The United States was the only non-European country exhibiting as a colonial power. The weather of Marseille is much closer to the climate of the tropical colonies, the Marseille supporters argued. Note the similarity in tone with Victor Hugo's claim for the universality of France in 1867. People opposed to colonialism did not change their minds; people already in favor of the enterprise could feel that their convictions were further reinforced. Stereoscopic slides and viewer depicting scenes from Exposition coloniale, 1931. 1). French audiences had been primed to appreciate more of black culture since the triumphant conquest of Parisian entertainment by American jazz musicians and the talents of Josephine Baker. One woman, having ordered "pilaf" in a Maroccan restaurant, sat waiting in anticipation of some bubbling concoction of native plants and the flesh of wild beasts. Search for Library Items Search for Lists Search for Contacts Search for a Library. There were dissenting voices, however, even in France. "1 One of the goals of the exposition, therefore, was to demonstrate that the French colonial effort was achieving those goals, and that colonial industry, however primitive when compared to the achievements of the "civilized" world, was showing promising signs of advancement from savagery to civilization. It reads: "To her sons who have extended the empire of her genius and made dear her name across the seas, France extends her gratitude."12. By the time of the next and last great Parisian exposition in 1937, France would find herself on the brink of losing far more than her overseas empire. Economisez avec notre option de livraison gratuite. Purchased with funds provided by Robert J. Ruben, Class of 1955. 10 André Breton, Paul Eluard, Aragon, Maxime Alexandre, "Ne visitez pas l'Exposition Coloniale" (Paris, 1931), 11 "Moins de fêtes et de discours, plus d'intelligence humaine," in Le Populaire, May 7, 1931. Prat, Veronique. The 1931 colonial exposition was the culmination of 25 years of planning and thought. After all, wrote Jérome and Jean Tharaud, the European position with respect to her colonies is very similar to "our position in Europe when it became necessary to draw us out of the paganism of the Celts, Germans, and Slavs. But as the 1930s progressed, other events were taking shape that would have far greater immediate effect on France than the loss of her empire. : MIT Press, 2000). Issued in 1931, in conjunction with the Paris Colonial Exposition, it consisted of four different engraved designs, denominated in the local currency. Taller Martín Pescador's new Green Knight, Miklós Radnóti, "never sold a single copy". Exposition coloniale internationale de Paris (1931) Vente générale : 17 novembre 1930 Retrait de la vente : novembre 1931 Valeur faciale : 15 c Graveur : Abel Mignon Dessinateur : Louis Pierre Rigal Département concerné par ce timbre : 75 Dentelure : 14 x 13½ Couleur : gris Mode d'impression : Héliogravure Catalogue Yvert et Tellier Timbres français : N° 271 Mount Vernon Reconstruction at the 1931 Exposition, by Sears and Roebuck (click here for the story of its construction). To preserve the authenticity of feeling at these pavilions, an exposition regulation stipulated that no Africans, or any other colonials, could wear European clothing on the fairgrounds. du 15 mai au 15 novembre 1931 . Commissioner general Lyautey himself commented on the "union of force and beauty" of the Italian pavilion. To bring these peoples together in the capital city in order to educate the French nation as to the importance of their colonies – this was the primary goal of the Exposition Coloniale et Internationale de Paris. On this grand avenue, and on several of the radiating streets, stood the splendid and exotic structures representing the indigenous architecture of the French colonials in Africa, the Near East, the Fair East, and Oceania. Cohen, William. For more information, see: 1931, les étrangers au temps de l’exposition colonial (Paris: Gallimard: Cité nationale de l’histoire de l’immigration, 2008). No shipments of gold or cinnamon, pepper or petroleum: only an unremitting battle against the elements, with the Danish government contributing its scientific expertise to make life in Greenland more tolerable. aquarell painting of the Café Maure at the 1931 Worldâs Fair in Paris (Exposition Coloniale International Paris): art print by Charles Pinet of the reconstruction of the tempel of Angkor Wat errected for the Colonial Exhibition: art print of the Palais de lâA.O.F. The most imposing structure on the Avenue of French Colonies — indeed, the most impressive of all structures at the exposition — was the Temple of Angor Wat, a faithful rendition of the original Cambodian structure by the French architectural firm of Charles and Gabriel Blanche. "Lyautey et l'exposition coloniale internationale de 1931," in Comptes rendus mensuels