Calleja 2011, p. 189, some existing Catalan requeté juntas refused to dissolve themselves; the regional leader Lorenzo, Alier had to issue specific orders and press the issue, though local requeté still insisted on remnants of autonomy, e.g. [312], The important person in this process was de Prado,[313] who was assisted by Zamanillo. [121] In 1922 Jaime asked the Carlist political leader Marqués de Villores to revitalize Requeté and Juventudes into "action groups". [8] Most geographical references to Requeté were related either to Catalonia[9] or Levante. [371] Literature sympathising with Requetés is rare, such as En el Requeté de Olite (2016) by Mikel Azurmendi. [191] The system consisted of Requeté running an intelligence network as a specialized branch that performed arrests, terror raids, and on-the-spot executions. For the original stone, erected in 1936, see, see a compilation of press snippets in a brochure. [40] In local groups, Martin Gibernau was named the president of the Barcelona requeté in 1910 before being succeeded by Fernando Bertrán and then Valentin Estefanell in 1911 and Julian Oliver in 1012. [186] Their exact role remains disputed:[187] one theory postulates that requeté units executed repressive actions which had been planned and endorsed by the military,[188] while another claims that requeté “death squads” acted independently and with full autonomy until late 1936. 230-232, García Riol 2015, p. 321, Caspistegui Gorasurreta 1997, p. 158. prévu au paragraphe 7, les membres du Conseil d'appel désignés pour examiner un recours particulier et le Président de l'Association du personnel peuvent prendre connaissance de tous les rapports antérieurs du Conseil d'appel, ainsi que des décisions prises à ce sujet par le Directeur général. Other groups soon followed. 546-547. It seems that participants were not uniformed (except berets); also, the person in question referred to himself and his colleagues as "jóvenes" (not requetes), Miralles Climent 2018, pp. [136], In 1931 Colonel Eugenio Sanz de Lerín was appointed the Requeté chief instructor. [146][147] Although standardization efforts encountered some resistance in regions like Catalonia,[148] the organisation gained momentum beyond Navarre. [316] In 1975, de Prado and his followers pledged loyalty to Don Sixto. Some point also to disturbances in Bilbao as motives for detention Aróstegui 2013, p. 76. The author provides the data with reservation that they are „sin duda, una aproximación", p. 827. Many translated example sentences containing "requête administrative" – English-French dictionary and search engine for English translations. le fond du litige n'a pas été présentée auprès de l'autorité compétente ou de l'institut dans un délai de 20 jours à compter de l'exécution de la mesure. Del Burgo remained in prison until November 1932, Blinkhorn 2008, p. 78, Canal 2000, p. 299, Aróstegui 2013, p. 76, "outside Navarre the Requeté and AET were largely restricted to big cities, and even there most Requeté groups consisted merely of members of the Carlist Youth who donned red berets and khaki battle dress for special occasions", Blinkhorn 2008, p. 76. [208] Over time Requeté death squads developed their own modus operandi: detailed information on presumed enemies was collected by local informers, but a nonlocal unit is dispatched to act. Some scholars claim the handover between Varela and Rada took place in late 1935, Aróstegui 2013, p. 86, Blinkhorn 2008, p. 223 González Calleja 2011, p. 372, Vallverdú i Martí 2008, pp. Court which ordered the delivery of the reports. [131], In May 1930 Jaime called the Carlist leaders to Paris and set up the Comité de Acción. 