And I believe that in the future, we should invest in it even more. Better border management is one place to start. Là, c’est carrément du grand-guignol, et qui impliquerait – au minimum – que les membres d’EUROGENDFOR possèdent les compétences requises… Chers amies et chers amis, Les élections européennes de 2019 en France se dérouleront le 26 mai 2019 afin d’élire les 79 députés européens représentant la France au Parlement européen. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Terrorist attacks are a real threat in many places around the world. The EU Civilian CSDP Compact is a valuable instrument for strengthening links between the work done by EUROGENDFOR and the civilian CSDP. The phrase was most likely a reference to the ship’s ultramodern design and furnishings. The ongoing development of specialist teams means we’ll be able to contribute strong, short-term capacities that have the potential to strengthen CSDP missions in a unique way. Het dient als samenwerkingsverband van de Franse Nationale Gendarmerie, de Italiaanse Carabinieri, de Spaanse Guardia Civil, de Portugese Guarda Nacional Republicana en de Nederlandse Koninklijke Marechaussee. Cooperation of EU pre-accession countries and EIGE, EIGE' s cooperation with Civil Society Organisations, European Network of Women in Digital (EWiD), Workspace for EIGE's Gender Statistics Database, WE EMPOWER: Empowering Women Entrepreneurs to Drive Economic Growth, 4th Europen conference on domestic violence, 07th International Conference on Gender & Women’s Studies 2020 (GWS2020), Security, Armed Conflict & Humanitarian Affairs. But it pays off in the end. Today’s ceremony marks the handover of the EUROGENDFOR presidency to France. The final seminar of the Gender Matters? Cooperation. Generals, General Leijtens, Colonel Zirone, ladies and gentlemen, I’m told that the international crew got on very well. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. This allows us to respond to challenges in a more decisive and agile fashion. Il s’agit d’une milice européenne #EuroGendFor créée en 2004 pour le maintien de l’ordre. And that’s what’s needed to respond to current global security challenges and threats. The ship’s hiring policy was just as progressive. replaced by The Netherlands next week. Second, I believe we should invest more in cooperation with the EU. A real team. I understand that the local authorities greatly appreciated your efforts. Or to put it another way: prevention is better than cure. ( Log Out / International teamwork is not always easy. [1] By focusing on cooperation, flexibility and an integrated approach. Those threats and challenges are fragmented, diverse, and all around us. EuroGender makes it easier for virtual teams to work on gender equality Workspaces; Engage with EIGE experts and contribute to advancing gender equality in Europe and beyond Online Discussions; Check-out the gender related events and promote yours Events; Engage with experts and organisations anytime you want, from any device Community; Make your voice heard! But perhaps a better explanation is that diverse teams tend to be strong teams. The capacity building mission to Niger is a great example of this. Please log in using one of these methods to post your comment: You are commenting using your account. I’d also like to commend EUROGENDFOR’s Commander, Giuseppe Zirone, who continues to build on the organisation’s track record of responding flexibly and pooling the knowledge of experts from different gendarmerie forces. Speech by Minister of Foreign Affairs Stef Blok at the European Gendarmerie Force (EUROGENDFOR) High Level Interdepartmental Committee (CIMIN) meeting, on 12 December 2019. And perhaps also to the fact that its second-class passengers were allowed on all the decks. Take the unrest not far from Europe’s border. EUROGENDFOR has demonstrated that the exact opposite can be true. project: Gender Matters! Women in Informatics Research and Education (WIRE) Workshop, “The Gendered Impact of Austerity Policies in Europe” PGAE Gender Seminar, Engaging with communities and actors on female genital mutilation: exchange of challenges and good practice. The Compact aims to make the Common Security and Defence Policy more effective and more flexible. I’m a firm believer in this type of cooperation. And ISIS terror has triggered migration flows to Europe. Generals, General Leijtens, Colonel Zirone, ladies and gentlemen. From the outset, its crew was a mix of nationalities. But your modus operandi is perhaps even more of an accomplishment. In the Netherlands, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Defence work together closely on the deployment of gendarmerie missions. The Portuguese EUROGENDFOR Presidency