You may have heard of artificially constructed spoken languages such as Esperanto, Interlingua, or Lojban, but do you realize that before any of these languages there was another constructed language which once claimed nearly a million followers, making it the most popular … Esperanto is the most famous constructed language, and its popularity seems to be growing. Indo-European (or better late PIE ) was and is only one , although different approaches can be made to its writing and syntax system – as with any other natural language. January 20, 2015 Volapük: A Cautionary Tale for Any Language Community. Although they are both classed as IALs, the intellectual bases of Esperanto and Interlingua are quite different. Volapük (/ ˈ v ɒ l ə p ʊ k / in English; in Volapük) is a constructed language created between 1879 and 1880 by Johann Martin Schleyer, a Roman Catholic priest in Baden, Germany, who believed that God had told him in a dream to create an international language.Volapük conventions took place in 1884 (Friedrichshafen), 1887 and 1889 ().The first two conventions used German, and … Esperanto is a constructed international auxiliary language (auxlang) invented in the late 1800s by a Russian citizen, Ludwig Lazar Zamenhof, as a replacement for other "international" languages such as English, French, and Latin, with the intent of creatdeveloping a language with no attachments to any existing body. It is notable as the only complete Esperantido to have been created by Esperanto's original creator, Dr. L. L. Zamenhof.Although Zamenhof's stated preference was to avoid any discussion of changes, he was put under considerable pressure (including financial) to respond to the diverse reforms … More Esperantujo vs. Láadanehoth → Esperantujo vs. Láadanehoth 2015-09-22 Esperanto , languager , reform , sexism 3 Article , Language - Esperanto , LGBTQIA+ The name comes from the pseudonym … Even citing from the same Wikipedia page: >According to the results, preliminary Esperanto study led to a 25% improvement in acquiring Russian, 30% for German, 40% for English, and even 50% for French. Esperanto and Interlingua are two planned languages which have taken radically different approaches to the problem of providing an International auxiliary language (IAL).. Esperanto (cel care speră) este cea mai răspândită dintre limbile artificiale.Limba a fost lansată în 1887 de către Ludovic Lazar Zamenhof (1859 - 1917) după mai bine de 10 ani de muncă, pentru a servi ca limbă internațională auxiliară, o a doua limbă pentru fiecare.Numărul vorbitorilor de esperanto este greu de stabilit. Não tenho prazer em apontar isso, mas realmente não há como Ido e Interlingua compararem com o esperanto. Aqui, por exemplo, é apresentado um recente Ido internacional: (Internacional Ido-Renkontro 2017 em České Budéjovice (Chekia)) Reconheço pelo menos dois deles como falantes de esperanto. It has been argued that each language is a successful implementation of a particular IAL model. But what is Esperanto? Reformed Esperanto was a reformed version of Esperanto created in 1894. And what's a constructed language, even? Um é, além disso, um orador de Volapük. It's not particularly surprising since Esperanto borrows a lot of vocabulary from Romance languages. Esperanto’s clones – or, better, Volapük clones – are infinite, and the newer are supposedly better than the older ones. The creator of Esperanto, L. L. Zamenhof, illustrated Esperanto pronunciation by comparing its letters with their equivalents in several major European languages and declaring a principle of "one letter, one sound".Given that the comparison languages were not completely identical, he later advised that the pronunciation of Italian could be considered a model for Esperanto.

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