262-263. [300] Some historians maintain that in the years following decentralisation, Requeté "practically disappeared". Colegio de los Escolapios served also as barracks of Requeté Auxiliar, Mikelarena Peña 2015, p. 111, the Escolapios prison was closed by December 1936,- Mikelarena Peña 2015, p. 212, like gouging eyes out, Badiola Ariztimuño 2015, p. 143, Colegio de los Escolapios in Pamplona remained in total control of the Carlist Junta Central de Guerra. Massó judged that Márquez "estaba obsesionado con la guerra subversiva contrarrevolucionaria" and that he had to be isolated and contained. Pilar was withdrawn already in mid-January, Virgen Blanca and Oriamendi left in mid-Feb; the remaining battalions remained in Catalonia until mid-March, Lácar 960 men, Aróstegui 2013, p. 225; Montejurra 600 men, Aróstegui 2013, p. 256; Mola 870 men, Aróstegui 2013, p. 643; other battalions unknown, but supposed to be in full 5-company-strength, some tercios reported 60 casualties each during their Catalan advance, e.g. accordé au titulaire intéressé pour faire valoir son droit. the key example is Fernando Mikelarena Peña, see e.g. in the town of Beasaín a street named “Calle Oriamendi” has been re-named, Aitor González de Langarica Mendizábal, Virginia López de Maturana Diéguez, e.g. [107] In many cases it was the requeté youth who assaulted premises that they deemed hostile or tried to disrupt rallies by the opposition. Every branch was to be composed of 6 sections: Religión, Política y Sociología, Bellas Artes, Ciencias, Prensa and Sport, each with separate junta (president, secretary and 2 members). [216] Many atrocities and crimes committed by requeté members were investigated; some of them involved “barbaric excesses”. Carlism is mentioned just once in Raquel Macciuci, María Teresa Pochat (eds. [122] At times members fought with the police. [352] Right-wing politicians declared that the exposition presented a false version of the past and defamed their ancestors. 546-547; Almogavares lost 240 men, Aróstegui 2013, pp. In these regions Requetés formed the majority and directed the Nationalist system of institutionalized terror against political enemies. [348], Some groups claim that the Historical Memory Law is the legal basis for the prohibition of public acts planned by organizations which embrace the Requeté tradition. [326], Since the fall of Francoism, various commemorative stones, plaques, crosses, and other objects which glorify wartime deeds performed by the Requeté have been spontaneously vandalized, destroyed, or removed across Spain, especially in Vascongadas, Navarre, and Catalonia. for references to requeté crimes and atrocities in general works on rearguard violence during the Spanish civil war see e.g. "La caracterización de los personajes de esta obra es, con frecuencia, maniquea y estereotipada. Ayuntamiento de Montragón (Guipúzcoa) 8 Oct. 1936”, the original stone which honored Joaquín Muruzabal, considered the first fallen requeté of the civil war, was erected in late 1936, see. For some time he tried to continue with his earlier Requeté engagements, but constantly monitored by security he finally gave up and focused on his army duties, González Calleja 2011, p. 261, González Calleja 2011, p. 199, Blinkhorn 2008, p. 222. [324][325], Although its recent past remains a highly controversial topic in Spain, the Requeté is seldom mentioned by itself; in public discourse Carlist volunteers are usually bundled together with other groups as components of Francoism, who are also responsible for the introduction of an anti-democratic, brutal dictatorial system. [174] Recruitment was voluntary and ensured by party political structures in the rear. reviewed this and informed the Executive Secretaries. Other regions with highest militancy were Catalonia (4,000 men), Levante (at least 3,700 men, data for Valencia missing), Vascongadas (at least 2,500 men, data for Biscay missing), Old Castile (1,380 men), Madrid (740 men), Andalusia (at least 640 men, data for Eastern provinces missing). Three days later the assailants extracted 65 prisoners and shot them; the entire operation was performed by Tercio Móvil Requetés. As an organisation it operated between the mid-1900s and the early 1970s, though exact dates are not clear. [345] The debate is still active and is currently stuck in various municipal administrative and judicial bodies. [172] Other tercios were assigned to various larger heterogeneous units. in Tarrasa the local branch was to "organizar bajo la base de la Juventud tradicionalista un requeté", in 1909-1913 the requeté cells were noted in Badalona, Barcelona, Blanes, Girona, Igualada, Lérida, Manresa, Olot, Plá de Cabra, Reus, Sabadell, Tarragona, Tarrasa, Tortosa, Vich and other Catalan locations, in 1909-1913 the requeté cells were noted in