Lee Jin Pyo’s change of heart came too late, too little, and too abruptly to make it genuine. Ohhh, fuck. Bravo, Dominique...I could not agree more with everything you've said... 1. Gunshot go to the vet. Get Wild - TM NETWORK fin. 11 août 2009 01:22, Message 2006 19:09, Message Yoon-sung, on the other hand, was born to former Secret Service agent Park Mu-yeol…and Lee Kyung-hee. He explains that Young-ju had been chasing Jin-pyo and Yoon-sung, the former of whom is linked to the 1983 incident. I feel a weight has been lifted. 2006 05:02, Message And wow, Show. O.M.F.G. As I said in the podcast, this drama isn’t perfect, and it has plenty of flaws along the way. He informs the president that he has the confidential book: “That decision you don’t regret — I’ll make you regret it.” Phew. Ce générique est issu de l'album City Hunter Sound Collection X -Theme Songs-. Hunter is the leading solution to find and verify professional email addresses. Lost power or WTHHH. You can start breathing again. Still Love Her (Ushinawareta Keshiki) - TM NETWORK fin 5. 2006 15:45, Message yeah......i'm going to think that way. Oh wait, Nana and City Hunter already did do just that - in Episode 12, I think. Oh god, he’s taking the fall for his son. Thank you Javabeans and Girlfriday for recapping this wonderful series from start to finish! That's fine but, at least a proper goodbye?! (function(d, s, id) { Nana warns Yoon-sung that the president may have caught on to his identity, and has requested his personnel file. Never thought I would've cried for Young-ju even though I do like the character, but wow the directing was done to such a point of perfection with the absolutely AMAZING soundtrack.. that my eyes just had to be brimming with tears. I LOVED THIS DRAMA! KILL ME WHY NOT!!!!!!!!!!! Super Girl - 1st Ending Song, un générique de City Hunter 2 interprété par Yasuyuki Okamura. i love you city hunter!! This comes as news to the president, who clenches his hand as he registers the implication. He whirls to face the bodyguards with an impotent gun, and they fire away reflexively. I loved City Hunter for a million reasons, but the biggest is this: it gets me right there, that place in my heart where my six-year old self refuses to give up on the idea that heroes fight evil and good prevails. There would be no reason to show Na Na, carrying a suitcase, to go meet up with YS later on (though would it have killed you YS to at least hug the girl after making her wait all this time?). A Mick Angel. nodame3000 . And Jin-pyo’s sacrifice in the end proves that Yoon-sung’s love for Dad wasn’t unrequited. La série animée intégrale VF (140 épisodes non-censurés) est prévue le 02 Janvier 2015 sur le site wat.tv/nicky-larson, en France. xfbml : true, // parse social plugins on this page And until ten minutes before the end, there didn’t seem to be much hope of that for him. This whole dad thing completely crushed me all around. Kyung-hee and Shik-joong have packed their bags and are ready to embark on new lives in the U.S. Nana walks through the airport with her own packed suitcase in tow. Voting begins on the amendment, just as the packages arrive at the papers. He’s exchanging their lives, and now he drops the clip out of his gun. Have yet to watch this drama. The man then warns the president that a man had sought him out asking for information, and Choi guesses that Yoon-sung will seek him out soon. par kaori_ryo » dim. You know what? Once again, I am sorry if I offended anyone, although I really don't think my comments were that inflammatory. I think so too that he died... NN wearing white was also my point. ", *there goes Mr.Prosecutor stealing the glory from the City Hunter. It tapped into the core of what I love about hero fiction, in illustrating the cost of being an idealist in a corrupt world. Jin-pyo arrives and is told the president is waiting for him, and is led inside. I was searching for that too. PROBABLY MY FAVORITE DRAMA OF ALL TIME (or at least for a very long time). It was a bit ambiguous and seemed a tad rushed. :). I have been reading your recaps and not fully watched ep 20, but i have to say, I do really need to start and watch from beginning to end because it really is worth watching a second time (since I kinda started from ep 6), But all in all, Javabeans and girlfriday's thoughts were both direct and on the point with what the show was really all about. I'm not sure... Anyways, I really do appreciate your recaps, Javabeans and Girlfriday! What