The result of the spatial transformations implemented by the Jordanian state and its international and local partners was thus an improvisation away from conventional urban planning, in a way which rendered the planning process invisible. Dans la rubrique Le dispositif , vous aurez accès à une information complète sur les structures d'hébergement et de logement adapté du département du Var. These are the dimensions we should look for when analysing a dispositif of urbanism. Par fjarraud , le vendredi 17 septembre 2010. This is what I will elaborate on in the next section, when focusing on the Al‐Hussein camp in Amman. Nevertheless, they form a system of relations, that is to say that they have a kind of coherence, and constitute an ensemble. Il concerne 24 collèges dès la rentrée. In the case examined here, improvisation has contributed to maintaining the temporariness of the camp by rendering the urban planning process invisible. Les jeuens exclus seront accueillis par des associations périscolaires qui les aideront à faire du travail scolaire et à comprendre la sanction. Officially, the Al‐Hussein camp is, therefore, still a temporary ‘exceptional’ space, subject to special management. I will emphasize the role of state and non‐state institutions in the making of this urbanism in the camp, and show how improvisation is one of the main features of the dispositif of urban planning, whose effects have been reutilized in a strategy driven by geopolitical imperatives. Informality should then not necessarily be conceptualized as ‘a state of exception from the formal order of urbanization’ (Roy, 2005: 147), but rather as a space which is urbanized in an improvised and ambiguous way by both dwellers and authorities. Governing life in an age of climate change, Development through bricolage: rethinking institutions for natural resource management, Refugee camps and camp planning: the state of the art, A socio‐economic perspective on the urbanisation of Zaatari camp in Jordan, Planning the ideal refugee camp? The Jordanian government regularly reminded national and international public opinion that improvement in the camps did not mean resettlement (see e.g. A former employee of the HUDC, now working for UNRWA, explained that in the camp ‘it is only possible to improve infrastructure’ (Interview, Amman, 27 November 2008). Le remède est-il alors à chercher du coté des « internats d’excellence » ? Foucault's definition (1980: 194) of a dispositif, coined in 1977, was ‘a thoroughly heterogeneous ensemble’ consisting of various elements. In a public speech, the director of the DPA explained that improvements in the camps in Jordan were a way of keeping the principles of the camps, while providing good living conditions (notes, Beirut, 9 October 2010). An employee of the NGO mentioned that, when the road was built, what she called ‘old shanty houses’ were visible, and the NGO wanted to do something about it (Interview, Amman, 10 December 2009). Urban assemblages: territories, relations, practices, and power, Mobile urbanism: city policymaking in the global age, The city as assemblage: dwelling and urban space, Learning the city: knowledge and translocal assemblage, Testing a new paradigm: UNRWA's camp improvement programme, Afghan migratory strategies and the three solutions to the refugee problem, The will to improve: governmentality, development, and the practice of politics, The urban planning strategy in Al‐Hussein Palestinian refugee camp in Amman: heterogeneous practices, homogeneous landscape, The refugee camp as a space of multiple ambiguities and subjectivities, The politics of temporariness and the materiality of refugee camps, Arrival infrastructures: migration and urban social mobilities, Tunnel‐bypasses and minarets of capitalism: Amman as neoliberal assemblage, Refugee camps or cities? Surtout la circulaire s'étend sur "la stricte discipline". " Par François Jarraud. Foucault (1980: 195) explained that a dispositif ‘has as its major function at a given historical moment that of responding to an urgent need’. Earlier versions were presented at several conferences: AAG Annual Meeting 2015 in Chicago; Migrants in the City: New Dynamics of Migration in Urban Settings at the University of Sheffield; and Urban Arrival Infrastructures: An International Workshop on Migration and Cities in the 19th and 21st Century at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Dès lors, quel sera l’avenir des personnels actuellement titulaires dans ces établissements ?". The DPA was presented as the sole state institution in charge of the camp space (see e.g. When the camp was set up, Amman was a town with a population estimated at about 100,000 inhabitants. Dans une remarquable tribune donnée au Monde, Agnès Van Zanten analyse les politiques d'égalité des chances. Cela suffit-t-il à lever les parts d’ombre sur ces nouveautés éducatives ? Toute activité, tout apprentissage est l'occasion de rappeler les règles et la nécessité d'y obéir". Dans ces conditions, si la volonté d’encourager la création d’équipes stables dans les établissements est louable, bien que encore matériellement peu affirmée, quel genre d’enseignant pourra « adhérer » à un projet sécuritaire ? The system of relations constituted by the rationality of improvement was formulated by an employee of the HUDC in the following way, when speaking about the multiple state institutions that had intervened in the camp: ‘All of us [speak] on behalf of the government. Voulu par Nicolas Sarkozy, le dispositif CLAIR apparaissait encore assez flou début juillet 2010. The camp was a marker of refugees’ humanitarian and political struggles, and of their supposedly ‘transient’ stay in Jordan until the fulfilment of the right of return to their homeland. C’est le critère unique de sélection des établissements. du 22 juillet 2010. I then address the readjustment of its elements through time, and the reutilization of its effects, which took place as a growing contradiction appeared within the dispositif in the Al‐Hussein camp. This strategic elaboration allowed the implementation of a form of urban development in the camp, officially labelled as improvement, while maintaining the temporary character of the camp, by rendering the planning practice itself, and some of the actors that were involved, invisible. On the other hand, the camp was still officially a temporary space. Nous sommes heureux de vous accueillir sur notre site dédié aux usagers et aux professionnels. ), UNRWA and the Palestinian refugees: a history within history, Distinction: a social critique of the judgement of taste, Dreaming the rational city: the myth of American city planning, A new urban dispositif? Most of the time, it is the lack of sound policies that is discussed (Cuny, 1977; Al‐Qutub, 1989), and, more recently, newer participatory approaches and so‐called innovations (Misselwitz and Hanafi, 2010; Stevenson and Sutton, 2011; Dalal et al., 2018). According to him, it was not possible to achieve ‘real’ planning in the Al‐Hussein camp, and this was mainly related to ‘political issues’, that is the fact that any kind of demolition in the camp was disallowed, as it would undermine the political symbolism of the place. Tant pendant les heures de cours que hors les temps de classe", dit le B.O., "il est exigé des élèves une attitude marquée par la civilité et le respect envers leurs camarades et les adultes. It takes the shape of an improvised dispositif (apparatus). The elements of this initial ensemble of ‘planning’ were thus already rather heterogeneous. Officiellement le projet pédagogique et éducatif "s'inscrit dans le cadre des contenus de formation du collège, auxquels il apporte les aménagements utiles compte tenu de la situation des élèves, pour répondre principalement à quatre objectifs : l'acquisition du socle commun de connaissances et de compétences, l'appropriation des règles du vivre ensemble, la définition d'un projet de formation ainsi que l'implication des familles." At the time of my fieldwork, 2006–2010, the population of Amman had grown to about 2.5 million. Since then, a growing focus on improving the lives of refugees through large‐scale construction projects has been adopted. Urban planning and participation in the camp context, Agreement between the government of the Hashemite Kingdom of the Jordan and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East. Improving life in camps does not mean resettlement. However, this literature has largely left aside the role of institutions and authorities in this process of urban development. In order to continue acting as a symbol of this temporariness, it is not meant to be developed ‘normally’ like other neighbourhoods of the city. The Housing and Urban Development Corporation (HUDC)—a governmental institution concerned with urban development nationwide—was selected as the implementing agency. Some of them belonged to the camp. Social productivity plan to improve refugee camp conditions, not resettle residents. A kind of coherent institutional urban planning exists as well. The readjustment of a dispositif is the outcome of an incremental learning process, characteristic of an improvisation (McFarlane, 2011c: 39), that is based on the effects of the dispositif. La réussite scolaire est réduite à la bonne tenue des corps. L’objectif annoncé est que le programme CLAIR remplace les dispositifs existants. : 3). Before discussing more thoroughly this understanding of a dispositif and institutional improvisation, it is first of all useful to assess how the concept is used in geography. Thirdly, it emphasizes the necessity of envisioning urban planning, like the state, not as a fixed entity or practice, but as a process that is performed. I argue that this