Alcoy, Castellón, Orihuela, Valencia, Villarreal, Cartagena and other Levantine locations. in March 1939 the Nationalists had some 900,000 men in their ranks, Stanley G. Payne. for samples in popular press see e.g. in 1971 a new Catalan executive did not include a representative for requeté, Vallverdú i Martí 2014, p. 226, until 1962 the nationwide organisation of ex-requeté combatants was led by Zamanillo; he was then succeeded by Julio Pérez Salas, Carlos Ponce de León, and since 1965 by Ignacio Romero Osborne, Marquéz de Marchellina (1903-1985), Canal 2000, p. 357. in 1971 a group signed as Dirección Nacional de Acción Política y Participación demanded immediate dismissal of Manuel Piorno, José María Zavala, e.g. Elle doit prendre en considération la date à laquelle la revendication du client à faire valoir son droit a été, It has to take into 33 account when the client's, L'étranger a le droit de faire appel de la décision, d'abord, devant le Chef du Bureau pour les étrangers, puis de faire recours contre la décision de ce dernier devant le, An alien has the right to appeal against the decision to the Head of the Office for Aliens, and appeal against the decision of the Head, (b) déplacer ou interrompre toute partie du Service; ou (c) refuser de traiter une commande ou une partie donnée d'une commande, clôturer votre Compte Adhérent et supprimer le contenu de votre Compte si, selon la seule appréciation de Kodak Imaging Network, vous ne, respectez pas l'une des stipulations des Conditions, (c) refuse to fulfill any order, or any part of any order or terminate your account and delete any content stored in your account if, in Kodak Imaging Network's, sole discretion, you fail to comply with any of. For example, in 2020, an organization named La Asociación Granadina Verdad, Justicia y Reparación demanded that authorities ban a "fascist act" planned at the local cemetery in honor of "héroes de la España nacional" in Granada, which was organised by a local Carlist group who gathered five participants. [211] The Valcardera Massacre of August 23, 1936, had 52 deaths. [203] Some of their informal units, like Tercio Móvil or Partida Volante,[204][205] excelled in terrorism. Under the terms of the aforementioned article, the father, grandfather or. [219] He was responsible for all repressive acts performed by the militia in the province; apart from administrative duties and cooperation with the military and official repressive structures, he personally issued detention orders and reviewed the list of inmates. la section «Information sur le TAED» de notre site Web. action demanding disclosure of the identities of 52,000 UBS accountholders. [270] Some subsections of the organization were established. 828-832; the author seems leaning towards a lower end of the estimates. [22] Some sources refer to "requeté de damas blancas"[23] and even described adolescent females serving as standard-bearers. [101], In the late 1910s Carlist youth were reported to be engaged in street altercations with other groups like Jóvenes Bárbaros of the Radicals;[102] however, there was also news about clashes with Catalanist and Basque nationalist youth. Larger units were to encompass specialized sub-units and detachment, like a liaison platoon, González Calleja 2011, pp. The instruction covered usage of modern arms (like machine guns and mortars) and infantry tactics (like manouvre or fire management), González Calleja 2011, p. 198 Blinkhorn 2008, p. 214, in many provinces local requetés reported to military barracks and offered assistance; indeed, in some cases they did participate in "en tareas defensivas y represivas" Aróstegui 2013, p. 83. "en el conjunto periodo un 70% de los registros que hacen referencia a la resistencia a la Unificacíon mencionan al requeté" Mercedes Peñalba Sotorrío, internal FET statistics of conflicts devised a number of rubrics the categorize them, with headings like "Falange exige el sometimiento al requeté", "Catalanismo del requeté", or "apoyo del clero al requeté", Peñalba Sotorrío 2012, pp. [113] Organized groups of adolescent boys were permitted to operate – e.g. [277] Carlists in Don Carlos Hugo's entourage became anxious about the Requeté's militaristic influence in the Comunión. [2] Some Traditionalist press correspondents