des Séances de l'Academie des Sciences d'Outre-Mer (Paris, 1961). Once the date was set, however, Le Maréchal insisted that all exhibits had to be completely finished fifteen days before the May 6 opening date. "9 The religious element of colonization is thus transformed into a necessary and fitting component of the civilizing process. In addition, Marseille was, by its seagoing nature, more adventuresome than Paris, which, according to Charles Roux, was made up of mere "explorers of the shrubbery along the boulevards." The first French empire died on the field of Waterloo in 1815. North African nations had long been present at Parisian expositions; and visitors who had attended earlier fairs could recognize the familiar perfumes, carpets, ornamented brass and hand-tooled leather, the exotic food served by colonials who spoke French in clipped, harsh accents.6 Still, the experience of dining at exotic eateries was new and strange to many visitors. In 1912, Minister of Colonies Albert Lebrun urged that Paris should host a colonial exposition, and that the spike of the fair should be the creation of a permanent museum devoted to the art and society of the colonies. Marseille was the second largest city in France, and possessed considerable economic resources and political power to combat Paris. Any exhibitors failing to meet this requirement would find their unfinished exhibits torn down and hauled away – at their expense! As the scrubbing advanced, the child glistened with cleanliness, but the water turned progressively dirtier. While plans and negotiations for the Parisian colonial exposition were under discussion, Paris hosted the Art Deco fair of 1925. Flanking the Mount Vernon building, but constructed in a style that blended harmoniously with the main structure, were a series of cottages featuring displays of America's burgeoning colonial empire: Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Samoa – all of which were presenting themselves for the first time at a Parisian exposition. In 1931, this museum displayed not only the art from French colonies, but also works by renowned French artists, such as Cezanne and Gauguin, who at some point in their careers had drawn on non-Western art for inspiration and subject matter. Blum, Léon. Medaille exposition coloniale paris 1931 - Achetez une variété de produits à prix abordables sur eBay. Home. Accordingly, on June 23, 1913, a decree was signed affirming these principles, and designating Paris as the host city, since "Paris is without question the capital of such great expositions. The majority of the expo’s 500 acres of land was used to present the French colonies of the period. Achetez en toute confiance et sécurité sur eBay! In a later study of this effort, William Cohen remarked: For the six months of its duration the exposition continued drawing visitors, especially school children. Denmark's building at the exposition featured her efforts to colonize Greenland. Patricia Morton - "The 1931 Exposition was a rare source of pride for France at a time when her economy and international prestige were eroding. Lâexposition coloniale internationale de Paris, dans le Bois de Vincennes, en 1931, est restée dans les mémoires comme lâapothéose de la colonisation française. The miniature scale (approximately one inch square) and uneven photography means we will have to digitize each image individually, rather than in groups. "The Colonial Exposition in France: Education or Reinforcement?" Vase "Boule coloniale 1931" (Musée municipal Longwy - ⦠Close by these exhibits were others that told the story of why the European powers were there in the first place: raw materials. accueil page diaporamas Bonds were sold, and a guaranty company formed to secure the necessary financing for the venture. Details from the Alfred Janniot Murals: "Indochina" and "Madagascar", There still remains the question, however, of whether or not the exposition coloniale achieved its major goal: to educate the French people as to the importance of the colonies to France. Histoire Française des Foires et des Expositions Universelles (Paris, 1980). Ce sont en ces termes que le journal lâExcelsior du 1 er avril 1931 annonce lâexhibition de 111 Kanak 1 à Paris à lâoccasion de lâExposition coloniale. In addition to the cash profit, the exposition coloniale left behind two permanent legacies to the city of Paris. In humanitarian terms, French colonial policy makers felt genuinely that France could and should exert her powerful civilizing influence on the under-developed nations of the world. The exposition was conceived primarily as an attempt at fostering a communal feeling of solidarity among her colonies. November 1931 in Paris, Frankreich statt. Edge. Postcard Exposition International Paris 1931 Afrique occidentale France. In fact, according to Claude Farrere, "The temples of Angor symbolize not so much a unified and indivisible Indo-China – this is a puerile concept of Soviet politicians and their ignorant dupes – as a dead civilization killed by the worst sort of native violence, a civilization which France is attempting to revive today." In many important respects, the Exposition Coloniale Internationale de Paris could be counted a success. Seller 99.9% positive. Hodeir, Catherine. The inherent irony of the American exhibit – that it was housed in a building of the man who led the fight against colonial tyranny in the United States – was evidently completely lost on both the French and the Americans. 