Since taking control of the far-right party her father founded, she has tried to expand its reach, and kicked him out. This is the second in a series of stories on French populism. Został wysłany najpierw do Indochin, gdzie przybył po bitwie pod Điện Biên Phủ[3]. Graphics by Samuel Dodge. Miejsce w parlamencie utracił w kolejnych wyborach dwa lata później, podobnie jak niemal cała reprezentacja FN[9]. In case of abuse. France seems disillusioned with the last Hollande five-year term. National Front supporters applaud during a local campaign event in Thuir, on the outskirts of Perpignan. Założyciel i wieloletni przywódca Frontu Narodowego.Deputowany krajowy, wieloletni poseł do Parlamentu Europejskiego II, III, IV, V, VI, VII i VIII kadencji. Mainstream parties are struggling to maintain voters’ support in the regional capital of Perpignan. Politically, France had always been characterized by a right/left polarization usually leading to alternating power every presidential election. But each time the establishment parties cooperate to keep the populists out, they feed the narrative of an elitist plot against the people, and more support shifts to Le Pen. Marine Le Pen vows to reinstate and close French borders if elected. W następnym miesiącu powołał własne stowarzyszenie polityczne pod nazwą Rassemblement bleu blanc rouge[17]. Orzeczono wówczas In 2014, National Front candidate Louis Aliot led the first round of voting in Perpignan with 34 percent — making it the only large city in France where the Front came top. Ponownie ubiegał się o wybór w 1988 (14% głosów i 4. miejsce) oraz w 1995 (15% głosów i 4. miejsce). Podanym powodem było 15 kwestii, w tym bagatelizowanie eksterminacji Żydów w czasie II wojny światowej i obrona marszałka Philippe'a Pétaina. Zarzucano mu także negowanie Holocaustu – w 1987 na forum Parlamentu Europejskiego komory gazowe określił „detalem historii”, za co został później skazany na grzywnę[13]. 1932 jako Jeannine Paschos), córką imigranta z Grecji. “Growth is the only card with which we can beat the Front,” said Andre Joffre, 62-year-old chief executive officer of solar energy firm Tecsol who is backing the independent Emmanuel Macron for president. Rok później uzyskał reelekcję w wyborach krajowych, tym razem kandydując z rekomendacji Narodowego Centrum Niezależnych i Chłopów. While the Parisian elite is detached from the day-to-day battle with nationalism, the ruling class in the regional capital of Perpignan has been battling to keep its voters away from extremists for decades. Z ramienia tego ugrupowania Jean-Marie Le Pen w 1956 po raz pierwszy został wybrany do Zgromadzenia Narodowego. He has a background in Fine Arts and Graphic Design from Paris. “I back Le Pen because she warned us about the European Union ages ago. “Perpignan brings together all the problems for which the Front has a diagnosis and a cure,” Alexandre Bolo, 30, a National Front official on the city council and parliamentary attache to Aliot, said in an interview. W 1986 wprowadziło jednak ponad 30 posłów do Zgromadzenia Narodowego – jeden z mandatów przypadł jego liderowi. “There’s no point in demonizing the Front because so many people vote for it,” he said. Photographs by Balint Porneczi/Bloomberg. Nobody knows where, when or even how the Islamic State will strike next. Promises were made by François Hollande to fight terrorism and antisemitism but in the end, very little was accomplished. The governments of Germany and Sweden are struggling to maintain order in the midst of a constant flow of un-vetted and unmanageable migrants. With the worst unemployment rate in France and high levels of immigration, the region of farms and vineyards between the Spanish border and the Mediterranean Sea has proved to be fertile ground for the Front. Longer-term success is not so sure though. She is currently neck-to-neck with Center-Left Emmanuel Macron. Le Pen is likely to enter the presidential runoff on May 7 as the outsider to be France’s next leader, but the steady build up of her support is testing the safeguards that have kept extremists from power in the Fifth Republic for almost 60 years. Workmen there are fitting out Perpignan University’s new law faculty where 500 students will attend classes from this fall, moving from the school’s base on the edge of the city. W późniejszych latach wysuwano wobec niego podejrzenia o stosowanie tortur w trakcie działań wojennych w Algierii, którym