chiss ascendancy
The Redoubt[13] The war was ended after the capture of the Colony's leader, Raynar Thul, and the destruction of the Dark Nest with the death of Lomi Plo after the death of Welk. Mitth'raw'nuruodo refused their offer. [4] However, Thrawn was unimpressed with the state of the Republic and believed it to be unfit for an alliance with the Chiss. [4] The fleet used several types of starships, including Chiss warships[1] and Chiss shuttles. It also gave the Ascendancy control over large tracts of the Unknown Regions. During the later stages of the Yuuzhan Vong War, the Chiss joined the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances in the fight against the invaders, and apparently maintained closer relations with the Galactic Alliance following the peace treaty. Societal information Chiss Ascendancy[17] Sometime later during his exploration of the Outer Rim after the end of the Clone Wars, he discovered a colony of refugee Neimoidians where colonists warned him of the tyranny of the Galactic Empire, and attempted to persuade him to bring the Chiss against the New Order. Eventually the Chiss were able to outmaneuver the Nikarduns in a battle near the Vak homeworld of Primea, taking Yiv into custody.[2]. Chiss belief in rigid discipline was further seen within their armed forces and they made use of superior technology when required in order to hold enemy forces at bay. [Source]. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. [2], When the Sith Empire returned in 3681 BBY to fight the Republic once more during the Great Galactic War and the Cold War, the Chiss Ascendancy was the only actual ally of the Empire, unlike all the species that the Empire subjugated, and some Chiss were known to serve as Imperial Agents. Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. Stations [Source], In total, the Ascendancy consisted of Csilla and twenty-eight inhabited colonies, although the Ascendancy contained several hundred thousand star systems within or near its borders. The Ascendancy was governed by many complicated systems of bureaucracy including a mostly democratic parliament. Help us improve this article by referencing valid resource material. While their history was marked by nearly continual warfar… 1. This would eventually lead to all out war against the species when Jacen Solo and his friends executed a sneak attack on Supply Depot Thrago to prevent Jacen's catastrophic vision from coming true. Site of the city of Csaplar and the Expeditionary Library. Exiting hyperspace above Batuu, Jedi General Anakin Skywalker intercepted him, where Thrawn sought Skywalker's assistance in learning of the Clone Wars and helped the Jedi Order, as well as Senator Padmé Amidala, against the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Third Vagaari War The leaders of the Chiss did not use names, but instead wore colorful robes to distinguish themselves. [3] Its existence was primarily for purposes relating to exploration and peacekeeping, only used for war in the most extreme of cases, as well as defending both the Chiss homeworld and it colonies. Head of state [4] Years later he would be sent to the Galactic Empire's territory in order to assess its power and determine its viability as an ally against threats that lurked in the Unknown Regions, just beyond the bounds of Chiss territory. Philosophically speaking, the Ascendancy vindicated its positions through a kind of utilitarian lens, the Chiss themselves being an empirically-minded species. As a consequence, they had the power to pass legislation and bless decisions to be instituted across the Ascendancy.[1]. The Csapla's redistribution of resources amongst the Chiss colonies and Csilla was particularly important, given the collectivist-socialist economic system of the Chiss, and led to their relative position at the head of the families, with the others acting in an advisory role. Most notably, the Aristocra effectively constituted what was essentially the governmental hierarchy and bureaucracy of the Chiss, known as the Syndicure. You're my only hope. [1], By the time of the Clone Wars, the Ascendancy was an empire which controlled a large part of the Unknown Regions.[6]. Despite their isolationism, Chiss goods, like charrics, could be found in Republic markets by 3951 BBY. [4], The Chiss language was known as Cheunh, while written communication was done in Chiss script. After Nightswan's defeat, Thrawn offered a position in the Ascendancy to Vanto, who accepted. They preferred to extend themselves only from a defensive posture, although they were exposed to threats in the Unknown Regions and Outer Rim, such as the Ssi-ruuk and the threat of the Vagaari (who fought three wars with the Chiss), the Yuuzhan Vong War in which is the reason Thrawn went to Palpatine in the first place, to help defeat the threat of the Yuuzhan Vong in the Unknown regions, and the later Killik incursion. General information Help us. Societal information [1], While the Ascendancy was not inherently expansionistic, it often sent ships beyond its borders for the purposes of exploration and research. Rata Nebula[9] The Chiss were governed by an oligarchy of extended Ruling Families from House Palace, located in the city of Csaplar. Each of the extended ruling families was responsible