improvised dispositif of urban planning—of which state and non‐state institutions are part—is the result of a balancing act that ensures the temporary character of the camp, while allowing the implementation of a form of urban development that leads toward a material homogenization between the camp and the surrounding urban space. This analysis could be particularly useful for rethinking informal urbanism, whether in a general way or, more specifically, with regard to refugees (Fawaz, 2017). Second, around the same time the Al‐Hussein camp was included in a nationwide urban development programme targeting impoverished areas of the country, called the Community Infrastructure Program (CIP) (Ababsa, 2011). Le ministère ouvrira courant 2010-2011 "une dizaine" "d'établissements de réinsertion scolaire" (ERS) destinés à accueillir des élèves de 13 à 16 ans "perturbateurs". Ils bénéficient d'un emploi du temps spécifique : cours le matin et sport l'après-midi. Dans ces établissements, « le critère essentiel est celui de la qualité du projet pédagogique et éducatif ». "Faire émerger de nouvelles élites et lutter contre les inégalités sont deux options différentes dont le succès ne repose pas sur les mêmes bases. This section discusses the Foucauldian notion of dispositif (Foucault, 1980) in relation to urban space in general and refugee camps in particular. One of them reflected that ‘I cannot go [about the camp] as I want, it needs procedures and official letters … I thought that we would be able to intervene directly, but we cannot. Since 1988, government involvement has officially been through the Department of Palestinian Affairs (DPA), which became the institution in charge of camps in Jordan. Braun (2014: 50‐1) explores dispositif ‘as a conceptual tool to understand the changing forms of government of urban life’. I emphasize that the literature on urban dispositifs insists that these ensembles are not so much defined by their relation to order and discipline, but rather by their generative aspects. By focusing on practices which have taken place since the end of the 1990s, I highlight the strategic elaboration which came to govern the dispositif and which resulted in an invisibility of the practices of some institutions that intervened in the camp. A critical interrogation of recent planning innovations in Jordan and Germany, Forced migration and the city: irregularity, informality, and the politics of presence, The illegal city: space, law and gender in a Delhi squatter settlement, Les camps de réfugiés palestiniens ou la double identité territoriale: le cas d'Amman [Palestinian refugee camps and the double territorial identity: the case of Amman], Les camps de réfugiés palestiniens et la ville: entre enclave et quartier [Palestinian refugee camps and the city: between enclave and neighbourhood], Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon: migration, mobility and the urbanization process, Palestinian refugees: identity, space and place in the Levant, Palestinian refugee camps: reinscribing and contesting memory and space, Isolation, places and practices of exclusion, Urban assemblages: how actor–network theory changes urban studies, Planning and the refugee crisis: informality as a framework of analysis and reflection, Humanitarianism in question: politics, power, ethics, Deux essais sur le sujet et le pouvoir [Two essays on the subject and power], Security, territory, population: lectures at the Collège de France, 1977–78, When ‘humanitarianism’ becomes ‘development’: the politics of international aid in Syria's Palestinian refugee camps, The politics of suffering: Syria's Palestinian refugee camps, Les réfugiés palestiniens en Jordanie [Palestinian refugees in Jordan]. These contingent multiplicities, which are dispositifs, have effects on the populations and spaces that are governed by them. if you want to make a site plan, for any site, that means, if you work in building places, it means you have to do some sort of demolition, of the screening walls, of the buildings themselves, in order to do any kind of nice and decent planning, site planning. Dwellings in the camp initially consisted of canvas tents or small shelters provided by UNRWA, and installed on 100m2 plots of land assigned to each refugee family (Destremau, 1995: 32). A. Alcance y contenido 115 B. El derecho a no ser desplazado internamente 116 C. El derecho a salir libremente de cualquier país, inclusive del propio 126 D. La prohibición de expulsión de nacionales y de ser privado del derecho a ingresar al territorio del cual se es nacional 131 In the case that I analyse, improvisation allows the refugee camp to remain a ‘permanent temporary’ urbanizing space and home for refugees. The Jordanian government improves … Who [implements this improvement], it depends’ (Interview, Amman, 19 November 2009). My argument is that referring to urbanism as a dispositif opens up the possibility of considering improvisation as a strategic elaboration of institutions involved in urbanization processes. The dispositif was thus only meant to be provisional, as were its effects, the main one being the creation of a temporary home for refugees (Farah, 2003). Improvement is often associated with the idea of development (see e.g. Dispositif d'attelage SIARR 04.115 - Ce produit: vous est proposé par PiècesEtPneus, spécialiste de la pièce automobile, du pneumatique et de l'accessoires et outillage auto.