is coming to an end, to be ( Log Out / (1) Within a few months, you trained 262 police officers there. Elle doit, en coopération étroite avec les militaires européens, garantir la « sécurité en territoires de crise européens ». "Eurogendfor. ( Log Out / Speech | 12-12-2019. No ‘Mutiny on the SS Rotterdam’, but effective collaboration. I commend Hans Leijtens, Commander of the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee, for both his leadership and his future-oriented perspective. Global security is also about averting conflict, chaos and violence. The Royal Netherlands Marechaussee, the Bundespolizei, FRONTEX and EUROGENDFOR worked closely as a team. Dec 12, 2018 Eurogendfor Leave a Comment on 2019: The Dutch Presidency 2019: The Dutch Presidency The Portuguese EUROGENDFOR Presidency is coming to an end, to be replaced by The Netherlands next week. Revolutionary for that time! Gender Equality Academy | Webinar: Gender bias in academic recruitment and promotion. And EUROGENDFOR does just that. And EU CSDP missions are an essential tool for enhancing international stability. Those are only a few of the perceptions people have. This is not only of essential value now, it also sets an example for the future. Responding adequately to these threats and challenges requires specialist knowledge. Recognizing and overcoming it. KEY BENEFITS. The ship of tomorrow ... a reality today! By working together, we can make our voice heard in Brussels and contribute to the EU’s common security and defence goals. Each contributing its own specialist knowledge. The year: 1959. And indeed, that’s a great result of an integrated and multinational approach. EUROGENDFOR is a multinational Police Force, operational, … EuroGendFor est à la fois police, police judiciaire, armée et services secrets. And the ability to anticipate. Change ), Comité InterMInistériel de haut Niveau (CIMIN), Gendarmerie Nationale Française – Member State, Guarda Nacional Republicana – Member State, NATO Training Mission – Afghanistan (NTM-A) 2009-2014. In the Middle East and the Sahel region. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Maybe the delicious strudel prepared by the German cooks had something to do with it. For example, most of the cooks were German. Your ability to work with and in international teams has proven to be a powerful asset. I encourage General François Gieré to continue on this same path. And it has the potential to further strengthen common security and defence policy. La FGE appelée aussi EuroGendFor pourra compter sur 800 "gendarmes" mobilisables en 30 jours, plus une réserve de 1.500 hommes, géré par deux organes, un politique et un technique. Senior police official Haro Ammani put it very simply: ‘The training is important, because it improves our work.’. The specialized units of tomorrow ... a reality today! Speech by Minister of Foreign Affairs Stef Blok at the European Gendarmerie Force (EUROGENDFOR) High Level Interdepartmental Committee (CIMIN) meeting, on 12 December 2019. #France #EUROPE #Dictature 05/01/2019 CONFIRMATION CRS à Paris qui ne sont pas CRS et encore moins français. ( Log Out / ", Speech by Stef Blok at European Gendarmerie Force meeting. It was under this slogan that the largest passenger ship ever built left the port of Rotterdam and steamed its way to New York. You have shown that working together in an international context can make us more agile and more flexible. I wanted to share this best practice with you, because interministerial cooperation of this kind is not a given. International cooperation doesn’t always have the best of reputations. Its name: the SS Rotterdam. EUROGENDFOR can provide a host of knowledge and expertise. On 26 and 27 November 2019, the EUROGENDFOR PHQ hosted the second 2019 meeting of the European Working Group on Non-Lethal Weapons (EWG-NLW). Eurogendfor is op 20 juli 2006 officieel opgericht door Frankrijk, Italië, Spanje, Portugal en Nederland. The EWG-NLW, set up in 1999, is composed of representatives of the Armed Forces, Ministries of Defence, Law Enforcement Agencies, National Research Centres, and the NATO Stability Policing Centre of Excellence. 23 were here. EuroGender makes it easier for virtual teams to work on gender equality, Engage with EIGE experts and contribute to advancing gender equality in Europe and beyond, Check-out the gender related events and promote yours, Engage with experts and organisations anytime you want, from any device, Co-edit and co-write a document in EuroGender. Les compétences de cette unité sont pratiquement illimitées. Meanwhile, global power relations are changing rapidly. Investing in the armed forces is not enough.
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