Cette expression, mi-ironique, mi-respectueuse, se référait essentiellement à des travaux comme ceux de Dictionnaire Français Définition. French house, also known as French touch, filter house and tekfunk, is a style of house music originally produced by French musicians in the 1990s. nm (technologie) étoile d'or ou d'argent dont chaque pointe est à un titre déterminé et qui sert à tester les métaux précieux. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. une touche de qch a touch of sth, a hint of sth. nm (technologie) étoile d'or ou d'argent dont chaque pointe est à un titre déterminé et qui sert à tester les métaux précieux. Enfin, la French Touch est l'un des leviers majeurs que nous propose le concept d'art de vivre. tender. Après la French Touch et la French Tech, l’objectif est de mettre en valeur l’écosystème de l’industrie française, lui redonner fierté et confiance. Bob Sinclar's later work, including the hit single "World, Hold On (Children of the Sky)" maintains only a distant connection to the original French house sound. The parties were driven by DJ Laurent Garnier, Guillaume la Tortue and David Guetta. For an album of the same name, see, 'French Connections: From Discotheque to Discovery' by Martin James, 2002, Sanctuary Publishing, Learn how and when to remove these template messages, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Exposition «Electro» à La Philharmonie : 5 clips emblématiques de la French Touch", "UK delivers highest number of overseas visitors to Ibiza", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=French_house&oldid=1023319601, Wikipedia articles with style issues from December 2018, Articles needing additional references from April 2007, All articles needing additional references, Articles with multiple maintenance issues, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2015, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2013, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2019, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 15 May 2021, at 19:11. At the same time, disco house began to gain success in Canada. Fondé… Collaborative Dictionary French-English. By 2007, many underground disco house productions belonged to the Ibiza school. ( Anglicisme) Caractéristique qui fait la différence de la France (avec un à priori positif). [3] The French duo Motorbass (Philippe Zdar, later of Cassius, and Étienne de Crécy) were also among the first in France to produce house tracks which were largely based around samples and filtered loops – in turn inspired by emerging American house producers such as DJ Sneak, Green Velvet and Roger Sanchez and their penchant for producing sample-led house tracks with deep funky grooves – and released a sole full-length album, Pansoul. To browse Academia.edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Due to a reasonable amount of buzz generated from the huge clubbing scene and major record company support, Daft Punk's debut album Homework entered the top 10 of the UK album charts on release and effectively became the biggest-selling French act in the UK since Jean-Michel Jarre. (=contact) in touch with sb en contact avec qn. The term "French touch" was first used in Paris in July 1987. — Mot français, défini en anglais — touchante adj. Voir plus (RUGBY) line-out, (FOOTBALL)- remise en touche throw-in- ligne de touche touchline. Exemple d’utilisation manquant. It was a popular strand of the late 1990s and 2000s European dance music scene and a form of Euro disco.The defining characteristics of the sound are heavy reliance on filter and phaser effects both on and alongside samples from … French house, also known as French touch, filter house and tekfunk, is a style of house music originally produced by French musicians in the 1990s. [meat, vegetables] tendre. [citation needed] During 1999 many events also took place on Spain's Ibiza island, and has continued to be a very popular destination for British tourists.[5]. Le terme de French Touch est familier à tout français féru de musique électronique qui se respecte. Retrouvez le premier grand rapport sur « Les nouveaux producteurs : la french touch de la webcréation », produit par Fablabchannel et commandé par l’Institut Français. feminine singular of touchant. "Elle a retrouvé son chat". Ce lexique de la séduction et des dynamiques sociales liste ces différents termes et notions intéressantes, que vous pourrez croiser dans certains articles et messages du forum. (enter into contact with) toucher⇒ vtr verbe transitif: verbe qui s'utilise avec un complément d'objet direct (COD). It was a popular strand of the late 1990s and 2000s European dance music scene and a form of Euro disco. french touch \fʁɛnʃ tɔtʃ\ féminin. An Exploratory Study, A cross-cultural exploratory content analysis of the