for a set of government affairs to manage: House Sabosen was responsible for social issues such as justice, health, and education; House Inrokini was responsible for industry and science; House Csapla was responsible for colonial affairs, agriculture and redistribution of resources; and House Nuruodo was responsible for military and foreign affairs. At some point, they became supporters of a company known as Visionous Incorported, an originally Chiss controlled company, which would later form into the Independant System of Kamino. Cheunh[3] The Chiss cared a great deal for its sovereignty and the lengths that the government went to in order to avoid compromising even the location of its coordinates resulted in the Chiss' becoming a species shrouded in a certain curious air of mystery. Chiss society, aka the Ascendancy, is ruled by two main bodies: the Aristocra and the Military. Organization type Yuuzhan Vong War Other objects It is requested that this article, or a section of this article, be expanded. Prior to the Sith Wars[2] Sometime after its incorporation, a majority of the population of the Chiss capital of Csilla were forced offworld by changes in the planet's climate. See the request on the listing or on this article's talk page. Vanto rendezvoused with Chiss Admiral Ar'alani[1] and was given a position aboard the warship Steadfast. "[4], Much like how the Galactic Empire showed prejudice towards aliens, the Chiss Ascendancy was known for distrusting humans. The insect creatures, the Killiks were disrupting Chiss space. Unknown Regions[9] [1] By the time Thrawn left, there were stirrings of political conflict in the Ascendancy, but he assumed the Aristocra would settle their issues, as they had numerous times before. Despite his aid in helping the Empire to map the Unknown Region's hyperspace routes, Thrawn decided to withhold the location of Chiss worlds and bases. Nine Ruling Families[2] [3] They were identified with the ability to use the Sight to act as navigators for the CDF and were known as ozyly-esehembo, the Chiss word for "sky-walker. The Chiss Ascendancy, sometimes termed Chiss Space or the Chiss Empire by outsiders, was a portion of the galaxy just inside the Unknown Regions that was ruled by the Chiss. This allowed for them not only to successfully map and chart numerous expanses throughout Wild Space and the Unknown Regions, but also to discover the existence of forces that could serve as grave threats to the Chiss species.[1]. Bogo Rai[7] Local conflict Thrawn was then brought before Galactic Emperor Sheev Palpatine on the galactic capital of Coruscant in order to be questioned on the threats lurking within the Unknown Regions. Thrawn meets the Emperor for the first time. Oligarchy[1] The Chiss Ascendancy, sometimes termed Chiss Space or the Chiss Empire by outsiders, was a portion of the galaxy just inside the Unknown Regions that was ruled by the Chiss. There were multiple military ranks used in the Chiss Defense Fleet, including the ranks of admiral and commander.[4]. Head of state [2], During the Nikardun conquests, the Chiss Ascendancy's capital of Csilla suffered at least two attacks. Parts of this article have been identified as no longer being up to date. In reality, the Emperor now sought to take control of the Chiss, intending to use Thrawn to do so. Crustai system[11] Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. This article or section needs to be cleaned up to conform to a higher standard of article quality. The Galactic Alliance would eventually be caught up in the mix once they realized it was the Dark Nest's influence on the colony that was provoking the war. [2], The power held by the ruling families was that from which the legitimacy of the Aristocra's authority fundamentally derived. [3], The secrets of Second and Third Sights were among the best kept secret in the Chiss Ascendancy, to such an extent that many Chiss themselves were unaware of their full extent or even their existence. Although military service was an important component of Chiss culture and heritage, the very notions of conquest and aggressive expansionism were almost universally disdained by society, and such actions would be in fundamental defiance of military protocol. Copero[10] [7], During the Sith–Imperial War, the Chiss were dragged into the conflict on the Fel Empire's side when Fehlaaur'aitel'loro, the Chiss diplomat to the Empire, was made a Moff, the head of the Imperial Diplomatic Corps and placed on the Moff Council.