Jean-Marie Le Pen zaprzeczał[3], jednocześnie przegrał proces o zniesławienie, jaki wytoczył „Le Monde”[5]. It is impossible to assess how many refugees come through these countries and even harder to keep track of those who just pass through to land into another European country, not to mention those who adhere to an agenda of terror. W trakcie kadencji zawiesił wykonywanie mandatu i jako oficer służb specjalnych wyjechał na wojnę algierską[4]. Please note that the posts on The Blogs are contributed by third parties. Od 1993 do 2004 zasiadał w radzie regionu Prowansja-Alpy-Lazurowe Wybrzeże[1]. She insists that Jewish people should have nothing to fear if she is the next president. The open borders of Europe according to the Schengen Agreement are making things hard if not impossible to manage. Narodowego Centrum Niezależnych i Chłopów, Profil na stronie Parlamentu Europejskiego, Jean-Marie Le Pen w serwisie „Ludzie Wprost”, L'affaire du poignard du lieutenant Le Pen en Algérie, Nota biograficzna na stronie Frontu Narodowego, Marine Le Pen consacrée à la tête du Front national après son père, Résultats européennes: la liste de nos nouveaux élus, Wyrok Trybunału (druga izba) z dnia 7 lipca 2005 r. w sprawie C-208/03, Le Pen convicted of inciting racial hatred for anti-Muslim remarks, Jean-Marie Le Pen renvoyé devant la justice pour ses propos sur l'Occupation, Le «Rassemblement bleu blanc rouge», la surprise de M. Le Pen,, Francuscy posłowie do Parlamentu Europejskiego, Francuscy parlamentarzyści (IV Republika), licencji Creative Commons: uznanie autorstwa, na tych samych warunkach, Korzystasz z Wikipedii tylko na własną odpowiedzialność. Perpignan ultimately needs new jobs if the mayor’s efforts to knit together the city’s different communities are to succeed, and he’s betting on initiatives like the Tecnosud business park south of the city, which combines France’s only school for engineers in the renewable-energy industry alongside businesses working in new energy technology. “There are districts in the north of Perpignan which used to be communist and now they are voting for the Front because they worry about immigration.”. “The glass ceiling no longer exists,” Pujol said. Only days away from the first round of the French Presidential elections, the usual choice of candidates spreads across the political spectrum from extreme right to extreme left. The “Front National” party (FN) has been somewhat of a thorn in the flesh of France since its founding in 1972 by Marine’s father, Jean-Marie Le Pen. Yet, the image that she has been working so hard at re-creating in the last decade might turn out to be a very thin veneer. Mandat europosła V kadencji utracił w 2003 na skutek wyroku skazującego zgodnie z prawem krajowym – Jean-Marie Le Pen przegrał później proces przed Trybunałem Sprawiedliwości w tej sprawie[11]. The FN current agenda is attractive to many because of its push on ending immigration, fighting Radical Islam, and even pull France out of Europe in a Brexit style move. Od 1991 żonaty z Jany Le Pen (ur. Close to 30 percent of locals live below the poverty level, according to national statistics institute Insee. The country is a very unique blend of cultures that have never integrated very well in the French republic. W 2007 po raz piąty startował w wyborach prezydenckich, wynik 10% głosów ponownie dał mu 4. miejsce wśród kandydatów[9]. To fend off the nationalists, Mayor Pujol is opening up city-hall branch offices and social centers in the city’s more deprived districts to engage with citizens while beefing up security with more police and CCTV cameras. “We’re bringing one of Europe’s oldest universities back to one of France’s poorest neighborhoods,” said deputy-mayor Olivier Amiel, 38, in charge of urban redevelopment. “We’ve been hit by unfair competition.”