8. ððµ Looking for a stamp exposition coloniale international paris 1931? The unspoken philosophy of the exposition, however, was the same mission civilisatrice that had guided and justified French foreign policy for more than a century. Dioramas showed "Esquimeaux" and their dog trains surrounded by the bleak landscape and bitter cold of the largest island in the world. But this time, the provinces were not to be swept aside so easily. In the long run, of course, the effort was futile. And it was this same exotic allure that drew people to Vincennes in 1931. Displays of coffee, rubber, precious metals and exotic foodstuffs were accompanied by impressive statistics showing how valuable colonial products were for their master countries. On May 6, 1931, the first of 33,000,000 people walked through the gates of the Exposition coloniale internationale in the eastern suburbs of Paris. Helping to identify your stamps, find out their value and sell them. As for Angor Wat itself, the socialist leader Léon Blum commented acidly: "Here we have rebuilt the marvelous stairway of the temple of Angor Wat, and we watch enthralled the sacred dancers; but, in Indo-China, we are shooting, we are deporting, we are imprisoning these people. To head up the entire affair, the government appointed Le Maréchal Lyautey, a distinguished and experienced military man. Some nations, for a variety of reasons, chose not to erect national pavilions. Pala, S. Documents exposition coloniale Paris 1931 (Paris, 1981). But to most Parisians, the Arabic colonies were familiar stuff. Maquette de l'exposition coloniale internationale de 1931 (Cité nationale de l'histoire de l'immigration - Paris 12eme) Cette maquette sous verre a été présentée lors de l'exposition "Les étrangers au temps de l'exposition coloniale" en été 2008. Nicknamed Lyauteyville after the exposition's commissioner general, Marechal Hubert Lyautey,2 this was the last international world's fair exclusively devoted to the celebration of international colonialism. As a consequence, there was a concerted effort on the part of exposition officials to attract students of all ages to the fair. The 1931 Paris International Colonial Exposition was a project nearly 25 years in the making. Parisians were not willing for the heart of their city to be desecrated for six years with the noise and dust emanating from the building and demolition of two large expositions. 4. A Madagascar woman rounded up one of her little boys, stood him up in a tub and proceeded to wash him down with clear water. Sujet: Exposition Coloniale Internationale de Paris 1931 Jeu 26 Nov - 15:07 page 13 - Le tracteur bientôt laboure le sol défriché, les bâtiments de la ferme s'élèvent, le bétail s'accroît, les plantations d'arbres fruitiers se multiplient. La Exposición colonial internacional de París fue un acontecimiento que duró del 6 de mayo al 15 de noviembre de 1931 en lo que es actualmente la Puerta Dorada y en el bosque de Vincennes de la capital de Francia, a fin de mostrar la riqueza cultural presente en las colonias del imperio colonial francés y en las otras principales potencias coloniales, con excepción del Reino Unido. Night View of the Angor Wat Pavilion; Charles and Gabriel Blanche, architects, But Angor Wat did not symbolize, for the exposition organizers, any such grandeur. On aménage aussi un parc zoologique. The Porte Dorée Palace was built for the International Exposition of 1931: its first vocation was to be a museum of the colonies to represent the territories, the history of colonial conquest and its effect on the arts. Attacked from the left for their paternalistic and exploitative attitudes, and by the right for a failure of nerve, French supporters of the colonial enterprise looked upon the exposition as an opportunity to furnish proof to the world that colonialism was accomplishing its noble goals. Token - Exposition Coloniale Internationale (Afrique) Token - Exposition Coloniale Internationale (Asie) Details about [#7883] France, Medal, Exposition Coloniale Internationale, Paris 1931 [#7883] France, Medal, Exposition Coloniale Internationale , Paris 1931 Item Information A l'occasion de cette exposition, 368 enregistrements sonores des "musiques et parlers coloniaux" sont réalisés par l'Institut de Phonétique et le Musée de la parole et du geste de