a sad sad ending. BUt it just me, Honestly i love this drama alot for it's solid acting, directing. Choi stands by his choice, though: He doesn’t regret the compromise made because it will enable countless students’ educations. I bet he made an anonymous call anyways abt finding a body and then let the police take care of it. I AM SO CONFUSED and I WANT an extension or another episode that will clear things up! Nana rushes to his side. *sobs*). par natasha henstridge » mar. have I gone crazy? jb.. thank you very much. *Seriously! Biographie fictive. Only they manage to kill off the one that matter to us the most. Good thinking :) City Hunter is a perfect drama, but surely a well-made open-ending that craves you for more. I'm so impressed with Korea's television programming! I would’ve liked more interaction, more words, more time, even if the end result were just as open-ended. i mean, that scene with jin pyo and yoon sung holding hands, bleeding out... that's like.. their first moment of real openness wasn't it? I love every word of what you've written, if only because the love for this show causes people to be rude and reactionary to the point of demeaning your personal character when you point out the flaws that people do not recognize or do not think are pertinent to the enjoyment of the show. emotional ride u would expect will coming for some character in such circumstances, didn't show! (It wasn’t airtight, but it was well-thought-out and developed well.) And then, the sliding door to the adjoining room opens, and there stands Yoon-sung: “I had no idea you were so skilled in striking deals, Mr. President.”. 1) was when Young-ju's co-worker was mourning the loss, and yelling at Yoong-sung for coming to the wake. I…just want to live an ordinary life…happily with you. ;), yeah, no point in reading people's unhappiness abt CH when you are so happy!! Prosecutor in Episode 19 turns out to be the actual climax of the drama, and all that comes afterwards in Episode 20 is just a very long dénouement, mostly tedious but occasionally sparkling. Thinking of the possible conflict, Nana contemplates her own gun. Pour ceux que ça intéresse, j'ai d'ailleurs retrouvé l'intégralité des épisodes sur wat.tv ! "- gf, * now, that would be wayyy a better finale. In strategizing their next move, Team City Hunter focus their attention on Senator Lee Young-taek, who is under investigation for taking bribes regarding Chun’s privatized medical care bill. Now with Young-ju gone, he practically mandates that Yoon-sung do the right thing, without distractions or wavering or letting personal feelings interfere with the truth. "if only because the love for this show causes people to be rude and reactionary to the point of demeaning your personal character when you point out the flaws that people do not recognize or do not think are pertinent to the enjoyment of the show.". Salut a toutes (les "tous", comme Nicky, j'm'en tape, peuh!). That’s why the death of Young-ju is so fitting in an ideological sense, because he was the most upright defender of justice, who paid the gravest price. Stick to your guns, they're good ones! We have such ideas for another season! Lee Minho's acting BEYOND impressed me (yes, many may argue differently but my expectations of him were perhaps a little to begin with, so I was REALLY pleasantly surprised). Exactly. I wanted you to think just once of me, and stop. Sujet: Re: réimpression de tomes par Panini! People want this amendment to pass because tuitions are too high, but the people with power are the politicians and rich fat cats. "Yoon-sung at Young-ju’s grave, overlooking the city he’s sworn to protect. I'd like to believe that he lived but considering the last few scenes that were shown...it's possible that the YS that NN saw was just a figment of her imagination. Lost reputation Definitely one for the reruns; this is the first kdrama over 16 episodes where I felt the extra two weeks were justified and gripping, rather than fluffy filler. Yet, I'm still having conflicting emotions about the ending and whether even a second season will live up to the drama's potential. i would have traded his death with NN. So, I am guessing that Lee Min Ho alone could not carry this drama. ha..with that all said. What? wow...i can't believe it's over! LOL then how do you explain the subsequent scene where YS drives alone into the "road ahead" looking badass as ever as city hunter? RIP Young-Ju and be happy Nana & Yoon Sung! Ariel Way Shepherds Bush LONDON W12 7GF . 