…Voir la présentation vous retrouverez aussi l'agenda, les actualités et la possibilité de nous contacter. In 1975 the government took over the responsibility for the enforcement of building regulations in the camp from UNRWA (Destremau, 1996: 539). If we go back to Jeffrey's emphasis (2013) on the importance of performance and theatricality in improvisation, we can conclude that, in the dispositif of urban planning in the Al‐Hussein camp, it was in fact the improvised performance of the urban planning process that mattered the most, more than the outcome of this planning, which was de facto urban development and territorial homogenization. De surcroît, il tend à exclure le premier degré des priorités, alors que c’est à l’école que doit se jouer l’essentiel de la prévention de l’échec scolaire. In the mid‐1970s, the sewerage system was installed, individual connection being at the expense of users. Dans une lettre ouverte adressée à Luc Chatel le 3 septembre, Christian Chevalier, secrétaire général du Se-UNsa, prend ses distances avec le dispositif CLAIR. First, I extend the discussion of improvisation into new areas, by showing that, with regard to urban development, improvisation not only arises ‘from below’ but can also be part of an institutional strategic elaboration. Foucault and Agamben in Santiago: governmentality, dispositive and space. Agier's influential analysis envisions the camp as a place made up of sketches of urban life, where what he calls a ‘symbolic of space, social differentiation and identity change’ are developing (Agier, 2002: 324; 2011). More elements soon added to the dispositif. Pour découvrir notre association, nouvellement baptisée itinova, ses activités, ses services, rendez-vous dans la sous-rubrique Le gestionnaire du SIAO de la page LE SIAO. Tout un paragraphe est réservé aux diagnostics « sécurité et sureté » des établissements, en lien avec la police. This view was shared in other institutions as well. Where I was expecting a clear‐cut demarcation between the city and the camp, there was none. Formes et processus de l’échange au service de territoires de projets [The improvisers of everyday life: study of planning project managers at the General Council of Essonne. Forms and processes of sharing], Struggling, suffering, hoping, waiting: perceptions of temporality in two informal neighbourhoods in Mexico, LRCS (Ligue des sociétés de la Croix–Rouge), Contested spaces of citizenship: camps, borders and urban encounters, News from nowhere: mass displacement and globalized ‘problems of organization’, From spaces of exception to ‘campscapes’: Palestinian refugee camps and informal settlements in Beirut, Rethinking the camp: on spatial technologies of power and resistance, Introduction. I present the genesis of the dispositif, which started with the creation of the camp in 1952. At the origin of the dispositif of urban planning in the Al‐Hussein camp was the urgent need to accommodate a number of Palestinian refugees who, from 1948 onwards, were in need of shelter after they had to leave their homeland, subsequent to the proclamation of the state of Israel and the Israeli–Arab war. Therefore, this article complements Jeffrey's examination (2013) of institutional improvisation in the production of space by showing that improvisation can also be a form of strategic elaboration (Foucault, 1980: 195). Dans ces établissements, « les personnels qui n’adhèrent pas au nouveau projet seront encouragés à rechercher une affectation plus conforme à leurs souhaits ». "Il ne repose pas réellement sur une logique d’autonomie et de responsabilité de l’équipe éducative en place. However, a dispositif is always provisional and could well have continued evolving after the completion of my fieldwork in 2010. This urban planning was characterized by a form of improvisation, the coherence of which was found in the discourse and rationality of improvement. To avoid any confusion, I will primarily use the word ‘dispositif’ unless an explicit distinction is expressed by an author. Ceux-ci « bénéficieront de dispositifs spécifiques de rémunération complémentaire » sur lesquels rien de précis est établi pour le moment. The camp is located just over one kilometre northwest of the historic city centre (Wast al‐Balad) of Amman.
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