. Ugrupowanie to nie odnosiło przez dłuższy czas większych sukcesów w polityce krajowej. Największy sukces wyborczy odniósł w wyborach prezydenckich w 2002. The last few years have seen France be the victim of several major terrorist attacks resulting in over 230 deaths. Then, in August 2015, Marine Le Pen expelled her father from the FN altogether. Are US anti-Jewish anti-Catholic, and anti-Muslim sentiments forms of racism? Jordan Bardella est devenu en peu de temps une figure incontournable du Rassemblement National. It is a far-right populist party with anti-immigration, euro-sceptic and antisemitic views. There are actually some Jewish people who believe that she would lead France in the right direction, and like them, I believe that she has something good to offer. roczny zakaz ubiegania się o funkcje publiczne[15][16]. Right: Pedestrians pass the under-construction university building in the St. Jacques district. Marine Le Pen might make it through the first round of the elections on April 23, and possibly with votes from French Jewry. W 1998 jego najstarsza córka, Marie-Caroline, typowana przez niego na przyszłego lidera partii, opuściła szeregi FN wraz z mężem i grupą kilkudziesięciu działaczy, na czele której stał wiceprzewodniczący FN Bruno Mégret. Enter Marine Le Pen! W lipcu tego samego roku obie decyzje zostały unieważnione sądownie z powodów proceduralnych. Wówczas frakcją wierną przewodniczącemu partii kierowała jego druga córka – Marine Le Pen. Please contact us in case of abuse. In the first round of the presidential vote on April 23, Le Pen could get as much as 40 percent, according to Pujol, 67. I used to believe in the EU and the euro but they’ve ruined us,” 45-year-old winemaker Georges Puig said at the rally. Jean-Marie Le Pen zaprzestał kontaktów ze starszą córką, rozmawiał z nią krótko jedynie w 2002, gdy ta telefonicznie pogratulowała mu przejścia do drugiej tury wyborów prezydenckich[7]. Even if most of France was made of bystanders during WWII, they greatly facilitated the work of Hitler’s willing murderers. Po powrocie do kraju podjął współpracę z Pierre'em Poujade, przywódcą organizacji zrzeszającej drobnych kupców i rolników UDCA (Union de Défense des Commerçants et Artisans). Le Pen promises to keep France safe, keep it French and keep it going. In spite of all this, he actually made the elections run-off in 2002. The Choice Couldn’t Be Clearer: American Jews and Israel Need a President Biden, School is back in session for grades 1-4 as lockdown eased; synagogues reopen, Wikipedia probe exposes an Israeli stealth PR firm that worked for scammers, Trump: It’ll take weeks to count votes, ‘very bad things’ could happen, Anti-Netanyahu rallies across country draw thousands; protesters attacked, Volunteer to receive 1st Israeli vaccine shot hails ‘historic opportunity’, 3 men found dead near nature reserve in apparent triple murder. Jean-Marie Le Pen wyprzedził socjalistycznego premiera Lionela Jospina, przechodząc do drugiej tury, w której dostał niespełna 18% głosów, przegrywając z ubiegającym się o reelekcję prezydentem. Syn Jeana Le Pena (1901–1942), rybaka, prezesa stowarzyszenia kombatantów i radnego miejskiego w Trinité-sur-Mer, oraz krawcowej Anne-Marie Hervé (1904–1965). France is also not immune to the current refugee crisis that has plagued much of Eastern and Western Europe in the last two years. Le Pen has eroded the stigma of racist and anti-semitism that once placed a limit on the party’s support and polls show that almost half the electorate is now prepared to consider voting for her. Mandat poselski wykonywał do 1962, nie został ponownie wybrany[6]. What ‘s wrong with such an idea? Jean-Marie Le Pen was fined several times for saying that the Holocaust was a”detail of history.” He also claimed that the Vichy government run by Maréchal Pétain during the Second World War was not inhumane in its help provided to round-up over 78,000 Jews out of France. 20 czerwca 1928 w Trinité-sur-Mer[1]) – francuski polityk oraz prawnik. In 2011, After he had promised to retire, Jean-Marie was replaced by his daughter Marine at the head of the party. France is both the country with the most Jewish people after Israel and the USA (500,000), as well as the largest Muslim community of Europe(5 to 6,000.000.). Frontem Narodowym kierował nieprzerwanie do 16 stycznia 2011, kiedy to został zastąpiony przez Marine Le Pen[8]. Then in 2014, during the European Parliament elections, the FN got 22 of France’s 74 seats at the European Parliament. Olivier settled on the West coast with his wife where both of their children were born. Marine Le Pen’s potent mix of old-school left-wing economics and diatribes against immigrants resonates in this part of the country — and has brought the National Front closer than ever before to taking power in France. Pujol predicts that French voters will unite around a mainstream candidate in the presidential runoff on May 7 to prevent the Front from winning power, just as they did in 2002, in the 2015 regional elections and in his own battle for Perpignan city hall in 2014. W działalność polityczną zaangażowała się również jego wnuczka Marion Maréchal-Le Pen. Then again, Donald Trump won against all odds. W latach 1960–1987 żonaty z Pierrette Le Pen z domu Lalanne (ur. n August 2015, Marine Le Pen expelled her father from the FN altogether. “We’re working to welcome the students with open arms, we’ll do student prices in the shops near the faculty.”