您辛苦呢!thank you!!! But at least he’s a man who understands that his actions will have consequences: He tells Yoon-sung that he’ll be grateful if he’s the one to handle this. The ending leaves me feeling wistful and bittersweet at the cost it took to get to this point of resolution, but the series signs off with enough openness that I can imagine my own continuation of the story from here. he kept fighting for this bloody revenge but his death...it made me tear up. Vidéos à découvrir. Their not even miles apart on that scene for not be able to touch. "a close-up shot on her hand and we find the RING" that would have been perfect. (about jin-pyo sacrificing himself for yoon-sung and declaring himself city hunter before dying.). Out of all the people. He’s a necessary figure in passing the president’s amendment. 09 juil. Nana has been keeping watch with the bodyguards outside, but picks up on a strange noise and heads off in search of the potential trouble. 11 juil. But okay, we’re being figurative here. Thanks JB for the recap. ?....who knows what may lay ahead but it was one of the most rewarding and thrilling ride ever. but, everyone said he is alive bec. 2006 01:20, Message When Sang-gook hears the latest news, things finally click into place for him. Wait…she’s not hallucinating, is she? He didn’t kill those special agents himself, either. Wow! what happened to the ring? That being said, I can't wait for Season 2. literally gasped out loud. Beaten to a bloody pulp by Chun Jae-man’s minions, Young-ju dies, hand clasped in Yoon-sung’s. Nicky Larson Private Eyes est un film réalisé par Kenji Kodama avec les voix de Vincent Ropion, Danièle Douet. from the fragmented promotion stills (which you thoughtfully put together and gave a storyline to, tyvm :P) to this epic epic ending.... it has been a blast. I agree 100%! I do respect the opinions of people who like CH. As for the lead guys acting, he did take the repression of emotion bit a bit far, so to make he seem wooden. In addition, it seemed that the story seemed to swallow him whole, rather than the other way around. Lee accepts the deal and leaves, at which point Choi’s expression darkens. Didn't think of it that way. Super Girl City Hunter 2 - Yasuyuki OKAMURA fin 4. Phew, relief. Dvd City Hunter revient dans une toute nouvelle édition DVD intégrale . Yoon-sung: “Because of faith. Jin-pyo turns his gun from Yoon-sung to President Choi — and there Yoon-sung is, with the choice to let one of his fathers die. Lost son Signaler. Who cares of a lonesome hero when there's a lovable Nana Bear heroine right in the corner?! :), If he was not real, NN went crazy at the end, no? Love Love Love Love Love Love Love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 11 août 2009 00:22 Salut a toutes (les "tous", comme Nicky, j'm'en tape, peuh! Not happy news for him. Pensez à vous présenter dans le sujet prévu à cet effet, dans la rubrique. What timing. I cant thank you enough. the female lead should have been casted with someone else. Long live my Flamingo Dreams. Yoon-sung's nightmare's came true except instead of Nana it was Jin-pyo... City Hunter.... when will there be someone like you again? Sang-gook pleads for Jin-pyo to end this now, to restore honor to the dead and stop there. The harder you insist now, the more disgraceful this is going to be later…. I found a rip on youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtBZYoL5_AU&feature=related, I don't think that instrumental will ever be released. l'anime de City hunter ne se termine pas comme le manga. City Hunter 3 Ending 1 : Atsuku Naretara. The fact that Jin-pyo sacrificed his life for Yoon-sung to live "normally" is perfect bc Yoon-sung didn't choose to be taken away and brought up in the harsh, deadly environment that turned him into the City Hunter. I did not cry or shed a tear at all... *sigh. For instance, the scene with Nana and Yoon-sung definitely should have had some dialogue. Your enthusiasm was engaging. Overall, Show.. you were- Synopsis. Jin-pyo ignores him, as usual. Ryô Saeba, alias City Hunter est considéré comme le plus redoutable des détectives privés. Plusieurs rééditions ont vu le jour au format bunko et kanzenban. The ambiguous ending and well drawn and apparently under-utilised secondary characters would make very fertile ground for another series. Oh wow, I never even made the speculation that the particular scene in question would've entailed a ghost of YS?! And then, we rejoin our