perception of luxury from six countries. es v.tr. Prior to that (1996–2000), "French house" had been referred to among Europeans as "nu-disco", "disco house" and "new disco". La France ne manque pas d'atouts et figure en bonne position dans la course à la transition numérique de son industrie. : Touche ce tissu et vois comme il est doux. Un objet bien « designé » déclenche l'envie, l'impulsion d'achat. une touche de nostalgie a touch of nostalgia, a hint of nostalgia. La « Friend Zone » décrit cette « zone » imaginaire où vous vous trouvez quand une fille (dont vous êtes amoureux, ou par qui vous êtes attiré) semble préférer vous considérer comme un ami que comme un amant potentiel. This expression was printed, as part of a motto for French partygoers who liked house music, on a trendy jacket by Éric Morand for Fnac Music Dance Division, in 1991. Définition. La « French touch », un talent bien français. 1. This news special later aired on all the MTV local variations worldwide, spreading the term and introducing the "French house" sound to the mainstream. To learn more, view our, Conceptualizing luxury buying behavior: the Indian perspective, Dream Perception in the Luxury Industry: Internet, Vector of Democratization or Disenchantment? In late 2005, pop superstar Madonna released Confessions on a Dance Floor, an album with significant French house influences in several of its songs. French touch, en … Connectez-vous à Facebook pour commencer à partager et à communiquer avec vos amis, votre famille et les personnes que vous connaissez. "French touch" redirects here. Daft Punk, Cassius and, later, Stardust were the first internationally successful artists of the genre. contact [masculine] the touch of her skin against his le contact de sa peau contre la sienne. In Greece, this music style was promoted as "disco house". Dictionnaire anglais-français avec des millions de phrases traduites en anglais-français. b. The first French house experiments were received by the UK dance music press and European DJ's in the mid-1990s but major commercial success did not occur until 1997. Space disco was very popular in France, with artists like Cerrone, Sheila & B. Regroupe toutes les définitions en rapport avec le marketing au sens large et le marketing digital. Additional influences came from P-Funk, especially the George Clinton and Bootsy Collins hits of that era. Naturally, further variations and mutations followed. Sa principale caractéristique est l’utilisation du test musculaire pour connaître le fonctionnement de la personne, détecter et lever ses déséquilibres et éveiller son potentiel. Ci-dessous, vous pourrez aussi lire la synthèse du rapport rédigé par … However, most of the music's most successful acts have altered their sound since. See more. [citation needed] British music journalists used the expression and contributed to the diffusion of this movement. toucher. This term became favoured among the French media and was then widely used in the UK press by 1998. Jean-Claude Lagrèze, a photographer of parisians' nights created a couple of "French Touch" parties at The Palace to make people discover house music. Si, au départ, elle s'inscrivait dans la house music par l'utilisation de samples souvent puisés dans le funk et le disco, au fil des années, ses sources d'inspiration se sont étendues à tous les styles musicaux . Google's free service instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages. One is what the French still refer as "the French touch" and it is the style that greatly influenced by the space disco sound. 2. a. The French Touch, un webzine francophone consacré aux musiques françaises et francophones. Devotion Spacer hit during the late 1970s and early 1980s. The defining characteristics of the sound are heavy reliance on filter and phaser effects both on and alongside samples from late 1970s and early 1980s American or European disco tracks (or original hooks strongly inspired by such samples), causing thicker harmonic foundations than the genre's forerunners. [citation needed]. . Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. une approche qui rappelle l’antique pratique de l’imposition des mains, sans connotation religieuse toutefois. Et de Superpoze à Rone en passant par Fakear, la palette est vaste et impressionnante. Touch definition, to put the hand, finger, etc., on or into contact with (something) to feel it: He touched the iron cautiously. [ uncountable ] the sense of being able to feel sth with your hand. Désuet Féminin Géométrie singulier Tangente touchant. In Ibiza, disco house took later another direction: it combined vocals and some elements from the UK's speed garage (a mid 1990s music style) with a local Latin flavor. La French touch ([fɹɛntʃ tʌtʃ]; littéralement « la patte française ») , ou French house, est