[8]. However, it maintained some control over Ascendancy by making heads of Chiss houses high-ranking officials within the new Empire. Ar'alani later would question Thrawn about his loyalties, but he reassured her that his true loyalty lied with the Chiss Ascendancy and not the Empire. Historical information Emperor Palpatine also spoke to Thrawn, who admitted that the Chiss force breached Imperial space, but stated it was to warn the Empire of the Grysks, and said that the Grysk presence in the Kurost sector proved that they had an active interest in the Empire. Order of Zildrog campaign Because of this, the Chiss were as isolationist as possible. The Chiss Ascendancy, sometimes termed Chiss Space or the Chiss Empire by outsiders, was a portion of the galaxy just inside the Unknown Regions that was ruled by the Chiss. There were nine ruling families which held further responsibilities within the Ascendancy. They rarely engaged in trade with those outside their borders. Chiss[5] The formation of the Chiss Army and Navy was tributary, with each Chiss colony world sending a complete phalanx to Csilla for command by the Nuruodo family. Our government resides in Chiss Space and our borders are defended by the mighty Chiss Expansionary Defense Force. Remove this message when finished. The Chiss were a proud and resourceful species. The Chiss Ascendancy, sometimes termed the Chiss Empire by outsiders, was a portion of the galaxy just inside the Unknown Regions that was ruled by the Chiss. Chiss Expansionary Defense Force Parts of this article have been identified as no longer being up to date. The Aristocra unilaterally oversaw and supported the upkeep of the Chiss Defense Force, the Chiss Ascendancy's military. There were two military organizations: the Chiss Expansionary Defense Force and the Colonial Phalanxes, which were both led by the Nuruodo family. The Ascendancy encountered a number of aliens before retreating to their borders. But being isolationist, it almost never involving itself in affairs that existed beyond the bounds of its own space, even keeping it hidden from other powers and was not inherently expansionistic, instead pursuing exploration and research. This article needs appropriate citations. The history of the Ascendancy was long and ancient, dating as far back as the Sith Wars between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. [4], Prior to the Nikardun conquests, the Chiss Ascendancy launch a series of operations against Vagaari pirates. The Chiss hailed from Csilla, a planet located in the so-called Unknown Regions of the galaxy. When Imperial Commander Eli Vanto served the Chiss Defense Fleet, the Chiss treated him similarly[3] to how Grand Admiral Thrawn was treated when he joined the Empire. Observing the space battle, Vanto and the Chiss officers realized that the surviving Grysk starfighters are returning to their warships to inform newer reinforcements about their enemy's defenses. Thrawn: Alliances, Thrawn: Treason, Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising–class. Organization type This helped ensure that decisions were reached in a fair and equitable method. Chasdemonus Route[5]Cressus Route[5]Path of the Houses[5]Phalanx Route[5]Sparkle Run[5]Vaagari Corridor[5]Way of Schesa[5] Each family was equally represented in the Chiss government, although they went to great lengths to ensure that family identity was eliminated wherever possible. Although the four extended ruling families were not known to face power struggles, five lesser clans often vied for greater authority and power, such as House Chaf, which was considered the fifth ruling family. Hiding beneath the asteroid was an armed Grysk warship. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Chiss Parliament In 965 BBY, the Ascendancy passed the Non-Aggression Law, prohibiting preemptive warfare. 2. Systems Diplomatically speaking, on those rare occasions when the Ascendancy did engage in intergalactic matters, the Ascendancy displayed its pacifistic ethos by taking a benevolent approach in its dealings. The Chiss were able to defeat the Vagaari, but, while the operations were a success in a military sense, they were a political disaster for the Ascendancy and caused uproar in the higher echoes of Chiss society. This fleet was considered to be a tool of foreign affairs rather than a military asset. [4], With the Command Articles guided the Chiss Defense Fleet and set out it laws. The leaders of the Chiss did not use names, but instead wore colorful robes to distinguish themselves. Mitth'raw'nuruodo "Thrawn" encountered General Anakin Skywalker during the Clone Wars. Palpatine believed Thrawn would be killed if he committed treason against the Empire, and he questioned if Thrawn could be manipulated or persuaded into betraying the Ascendancy if he was loyal to the Empire. Thrawn also seeks out those who could be of great use to the Chiss, by this he sent Vanto to the Ascendancy as an Imperial liaison, where he believed that he could be a great help to the Chiss. Chiss Defense Force[2] Sector capital Although the four extended ruling families were not known to face power struggles, five lesser clans often vied for greater authority and power, such as House Chaf, which was considered the fifth ruling family. The Chiss Ascendancy was the oligarchic autocracy and empire of the near-human Chiss located inside the Unknown Regions of the galaxy which was highly secretive and strictly isolationist to outsiders, preferring a libertarian approach to the wider galaxy, and was regarded as mostly a legend even within the Unknown Regions. Before leaving, Ar'alani ordered her crew to salvage the debris from the Grysk warship. In addition to being given the rank of lieutenant, he was tasked with studying codified information about the Ascendacany's Force-sensitive navigators. Aristocratic oligarchy Chiss Ascendancy Official language Thrago[18] The military of the Chiss Ascendancy consisted of a well trained and well armed force which protected a number of advanced and orderly worlds within its sphere of