also used the term as their pen name. [141][142] In late 1932 José Enrique Varela was appointed Jefé Nacional of Requeté. In the absence of any documentation, it is not possible to say how many people were held in the Escolapios and how many of them were later murdered by Requetés,[230] though some scholars divide the responsibility among the Carlists, the Falangists, the military, and local mobs. [128] In the early 1920s the Requeté and Somatén confronted each other in violent fistfights. in 1969 representatives of Hermandad de Maestrazgo were admitted by Don Juan Carlos shortly after his taking oath as the future king of Spain, Rodón Guinjoan 2015, p. 177, Hermandad de Maestrazgo was revitalized in the 1970s, possibly in collusion with state services, as the new Carlist pro-Francoist organization, Canal 2000, p. 374. in the early 1950s the Requeté jefé in Catalonia was Jesús Calderón, Vallverdú i Martí 2014, p. 136, e.g. during the carefully prepared inaugural address of Don Carlos Hugo at the summit of Montejurra in 1957, it was not the Requeté members but the AET affiliates who formed personal guard of the prince, Martorell Pérez 2014, p. 87. [84][85], Some historians suggest that the impulse to reform the organization came from the new Carlist claimant, Don Jaime, who reportedly intended to rebuild it similar to the Camelots du Roi. [103][104] Some of these incidents involved the use of firearms. [255] Displaying a badge in public or holding a Requeté ID card could have been grounds for detention,[256][257] but the presence of small uniformed groups was usually tolerated during ex-combatant or religious events. in 1944 the Navarrese organisation distributed leaflets calling for recruitment, Martorell Pérez 2009, p. 247. e.g. il a été demandé qu'une mesure conservatoire. [346] Less publicised is the controversy related to a small mausoleum of Catalan Requetés in Montserrat. II. e.g. The appellant refused to deliver these reports. 303-306, González Calleja 1991, p. 74 González Calleja 2011, p. 261. [100] Some scholars suggest that the attempted reform was largely a failure. [298][299] An internal report in 1967 claimed that disorganization of Requeté "es total". in August 1927 the Ministry of Interior warned the civil governors of Catalan provinces that a meeting of some 150 Carlists, called by the Barcelona requete, was about planning the coup, Robert Vallverdú i Martí, compare Vallverdú i Martí 2008, pp. [260] In the late-1940s–early 1950s the administration condoned public appearances of a Requeté-styled group which accompanied an offshoot carloctavista claimant cultivated by the regime. Buildup of "Grupos de Acción" was supported by 104 participants, with other options being that Requeté becomes an organisation "político-militar" (94), "social" (42), and "militar" (28), García Riol 2015, pp. 100-103, e.g. [318][319], "Requeté" is usually used to refer to various ex-combatant organisations, either engaged in post-Francoist rallies or commemorative feasts related to milestones of Carlist history. previous reports of the Board, and decisions made thereon by the Director-General. [266], Visible revitalisation of Carlism, related to the 1957 appearance of Don Carlos Hugo and his team, did not affect Requeté much; the focus was on AET. [41][42][43][44] In 1911, Joaquín Font y Fargas was named "director del requeté jaimista". Javier Munoz-Basols, Manuel Delgado Morales, Laura Lonsdale. [153] In early 1935 Requeté became militant;[154] its strength was 20,000 men strong. [217][218], Esteban Ezcurra Arraiza, jefe of Requetés de Navarra, is attributed for being personally responsible for Requeté's crimes. [155] In mid-1935 Varela[156] assigned Ricardo Rada as Inspector General. "El número de requetés encuadrados en los Tercios o en otras unidades menores y de segunda línea, pasó de los 70.000 en algunos momentos", Luis Redondo, Juan de Zavala, one scholar estimated that some 55% of requeté volunteers came from Navarre, Blinkhorn 2008, p. 256; according to another source, Navarrese volunteers alone were as many as 40,000, Redondo, Zavala, 1957. Every year controversies related to the anniversary of the 1936 anniversary coup emerge around mid-July.


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