. W sierpniu komisja dyscyplinarna partii zdecydowała o wykluczeniu go z partii[7]. Założyciel i wieloletni przywódca Frontu Narodowego. Pięciokrotny kandydat w wyborach prezydenckich. Read Gregory Viscusi’s report from Saint-Nazaire and Marc Champion's profile from Orleans. It’s telling that people call his daughter simply ‘Marine.’ They feel close to her.”. za podżeganie do nienawiści rasowej (do 2004 przynajmniej sześciokrotnie był karany). Został także skazany za zastosowanie przemocy fizycznej wobec socjalistycznej kandydatki Annette Peulvast-Bergeal, w trakcie kampanii wyborczej w 1997 w okręgu Mantes-la-Jolie, gdzie o mandat z listy FN ubiegała się jego córka Marie-Caroline. Amiel insists that it’s concrete projects to change the lives of local communities that will stop the populists rather than hand-wringing at their sometimes unpalatable views. Tę stronę ostatnio edytowano 3 lip 2020, 18:44. W latach 50. dołączył do Legii Cudzoziemskiej. W 1984 pierwsza żona odeszła od niego z byłym dziennikarzem „Paris Match”, Jeanem Marcilly, który pisał biografię lidera FN[18]. Pujol only won the runoff against Aliot, who is also Le Pen’s partner, after the Socialist candidate withdrew, maximizing the chances of keeping the Front out. Marine Le Pen’s potent mix of old-school left-wing economics and diatribes against immigrants resonates in this part of the country — and has … She recently stated that France shouldn’t be held responsible for the Vel d’Hiv roundup and the French Militia that fed Hitler and the Nazis almost 80,000 Jews. Politycznie współpracował wówczas z nacjonalistą Jeanem-Louisem Tixier-Vignancour, kierował jego kampanią prezydencką w 1965[2]. Few are those in Europe who are bold enough to speak-up, as if The Old Europe was resigned to no longer fight for freedom of speech, freedom of religion and freedom of the press. He joined Chosen People Ministries in 1997 where he currently serves as the Northwest Regional Director as well as Vice-President of the "Berger d'Israël" association in France. W maju 2015 został zawieszony w prawach członka Frontu Narodowego. Marine’s desire to put the FN on the French political map was somewhat successful. Zagłosowało na niego 16,86% głosujących, co stanowiło 2. wynik. The opinions, facts and any media content in them are presented solely by the authors, and neither The Times of Israel nor its partners assume any responsibility for them. Her true colors are not deep under that veneer. The next stage is an initiative to revive the medieval St. Jacques area where a crane towers above the jumble of narrow alleys inhabited mainly by north Africans and Roma. Jean-Marie Louis Le Pen (ur.20 czerwca 1928 w Trinité-sur-Mer) – francuski polityk oraz prawnik. Throughout its years as a marginal force in French politics, the party enjoyed support among the so-called pieds-noirs — French people who left Algeria after independence in 1962 — and the region’s economic problems have broadened the appeal of Le Pen’s radical plans. Podobny pogląd wygłosił w PE w 2009[14]. Pięciokrotny kandydat w … “It’s a success for the city, and a defeat for the National Front,” said Moroccan-born Aziz Sebaoui, 45, who runs a nearby cafe and heads the local shopkeepers’ association. Saying that the French government was in exile in London is accurate, yet there were plenty of French officials and sympathizers who stayed behind and became some of Hitler’s willing perpetrators at worst or detached bystanders at best. About a hundred expectant white people are packed into a drab, neon-lit hall in southwestern France. “The Front is spreading,” Mayor Jean-Marc Pujol said in an interview. Marine Le Pen grew up in a "house of political violence," a biographer says. Olivier was born in Paris, France in 1959 to a Jewish family whose mother had escaped and survived the Holocaust. Ponownie zaczął działać w krajowej polityce – w 1957 objął stanowisko sekretarza generalnego Frontu Narodowego Kombatantów. Left: A campaign poster of Marine Le Pen sits on display during a campaign event in Thuir. 