un courant musical né en France en 1990, reconnu internationalement comme la déclinaison française de la musique house. To cause or permit a part of the body, especially the hand or fingers, to come in contact with so as to feel: reached out and touched the smooth stone. The Jacking aspect of Chicago house was also picked up on as a theme to incorporate (with "jack house" becoming a short-lived descriptive term for the sound in the UK). she gave her first concert at the tender age of six elle a donné son premier concert alors qu'elle n'avait que six ans. It was used on an MTV News special, to describe a so-called "French house explosion" phenomenon. Elle se sentait légèrement grippée. Both Daft Punk and Étienne de Crécy subsequently developed a harder synthetic sound more directly inspired by techno, electro and pop. touchant. "She found the cat." As of the mid to late-2010s, there grew a resurgence in interest in French house, with material being released from artists such as Folamour and Mirrorball Disco Squad from Paris, as well as Tiger and Woods from Italy. Apparue dans les années 1980, la french touch est l'idée selon laquelle les développeurs français créeraient des jeux au style marginal par … Définition : En termes d’employés, l’engagement est l’attachement affectif qu’a l’individu envers son organisation et ses objectifs. Surtout que la French Touch a fait de nombreux petits qui ont vite imposé leur différence. The first time this term was used widespreadly by MTV UK during the Christmas holiday period of 1999. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. French Touch is a bio restaurant in Courbevoie (France), the brand name of beauty salons makeover; the expression is also used as a prefix or a suffix of brand names e.g. Even Renault, the French car company produced advertisements about French Touch. Along with Air, these acts were signed to Virgin Records and benefited from distinctive music videos directed by the likes of Spike Jonze, Michel Gondry and Alex & Martin. [+frost] un peu de qch. Définitions Marketing » L'encyclopédie illustrée du marketing. La French Fab, c’est parti ! Translation French - English Collins Dictionary. To bring something into light contact with: touched the sore spot with a probe. Elle s’attache au bien-être global de la personne en tenant compte des aspects physique, émotionnel et mental. He touched her shoulder. La French touch (c'est-à-dire « la patte française ») est une expression désignant une grande partie des disques de musique électronique française des années 1990, particulièrement de … Nos deux jardins se touchent. [citation needed] A local music shop called Discobole Records imported the records direct from France and middle class clubs like City Groove dedicated totally to the genre between 1998 and 2001. French house is greatly influenced by the lineage of American dance music from the emergence of disco onwards, maintaining a distinct connection to Euro disco and the short lived space disco music style. French touch, un genre musical lié à la house et la musique électronique décrivant un son typique. She thought she had a touch of flu. Dans la Silicon Valley, on a nommé French touch dans les années 1980 et 90 une tendance française à hiérarchiser les concepts, à les mettre en facteurs, à en faire un édifice conceptuel avant de coder la moindre ligne. 1 mot français tiré de la définition étrangère. Parisian producer St. Germain produced house tracks with a similar style at the time but these were more directly influenced by jazz as opposed to the brasher vocal disco records appropriated, while other known French DJ-turned-producers at the time such as François Kevorkian and Laurent Garnier remained relatively distant from the emerging French house label. Les entrepreneurs français surfent sur une nouvelle vague, celle de l'excellence à la française, reconnue à l'international. Most tracks in this vein feature steady 44 beats with a tempo range of 110–130 beats per minute. The third would be the deep American house style as evident in the similar treatment of samples and repetitive 'funky' hooks. His solo material, along with his work as a member of Daft Punk and Stardust, had a significant impact upon the French house scene during the mid-to-late 1990s. Academia.edu uses cookies to personalize content, tailor ads and improve the user experience. (literary) [innocent - age, youth] tendre. être en touche to be in touch. This sound is also being championed on the lo-fi house scene by the likes of Mall Grab and Loods. See also: se toucher, touche, banc de touche, juge de touche. to get in touch with sb prendre contact avec qn. Ce service gratuit de Google traduit instantanément des mots, des expressions et des pages Web du français vers plus de 100 autres langues. French house maintains