influence. Chiss Space 3. In the Chiss Ascendancy 1. Standard and day-to-day decisions were made by a democratically elected parliamentary body from each of the 28 colonies. Even so, such external dealings were only carried out if they were somehow seen as being beneficial to Chiss interests, or if specific circumstances had the potential to produce consequences that could have a negative impact on the Ascendancy in the future. Chiss belief in rigid discipline was further seen within their armed forces and they made use of superior technology when required in order to hold enemy forces at bay. It further role was to monitor battles between other factions and governments across the galaxy. When the Fel Empire's last Empress died, the Chiss Ascendancy stopped supporting the Empire. The Chiss shuttle was also referred to as a Chiss courier ship. Please update the article to reflect recent events, and remove this template when finished. Untitled Obi-Wan Kenobi television series, How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, [4], At some point prior to 1000 BBY, the Brotherhood of Darkness raided the Unknown Regions to bolster their own forces. Despite this, the Ascendancy always exercised extreme caution when doing so, taking measures to ensure that the location of Chiss Space would remain hidden, even to leaders of other galactic governments. [2], The Chiss Ascendancy had records of many battles against the Grysk Hegemony, including some that they participated in and others they simply observed the Grysk. During the Imperial Era, they were being ruled by a government known as the Chiss Ascendancy.Despite their secrecy, one Chiss known as Thrawn became an officer of the Galactic Empire. As part of this operation, a regiment of Chiss were relocated to Thule. Aristocra House Nuruodo would be ranked as second, considering the importance of warfare on Chiss society. Exiting hyperspace, the Steadfast deploys plasma spheres to draw away the Grysk warship's laser fire. Information on all planets and star systems visited by the Chiss were kept in the Expeditionary Library on Csilla. While their history was marked by nearly continual warfare and conquest of other worlds, the Chiss were generally not violent. [4] On his "exile" planet, Thrawn was taken by Imperial Captain Voss Parck without resistance. The Csapla's redistribution of resources amongst the Chiss colonies and Csilla was particularly important, given the collectivist-socialist economic system of the Chiss, and led to their relative position at the head of the families, with the others acting in an advisory role. Date established Affiliation Csilla[5] Chiss Ascendancy [5] During the Clone Wars, the Ascendancy held diplomatic meetings with the Republic, with Aristocra Sev'eere'nuruodo meeting with the Republic's representative, the Chiss Jedi Padawan Kung'urama'nuruodo. The Chiss were a highly advanced society, believing to have technology which surpassed the known galaxy technology by 2,000 years, and stayed far ahead of advancements within the known galaxy. Csilla—ice-girt homeworld and political capital of the Chiss. Military branch The Chiss Defence Force included the Chiss Expansionary Defense Fleet,[2] the Ascendancy's naval arm. [1] Most Chiss names were multi syllabic and consisted of three distinct parts, as in Mitth'raw'nuruodo. The Ascendancy had discovered a mysterious threat in the Unknown Regions, and wished to know if the Galactic Republic would be a suitable ally against the threat. Historical information The Chiss were a highly advanced society, believing to have technology which surpassed the known galaxy technology by 2,000 years, and stayed far ahead of advancements within the known galaxy. The Chiss Ascendancy and Galactic Empire were allies during the Imperial Era. Such would be the case during the Clone Wars, in which the Chiss officer Mitth'raw'nuruodo was sent into Republic space to analyze the conflict, during which he had an encounter with the Jedi Order and Anakin Skywalker. Each of the 28 colonies was protected by a phalanx, which was commanded by a Syndic, or House leader, and responsible for handling any threats that slipped past the fleet. The Empire bombarded the enemy ship with turbolaser fire. With the blessing of the Aristocra, Thrawn chose a planet in Wild Space to begin his fake exile and gain the attention of the Galactic Empire—the then galactic government. Rhigar[12] At some point, they became supp… [Source]. Untitled Obi-Wan Kenobi television series, How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, The Clone Wars: Secret Missions 2: Curse of the Black Hole Pirates, The Clone Wars: Secret Missions 3: Duel at Shattered Rock, The New Jedi Order: Force Heretic I: Remnant, The New Jedi Order: Force Heretic II: Refugee, First Look: 'Traitor Among The Chiss' Teaser, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, Interview with Daniel Erickson at SWTOR Wiki, The New Jedi Order: Force Heretic III: Reunion, Brask Oto Command Station[9] Date established Though not initially part of the plan, he ended up infiltrating the ranks of the Imperial Navy, eventually achieving the rank of Grand Admiral. 4. This helped ensure that decisions were reached in a fair and equitable method.


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