l'Université de Paris. For centuries, religious institutions had sent out missionaries to convert natives to Christianity and to halt practices which, in the views of their leaders, were abhorrent to God. 26 French territories participated. But in 1920, the battle between Paris and Marseille was joined again. Many countries, including England and Germany, contented themselves with informational displays in the City of Information building next to the main Entranceway of Honor. Marquand Library (SA) T805.1931.G1 L47 2007 Australian/Harvard Citation. Could France do anything less than bring the best of Western methods of industrial production, medicine, and fair governance to nations previously suffering under the tyranny of bloodthirsty despots? Achetez en toute confiance et sécurité sur eBay! Marquand Library (SA) Oversize NA6610.C62q THE EXPOSITION COLONIALE INTERNATIONALE DE PARIS, 1931. In some cases, such as Vietnam and Algeria, the struggle against French colonialism was especially tragic, and cost both sides tens of thousands of lives before the conflict was ended. 7. "Moins de fetes et de discours, plus d'intelligence humaine," in Le Populaire, May 7, 1931. Germany had been stripped of her colonial possessions as a result of her defeat in the First World War, and felt the urge to come to Paris simply to gaze on former possessions that were now "Sous Mandat" protectorates of France. But it was the sheer size and grandeur of the building itself that drew people to the Angor Wat temple. Exposition coloniale internationale de Paris. In the capital, the brilliance of these fairs covers all of France, and indeed illuminates the universe." 8 "L'Ankor et l'Indochine," in l'Illustration, May, 1931, n.p. and Demaison, Andre. in Proceedings of the Sixth and Seventh Annual Meetings of the French Colonial Society, 1980-81. Togo and Cameroon pavilions; Louis-Hippolyte Boileau, architect. The buildings and grounds of the event covered some 500 acres of land – making it the most extensive exposition in French history. Such objections to the hegemony of Paris had long been part of the controversy in France surrounding world's fairs. The exposition, which continued for six months, included a recreation of Mount Vernon from the United States, along with pavilions from Italy, Japan, and many other countries. For one event, two authors, Pierre Camo and Roger Chardon, conceived of the idea of tapping into the great African oral tradition by creating an epic hymn to colonial enterprise. Seller 100% positive. Pupils from primary and secondary schools, trade schools, and teacher training institutions participated in the "Tour the World in Four Days" program, which involved an intensive study of all the major exhibits at the exposition. The Colonial Exposition Issue was the first joint issue of postage stamps by the French colonial empire. L'Exposition Coloniale Internationale de Paris feted the accomplishments of colonialism from May 6 to November 15, 1931 (Fig. A National Committee for Colonial Expositions had been formed in 1906, with the express purpose of advancing the belief that France was now both an empire and a republic – and empire with respect to her protectorate, a republic at home. The African pavilions were huge structures of wood covered over with bulky thatching – and designed by French architects. The vast majority of visitors went about their business as before. The Angor Wat temple represented, for the supporters of French colonial policy, all that the mother country was attempting to do, in the face of public indifference and political hostility from the left. When the dish was served, she could only berate the waiter, in tones of disappointed outrage, "Why, this is only rice!" Plan of the 1931 Exposition (Click here for more images). $20.02 previous price $20.02 + $2.90 shipping. Exposition coloniale internationale: guide offert par les Grands Magasins Au Bon Marché … ([Paris: Au Bon Marché, 1931]) Rare Books (Ex) 2004-2213N L'Exposition Coloniale de 1931 à Paris. The fair surrounded the Daumesnil Lake, with its two islands, and included a substantial zoological garden. The Martinique Pavilion at the Exposition coloniale, The Orchestre Stellion of Martinique at the Exposition. 105-106, Profit to Government (estimated): 33,197,286, Top Official: Maréchal Lyautey, Commissaire général de l'Exposition coloniale. Create lists, bibliographies and reviews: or Search WorldCat. 3 Cited in Philippe Bouin & Christian-Philippe Chanut, Histoire Française des Foires et des Expositions Universelles (Paris, 1980), p. 179. There soon arose the almost inevitable opposition from the provinces, with the city of Marseille leading the way. Inside the temple, visitors encountered the dutiful array of statistics and displays of agricultural production, as well as a panoramic account of the history of Indo-China.
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