the established "French touch" sound, focused more on Euro disco-like vocals and less emphasis on the "space disco" themes. However, the term "French touch" was first used by music journalist Martin James in his 1996 review Étienne de Crécy's first album Super Discount in the now defunct weekly music paper Melody Maker. Depuis l’avènement intergalactique de Daft Punk, la France se positionne sur le devant de l’échiquier de la scène électro internationale. French house is essentially a combination of three production styles. [4] Martin James was later recognised by French newspaper Liberation and Radio NRJ as the journalist responsible for naming the French house phenomenon "French touch". De Daft Punk à Justice, on ne compte plus les groupes, duo ou DJ iconiques des années 90/2000 qui ont fait vibrer les dancefloors à coup de sons plus innovants les uns que les autres. The French Touch, webzine francophone consacré aux musiques françaises et francophones. → There was a touch of frost this morning. Mais certains de ces termes & notions sont quand mêmes intéressants, et pas forcément évidents à exprimer simplement en français. toucher [masculine] your sense of sight, smell, and touch votre sens de la vue, de l’odorat et du toucher. [citation needed]. Ce livre numérique interactif et inédit, est déjà disponible sous forme d’un ebook sur l’ Ibookstore ou via le site de l’ Institut français! toucheau , touchau, touchaud. Bob Sinclar was interviewed, as well as Air (a non-house act) and Cassius. [+magic, gaiety] une touche de qch. La kinésiologie, étymologiquement « la science du mouvement » est une technique de rééquilibrage psycho-corporelle. The motto was: "We Give a French Touch to House". toucher (se) vpr/pass (=être en contact) to touch. Ex : "J'écris une lettre". Son visage touchait le mien. It shouldn’t feel hot to the touch. Due to originating from the same foreign market, P-Funk was played alongside disco in many French discothèques, especially after the Disco Demolition Night took place in the United States. Être, entrer en contact physique avec quelque chose, quelqu'un : L'ancre toucha le fond. Retrouvez toutes les informations nécessaires pour vos études, votre master ou simplement par curiosité. One of the biggest markets for nu-disco at the time was Greece, especially Athens. Français: touch [sb] ⇒ vtr transitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." French house tends to be confused with a genre known as future funk, although they are not the same genre. Définitions de toucher. feminine singular Academia.edu no longer supports Internet Explorer. 6 mots français tirés des 2 définitions françaises. Mettre sa main, ses doigts au contact de quelque chose, de quelqu'un, en particulier pour apprécier, par les sensations tactiles, son état, sa consistance, sa chaleur, etc. The second is a continuation and update of Euro disco and greatly influenced by the productions of Alec R. Costandinos. Cet engagement affectif signifie que les salariés se sentent réellement concernés par leur entreprise et leur propre travail. Thomas Bangalter's tracks for his Roulé label may be considered the earliest examples of an attempt to establish a distinctive style of French house. french touch, sur le Wiktionnaire French touch (littéralement « la patte française »), courant musical français lié à la house et la musique électronique. to touch somebody on a tender spot (figurative) toucher le point sensible de quelqu'un. Furthermore, the influence of musical French figures of the seventies as François de Roubaix, Jean-Michel Jarre or Serge Gainsbourg was also critical. Du e-commerce, au SEO, en passant par l'Inbound marketing. 2 mots étrangers tirés de la définition étrangère. C'est notamment le cas dans la tech. The emergence of the French sound was well-timed as dance music's popularity in the influential UK market was peaking commercially with general electronic music. ( Ajouter) ( Anglicisme) ( En particulier) ( Musique) Musique house produite par des artistes français. Our gardens are next to each other. une touche de couleur a touch of colour, a hint of colour. a touch of sth [+cream, wine] une goutte de qch. An early example of French house could be Dance released in 1990 by New York house producer Earth People (Joseph Longo). The New York French Touch Conference about tech- ecosystems, beauty-frenchtouch.com. Purveyors of French house include Daft Punk,[1] Stardust, Cassius, The Supermen Lovers,[2] Modjo and Étienne de Crécy. By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. Moteur de recherche de traductions anglais-français. Further international commercial success continued into 2000 with Bob Sinclar, Étienne de Crécy, Benjamin Diamond and Modjo achieving hit singles around Europe.
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