characters an unspecified time later. Seems to me she has had a maximum of three expressions on her face during the show. Your email address will not be published. Tags: City Hunter, featured, Lee Min-ho, Park Min-young, Your email address will not be published. Yoon-sung reaches out his arm toward his fallen father, and with difficulty, father and son inch their fingers toward each other until they can clasp their hands together, both lying amid their own blood. Create New Account. Welcome to kdramaland! or skip the whole love thing. that would have been amazing. The roller-coaster ride is finally done, but it was amazing while it lasted. Depressed now cos it's going to be taken off the "In progress" banner down below ...LOL. So unexpected. And Young-ju! EXACTLY! Cynthia, I am slow so I don't get the Flamingo Dreams...Care to explain? What you couldn’t finish, I’ll do it for you. They way he dies is so thematically perfect, and consistent with character. How is it that from the comments that you have posted, you seem only to be interested to applaud, support and agree with the commentators whose comments seem to voice their dislike of CH? :(, another wonderful drama at an end. Fin Hunter Sportfishing, Morehead City, NC. President Choi gets off with no punishment or jail time, other than a hint of impeachment. and i am still upset with YJ's death. Cet article présente la liste des épisodes de la série télévisée d’animation japonaise Nicky Larson (City Hunter).. Légende : Les épisodes originaux exclusifs à l'anime et qui ne sont pas adaptés du manga sont surlignés en couleur. i don't know. The way he smiled and took Yoon-sung's hand at the end was so bittersweet for me! par Kawabunga » mar. The City Hunter! I've been waiting for your recap! i said that because i didn't get the concrete final i was hoping for? UK Distance Chart (Distance Table): For your quick reference, below is a Distance Chart or Distance Table of distances between some of the major cities in UK. He says that in politics you have causes that require you to make deals, and there’s no other way to effect change. i think that would have been an interesting twist. I loved the relationship they had, even though it was cruel at times, and that they still loved each other in the end no matter if they were related by blood or not. i found her character unfitting for the role of a bodyguard and too immature(?). Writing is abit lacking for me because I expect more. and then maybe not even show the transaction, but a close-up shot on her hand and we find the RING?!?!!?! what am i supposed to look forward to now every week :'(. And what happened to the vet afterwards? This finale hits all the right notes for me, wrapping up the plot and giving us some emotional payoffs along with the narrative resolutions, and doing it with suspense, tension (my blood pressure is still spiked, I swear), and satisfaction. Yoon-sung and Nana reuniting: No ring? par cloeg » mer. It’s beautiful to look at, scored with music that fit every mood, and boasts a gorgeous melancholy ambiance; it would have made me a fan even before we got to the tight plot. NN saw him. City Hunter may have gone killed me dead. (The YS/Nana version of that scene is indeed evocative of Romeo & Juliet, which I found utterly poignant as a teenager but incredibly indulgent as an adult.). Yoon-sung is stunned at this admission, but not swayed from his own cause. Voici donc le deuxième générique de fin de cette deuxième série en cours de diffusion sur la chaîne mangas. MAybe because I just watch some good revenge drama before this such as Mawang. js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js"; All I can say is that Jin Pyo genuinely loved his adopted son. Thank you! The speculation is OVER. Season 2 would be lovely, but that just means I'd be suffering a very bad post-drama breakdown if it's as good as this one. and then proceed to applaud those commentators for being 'bold' for voicing their dislike/hate or disappointment with CH... well dad saying he was city hunter was on the cards early on, once he starting killing people and the deaths linked to city hunter, the only way yoon-sung would have any chance at a normal life was is someone took the fall for all City hunter actions, and he was the logical one to do so, add that to the fact he was a killer and a drug lord. The faith that soldiers who enlist to protect their country have that their country will protect them.

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