5 października 1972 powołał i stanął na czele Frontu Narodowego, której został przewodniczącym. Cultural euthanasia seems to be looming over parts of Europe, so it is not unreasonable for people to look for candidates with an agenda focused on the national security of France. Unfortunately, I am not convinced that Jewish people would become safer in France under a Le Pen administration. Zawodowo zajął się wówczas prowadzeniem działalności gospodarczej w ramach wydawnictwa fonograficznego SERP (1963–1985)[1]. Uczył się w kolegium jezuickim Saint-François-Xavier w Vannes, następnie studiował prawo oraz nauki polityczne na Uniwersytecie Paryskim[2]. Moved to the United States in 1985 after getting married. Imigrantów z Afryki Północnej obwiniał o bezrobocie wśród Francuzów, domagał się deportacji nielegalnych imigrantów i zaostrzenia kontroli granicznych[12]. W 1984 po raz pierwszy został wybrany do Parlamentu Europejskiego, reelekcję uzyskiwał w 1989, 1994, 1999, 2004, 2009[1] i 2014[10]. Przewodnicząca ugrupowania, Marine Le Pen, zorganizowała mailowe referendum, w którym działacze zadecydowali o pozbawieniu Jeana-Marie Le Pena tytułu honorowego prezesa (większością ponad 94% głosów). Many people in France are actually anxious about the outcome of the 2017 elections. How can one say that France was not involved in the Vel d’Hiv roundup? Jean-Marc Pujol, mayor of Perpignan, in his office. Big tricolor flags hang from the walls and above the stage, a navy-blue poster carries the election slogan of the candidate who is promising to address their frustrations: “In the name of the people — Marine — President.”. Deputowany krajowy, wieloletni poseł do Parlamentu Europejskiego II, III, IV, V, VI, VII i VIII kadencji. She tried to back pedal, but it was too late and the memories of Jean Marie Le Pen’s antisemitic remarks of yesteryear were back haunting France and its Jewish community. “Only Le Pen will close the borders so we don’t get foreigners coming in,” Rosy Lamiel, a 59-year-old laundress at a retirement home, said on the sidelines of the National Front rally in the small town of Thuir on the outskirts of the city. “A migratory invasion, the impoverishment of shops closing and young people forced to leave to find jobs, and a complete lack of dynamism from the powers that be.”. On a local level it plans to give French people priority for housing or welfare benefits, while condemning the entire ruling class. Perpignan has been left on the sidelines as planemaker Airbus Group SE boosted neighboring Toulouse and most tourists head further east along the coast. Olivier is the author of two books on anti-Semitism available at France shouldn’t be held responsible for the Vel d’Hiv roundup. Jean-Marie Louis Le Pen (ur. She immediately started to work on changing the xenophobic image of the FN in an effort to gain more popularity amidst the French voting bloc. 1935), z którą ma trzy córki: Marie-Caroline, Yann i Marine. While this year’s election may come too soon for Le Pen and the Front, it may nevertheless mark another step in its emergence. The Front’s national proposals to bar immigrants, protect French workers from foreign competition, and crack down on crime are winning over voters like Puig. Siedem lat później nie zdołał zarejestrować swojej kandydatury[2]. In the 2012 presidential election, she garnered 18% of the French vote which was the most the FN ever got. Marie Le Pen was fined several times for saying that the Holocaust was a”detail of history.”. Only days away from the first round of the French Presidential elections, the usual choice of candidates spreads across the political spectrum from extreme right to extreme left. Amid the derelict buildings of St. Jacques where the city reckons some 80 percent of people are out of work, local shopkeepers are looking forward to the university’s arrival. “We don’t have the dad Jean-Marie scaring everyone. Jean-Marie Le Pen wielokrotnie publicznie głosił poglądy antysemickie i rasistowskie, co prowadziło do postępowań karnych While I am not comparing his administration to that of a Front National government, Marine Le Pen could win in the biggest upset in French history. W 1974 wystartował w wyborach prezydenckich, notując wynik poniżej 1% głosów[9]. “The other parties have let the city go to the dogs.”. If she wins–and it is unlikely– France might benefit from some of her policies.
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